[Adopted 9-13-2000 by Ord. No. O-00-18 (Secs. 7-66 to 7-68 of the 1985 Code)]
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
That the provisions of this article shall apply to the holders of the offices of Mayor, Alderman at Large, Ward Alderman, Board of Education, Fire Commissioner and Public Works Commission and to candidate for any of these offices.
Any money or thing of value received in excess of $50. "Gift" shall not include contributions as defined in NRO Article IV; a commercially reasonable loan made in the ordinary course of business; meals and beverages consumed in the course of official business; ceremonial gifts or awards which have insignificant monetary value; unsolicited gifts of nominal value or trivial items of informational value; reasonable expenses for food, travel and lodging for an in-state meeting at which the elected official participates in a panel or a speaking engagement; gifts of tickets or free admission extended to an elected official to attend charitable or political events, if the purpose of such gift or admission is a courtesy customarily extended to the office; gifts that are purely private and personal in nature; or gifts from relatives by blood or marriage, or a member of the same household.
A payment in excess of $50 to an elected official for services on which no fee is set or legally obtainable.
An affair of any kind of nature including, but not limited to, receptions, breakfasts, luncheons, dinners, dances, or picnics intended to raise funds on behalf of an elected official.
[Amended 3-22-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-59]
Every elected official shall file a statement semiannually with the City Clerk by June 1 and December 1, on a form adopted by the Clerk, showing any income received by the official during the calendar year from testimonials, gifts, honorariums, donations, or any other source, when the receipt of such income is attributable to the office held by the official. This report shall not include campaign contributions, income received by the official in his or her regular course of employment or business or salary, mileage, or expense payments made to the official by the City for performance of official duties for the calendar year. The statement shall give in alphabetical order the full name, post office address, occupation, and principal place of business if any, of all contributors who gave an individual or an aggregate total of more than $50 of such income and the date received. The statement shall be a public record under RSA 91-A. For the purpose of this section, "income attributable to the office held by the official" means any gift, honorarium, or testimonial income which is received by an official in his or her official capacity, and which would not have been received by the official but for the office he or she holds.
[Added 3-22-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-59]
Any elected official who has any outstanding debt, obligation, or surplus following a filing required by this article shall continue to file reports by June 1 and December 1 of each subsequent year in the same financial disclosure form as required under this article until the obligation or indebtedness is entirely satisfied or surplus deleted, at which time a final report shall be filed; provided, however, that an election official may amend, update, or submit a final report at additional times other than those required under this section.
Each elected official shall disclose any gift or honorarium the official received in excess of $50 and the nature and value of such gift. Each elected official shall disclose income received from an individual contributor through gifts and honorariums or, through gifts or honorariums which exceeds that individual contributor's aggregate total of $50.
For testimonials, each elected official shall disclose the total amount of income received, the expenses of holding the testimonial, and the testimonial net income raised after paying those expenses. Each elected official shall also disclose income received from individual contributors in excess of $50, and shall follow the disclosure requirements of § 23-23.