[NRO 1975, T. 9, §§ 1106 and 1108 (Secs. 8-1 to 8-3 of the 1987 Code); amended 10-12-1978 by Ord. No. O-78-100]
Whenever the Chief of the Fire Department or his designee finds that a structure, or any part thereof, is vacant and unsafe, he shall give notice and order, as provided in this chapter, to the person responsible to secure such structure or part thereof as herein provided.
A structure will be deemed secured when all openings, including all doors and windows, in the exterior of the structure which are on the first or grade floor, or which lead to any structural appurtenance, are enclosed as provided in this section.
The term "enclosed" shall mean that all existing doors shall be closed and locked and that all other openings shall be covered with plywood of at least three-eighths-inch thickness, fitted to seal the opening, and extending no more than 1 1/2 inches beyond all exterior edges of the opening. This plywood shall be fastened to the building with sixpenny (6d) cement-coated nails or one-and-one-half-inch No. 10 wood screws at each corner and every 12 inches to prevent its removal by persons not authorized by the landowner.
[Amended 3-12-1985 by Ord. No. O-84-79]
Any person who shall fail to comply with an order of the Chief of the Fire Department or his designee, under this chapter, shall upon conviction thereof be subject to punishment as provided in § 1-12 of the City Code at the discretion of the court. Every day a violation continues after due notice has been served in accordance with Section F-105.0 of the BOCA Basic Fire Prevention Code adopted by the City shall be deemed a separate offense.