[Adopted 9-27-2005 by Ord. No. 22-2005]
It is hereby determined to be the policy of the Township Committee of the Township of Westampton that no member of the Township governing body of the Township of Westampton shall serve as a Township Committeeperson in the event that such Committeeperson shall stand and be elected to either the Burlington County Board of Chosen Freeholders or a seat within the New Jersey Legislature.
In the event that a Westampton Township Committeeperson stands for and wins election to a county or state elective position, it is the policy of the Township of Westampton that said Committeeperson shall not run again for re-election to the Township Committee if the person is still serving as either a County Freeholder or a State Legislator.
In the event of an election to the Burlington County Board of Chosen Freeholders or to a state legislative position, the Township Committeeperson shall surrender his/her current seat on the Westampton Township Committee no later than the end of the calendar year in which such Committeeperson has been elected to a superior office.
This dual office holding policy shall be incorporated as part of the Township of Westampton's Ethics Policy.