The interior of a residential building and its equipment shall be so maintained as to be sound, safe, clean, sanitary and functioning.
The supporting structural members of every residential building shall be maintained structurally sound, showing no evidence of deterioration that would render them incapable of carrying the imposed loads.
Floors, walls and ceilings of every residential building shall be maintained structurally sound, showing no evidence of deterioration that would render them incapable of carrying the imposed loads, and they shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
Walls and ceilings shall be considered to be structurally sound and in good repair when clean, free from cracks, breaks, loose plaster and similar conditions.
Interior stairs of every residential building shall be structurally sound and free from defects. They shall be securely fastened to supportive structural members and shall be capable of supporting normally imposed loads.
Properly balustraded railings, capable of bearing normally imposed loads, shall be placed on the open portions of stairways that are more than three (3) risers high and on balconies, landings and stairwells.
Treads or risers that evidence excessive wear or are broken, warped or loose shall be repaired or replaced.
Chimneys, and all flue and vent attachments thereto, and all other flues and vents in every residential building shall be structurally sound, free from defects and shall perform the functions for which designed and used.
Chimneys, flues, vents and other draft-producing equipment shall provide sufficient draft to develop the rated output of the connected equipment.
Chimneys, flue linings where required, flues, gas vents and their supports shall be structurally safe, durable, smoketight and capable of withstanding the action of flue gases.
Public spaces in residential buildings shall have a minimum height of seven (7) feet six (6) inches, measured from floor to finished ceiling.
Public spaces in residential buildings shall be provided with artificial light.
In multiple dwellings stairways and passageways shall be provided at all times with lighting so as to afford safe passage. Such lighting shall conform to the following:
A sufficient number of fixtures shall be provided so that the distance between fixtures is not more than thirty (30) feet and so that no wall is more than fifteen (15) feet from a fixture.
Incandescent lighting shall be based on not less than one-fourth (1/4) watt per square foot of floor area, except that each fixture shall have a lamp or lamps with a total of not less than forty (40) watts.
Fluorescent lighting shall be based on not less than one-tenth (1/10) watt per square foot of floor area, except that each fixture shall have a lamp or lamps of a total of not less than fifteen (15) watts.
In no case shall such lighting be less than five (5) footcandles of light at the tread or floor level at all times.
Where, under these formulas, the calculated wattage does not correspond to that of a standard lamp, the next larger size will be used.
Every laundry, furnace room and all similar nonhabitable work space shall have either adequate natural or artificial lighting available at all times.
In two-family houses, an on/off switch shall be conveniently located at both ends of a shared stairway and passageway, to be used when necessary. Wattage and footcandle requirements shall comply with Subsection B above.
Public spaces shall be provided with either natural ventilation, conforming to the requirements for habitable space or with approved mechanical ventilation.
The interior of every residential building shall be maintained free from rubbish and garbage that might become a health, accident or fire hazard.
Durable nonporous containers with tight-fitting lids shall be provided for temporary storage of rubbish, garbage and other refuse.
Inflammable materials shall be stored safely or removed from the premises.
The interior of every residential building shall be free from insect, vermin and rodent infestation. Where infestation harborage or breeding areas of said pests exist, such areas, harborage or infestation shall be eliminated.
If a residential building, accessory structure or the adjoining outdoor premises is found by the Enforcement Officer to be infested with such pests, a notice shall be served upon such owner to correct such infestation. The owner, being so notified, shall take immediate and necessary measures to remedy the condition.
Removal, damaging or destroying of ratproofing measures is prohibited. No person shall remove, damage or destroy any part of any building, structure or other appurtenance of improved real estate premises intended to protect such premises against ingress of rodents nor in any way create a condition by which ingress for rodents is made possible. This subsection shall not apply where the interference with such ratproofing is made necessary in connection with lawful construction. Ratproofing so affected or destroyed shall be promptly restored.
In every residential building in which there is evidence of mouse infestation in any part thereof, the owner or occupant shall immediately trap, exterminate or employ other appropriate measures necessary to free the building of such infestation.
