Every occupant shall maintain in a clean and sanitary condition that part or those parts of the residential structure, dwelling unit and related premises thereof that is occupied or shared by said occupant.
Every occupant shall properly store and dispose in a tightly covered container all garbage, rubbish and all organic waste that might cause infestation.
Occupants shall not damage or impair the operation or functioning of the building's facilities, equipment and utilities. In addition, the equipment and fixtures furnished by the occupant shall be properly installed and maintained in good working condition.
Occupants shall be responsible for limiting occupancy of that part of the premises that they occupy or control to the maximum permitted by this code.
Occupants shall control domestic animals and pets in an appropriate manner; shall control the level of noise so as not to unduly disturb other occupants of the residential structure or the community at large; and shall control conditions from which excessive offensive odors may emanate and be discharged into the atmosphere of any public or shared area.
Occupants shall comply with fire safety regulations, shall not obstruct a safe, continuous means of egress and shall store flammable matter only as permitted by the Fire Department.