[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Pelham 12-19-1978 by L.L. No. 8-1978. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this chapter is to provide for adequate and proper control of taxi service and fares within the Village of Pelham.
[Amended 9-17-2002 by L.L. No. 4-2002; 12-21-2004 by L.L. No. 8-2004]
From and after the date this chapter becomes effective, the owner of every taxicab and bus offered for hire in the Village of Pelham and used for the transportation of persons over or upon the streets of the Village of Pelham and every driver of any such taxicab or bus shall be licensed as herein provided. All vehicles operating as taxicabs shall bear a “taxicab” license plate and be registered and licensed with the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles as such. For purposes of this section, the term "offered for hire" shall include, but not be limited to, any vehicle that solicits passengers at the Pelham train station, solicits, advertises or markets the service targeted to residents in the Village of Pelham, or stops if hailed for service on the streets of the Village of Pelham.
[Amended 5-7-1985 by L.L. No. 4-1985]
All such licenses shall expire on the 31st day of December following dates of issuance unless suspended or revoked prior to that time. The Board of Trustees shall, by general resolution, establish a fee schedule fixing the amount of fees to be paid to the Village for the licenses required by this chapter. Such fee schedule so established may be amended from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees. No license required by this chapter shall be issued unless the Village has received the fee prescribed therefor. A license shall be considered lapsed if it is not renewed within the calendar year following the original issuance or renewal.
Such licenses shall be issued by the Mayor to such persons as he shall deem fit and proper for such trade or occupation and shall not be transferable. The licenses shall be countersigned by the Village Clerk who shall keep a record thereof and of the amount of the fee paid therefor, and, upon presentation of any such payment to the Village Treasurer of the required fee, the Village Treasurer shall endorse thereon his receipt of such fee, whereupon the license shall take effect.
An application for a license or renewal of an existing license shall be made on written forms provided by the Village and issued by the Police Department. The applicant shall furnish such information and photographs of himself as the Police Department may request. The Police Department shall make such inquiries and investigation as may be deemed necessary or advisable to furnish the Mayor with the information he may require and shall furnish a report to the Mayor with the recommendation of the Chief of Police or the Acting Chief of Police. Application for any renewal license shall be made not less than 30 days prior to the expiration of the license which it is sought to renew.
There shall be displayed in the interior of every vehicle required to be licensed hereunder, while in use, the license card issued to the owner thereof and also the license card issued to the driver thereof. Such license cards shall be displayed in the interior of the vehicle in full view of the passengers.
The defacing, obliterating or changing of any owner's or driver's license or license card shall be grounds for revocation of the license, and if such obliterating, defacing or changing shall occur without the fault of the licensee or if the license or card be lost, such fact shall be immediately reported to the Police Department, which shall issue a replacement upon payment of a fee of $0.50.
If the state registration number of the vehicle to be operated or driven is changed during the term of any owner's license, the owner shall immediately notify the Police Department of such change.
If the owner of any vehicle desires to substitute another vehicle in its place, he may do so, provided that he immediately notifies the Police Department and obtains such revised license as may be required, the charge for which shall be $5.
Any applicant who shall have been refused either such license by the Mayor may apply to the Board of Trustees for the license at a meeting of the Board. The Mayor may suspend any license until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees, and thereupon such license may be revoked or continued by the Board.
This chapter shall not apply to any bus operated under a franchise granted by the Village nor to any bus operated solely in the transportation of school children to or from school nor to the owner or driver of any such bus.
[Amended 9-17-2002 by L.L. No. 4-2002]
The Board of Trustees may establish by resolution a maximum price of rates or fare for service to and from points within the Village of Pelham collected by or paid to the owners, operators or drivers of taxicabs or vehicles licensed under this chapter.
All existing laws of this Village, the former Village of North Pelham and the former Village of Pelham Heights relating to the licensing of taxicabs or buses or drivers thereof are hereby repealed, but it is not intended to repeal any existing laws relating to the vehicles referred to in § 84-11 hereof or to drivers thereof, if there are any such laws.
[Added 11-19-1985 by L.L. No. 7-1985]
[Amended 9-17-2002 by L.L. No. 4-2002]
Every taxicab and bus required to be licensed under § 84-2 of this chapter shall be painted a uniform color as specified upon the issuance of the operator's license.
Every taxicab and bus requiring a license under § 84-2 of this chapter shall be identified by lettering permanently painted or placed on the exterior of both front doors of the vehicle on the panels below the windows stating the name of the taxicab licensee and the word "taxi," which lettering shall be of a minimum height of four inches and a maximum height of six inches.
Every such taxicab and bus operating in the Village of Pelham shall have permanently affixed to the forward position of the roof of the vehicle an electric fixture that shall bear the legend "taxi" or the name of the taxicab company or the word "Pelham" on the front and rear thereof, and which fixture shall be clearly lettered and shall be illuminated between sunset and sunrise.
[Amended 9-17-2002 by L.L. No. 4-2002]
Every such taxicab and bus shall be further clearly identified by the taxicab license number appearing on the rate card painted permanently on each rear fender of the taxicab in numbers at least six inches in height.
No vehicle shall be licensed until it has been thoroughly inspected and found to be in a safe condition for the transportation of passengers.
Every taxicab required to be licensed under § 84-2 of this chapter shall, in addition to having passed New York State motor vehicle inspection, at all times be equipped as follows:
[Amended 9-17-2002 by L.L. No. 4-2002]
The exterior body of the vehicle shall be kept clean, painted a uniform color and be free of rust.
The interior upholstery shall be kept clean and shall be free of any rips or tears.
The interior shall be vacuumed and dusted and the windows shall be cleansed thoroughly.
All mechanical and suspension systems shall be in working order.
The baggage compartment of every vehicle shall have a working lock and shall be clean and capable of holding passengers' baggage.
No smoking shall be permitted inside the cab at any time, including when the taxi is not in operation or use.
Cabs shall be air conditioned and heated so as to be capable of maintaining an interior temperature of 68° F. at all times.
Cabs shall be equipped with seat belts in the front and rear seats for as many passengers as are carried at any one time.
Windshields and glass shall be free of cracks.
The Mayor may revoke or suspend a license of any vehicle found to be unfit or unsafe for public patronage.
Inspection of vehicles shall be semiannually, June 1 and December 1. The inspection shall be performed by the Village Mechanic or by a private garage licensed as an inspection station, so designated by the Village, the cost of which is to be borne by the applicant.