The I-2 Heavy Industrial Districts are primarily for general and heavy industrial uses and development, with provisions to help ensure that the integrity of nearby community development and the overall environmental quality of the community are safeguarded.
The following uses are permitted in an I-2 Heavy Industrial District, subject to Planning Board approval under the provisions of Article XI, Site Development Plan Review:
All those uses and buildings permitted in the I-1 Light Industrial District.
Commercial sand and gravel excavation, rock and stone crushing and mixing stone and gravel with asphaltic oils or other binders. Temporary permits (§ 130-79) may be considered for a mixing plant in other zoning districts when these are for a particular construction project of limited duration.
Solid waste management operations, including recycling center, waste-to-energy facilities and landfill disposal facilities, and accessory uses and buildings in conjunction with the foregoing uses.
The storage or processing of scrap metal, automobile graveyards or disassembly plants; the storage of secondhand building materials; or the storage, baling or treatment of junk, rags, bottles or scrap paper contained entirely within a building.
Other industrial uses which are not expressly prohibited in § 130-38 below and which, by their individual characteristics, are determined to be dissimilar in nature to those listed in said section.
The following uses are prohibited in the I-2 Heavy Industrial District:
Any process of assembly, manufacture or treatment of an unusually hazardous nature, including but not limited to such things as the manufacture and storage of fireworks and explosives and explosive or poisonous gases except as may be necessary and incidental to a permitted industrial process; the manufacture of illuminating gas and the storage of illuminating gas.
Roller coasters, merry-go-rounds, Ferris wheels and similar amusement features, except in connection with a carnival or circus having a special permit issued by the appropriate Town authority.
For establishments abutting residential districts, the same provisions as provided for under § 130-35 for L-1 Light Industrial Districts shall apply.
The maximum height of buildings shall be 50 feet.