The owner shall be responsible for extermination of insects, vermin and rodents whenever such infestation occurs in one (1) dwelling unit of a two-family house or of a multiple dwelling if such infestation is caused by failure of the owner or operator to maintain such building in a rodentproof and reasonably insectproof and verminproof condition; or in two (2) or more dwelling units of a two-family house or of a multiple dwelling; or in the public or shared areas of such buildings.
The occupant shall be responsible for extermination of insects, vermin or rodents whenever such infestation occurs in a one-family house that she or he occupies or in a dwelling unit of a two-family house or of a multiple dwelling that she or he occupies, if such dwelling unit is the only one infested and if such infestation is due to conditions created by said occupant.
No person shall use in any residential building or accessory structure a fumigant or a liquid, solid or powdered insecticide or rodenticide for the destruction or control of insects, vermin, rodents or other pests in such a manner as to cause a nuisance or endanger the health or safety of the occupant, nor shall anyone engage in the business of fumigation or extermination in the Village of Pelham without a license issued by the New York State Department of Health.
Notification of fumigation is required. No person shall fumigate in any residential building without first giving twenty-four (24) hours' notice of such fumigation to this Department, the Fire Department and the Police Department. Notification shall include the location of the building or enclosed space to be fumigated, as well as its character and use, the type of fumigant, the date and time when such fumigation will be performed and the approximate time of completion.
Premises must be vacant prior to and during fumigation. No residential building or enclosed space shall be occupied by persons during the period of fumigation, and all necessary precautions and examinations shall be taken previous to such fumigation to assure that no person remains therein and also that all necessary precautions have been taken to safeguard the lives and health of all persons occupying buildings adjoining that in which the fumigation is to be performed.
No person shall use any rodenticide or insecticide poisonous to human life without first having given notice of twenty-four (24) hours to this Department of such use.
Notification of construction or demolition is required. No person, concern, company, corporation, etc., shall engage in the construction or demolition of any residential building within the Village of Pelham without first prebaiting for rodent control at least two (2) weeks before starting actual work and so notifying this Department in writing.
No person shall cause or allow to be caused by persons under his control any noxious fumes.
Exhaust openings for clothes dryers, heating units, cooking units, kitchen exhausts and other appurtenances that can create a nuisance shall be so located that the exhaust air discharging into the atmosphere will not create a nuisance.
No person shall engage in or allow surface coating by the spraying of asbestos or asbestos-containing materials.
Cellars, basements and crawl spaces in every residential building shall be reasonably free from dampness to prevent conditions conducive to decay or deterioration of the structure.
Cross ventilation shall be provided in every basement, cellar and crawl space, consisting of at least one (1) window, opening or vent located near each corner of the structure. The aggregate ventilation area shall be not less than one (1) square foot for every one hundred (100) lineal feet of wall space or one percent (1%) of the total area of the enclosed space, whichever is greater.
The owner of a multiple dwelling shall provide for the security of the occupants at all times by:
Maintaining proper lighting of all public and shared areas.
Ensuring that locks on all exterior doors are operable.
Ensuring that all windows have operable locks.
Providing an approved intercommunication system between the main entrance and dwelling units.
Prohibiting loitering in all public or shared areas.
Providing peepholes in entrance doors to dwelling units.
Providing and maintaining locked, tamperproof mailboxes.
Supplying, upon letting, keys that are necessary to the occupant, such as for entrance door to the dwelling unit, mailbox, main entrance door of building and entrance doors to public or shared areas to which the occupant is permitted access and which are kept locked, such as laundry rooms and storage areas.
Water fountains in public areas of a residential building shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition so as to prevent a health hazard.
Laundry room floors in residential buildings shall be maintained in a watertight condition.
Storage areas, for the use of occupants of a multiple dwelling, shall be maintained neat and orderly and shall be kept locked at all times to prevent theft or damage to the articles stored therein.
Lavatories and water closets for the use of employees or available to the public shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition and shall be well lighted and well ventilated. An adequate supply of clean toilet paper and single-service towels shall be provided at all times. The floors of such facilities shall be impervious to water and properly drained. No drinking cup, towel, hairbrush or comb shall be provided for common use therein or in a rest or locker room adjacent thereto.