[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Montville 6-12-1989 by Ord. No. O-A-3 (Part 150 of the 1991 Compilation); amended in its entirety 12-13-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-6. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this chapter shall be to promote public safety and convenience and enhance the new E-9-1-1 telephone system, by providing a rational street numbering system whereby addresses may be identified with the ease and speed which is essential to the quick response of emergency services, including police, fire fighting and medical care.
It shall be the duty of the Assessor's office to assign a number to every residential, commercial, industrial or other structure located on the premises abutting a public street or highway within the Town of Montville, except those structures such as barns, garages, or outbuildings which are located on the same premises as the numbered structures.
Every owner, shall, within 120 days of the effective date of this chapter, prominently display the street number on each structure owned, possessed or controlled by him/her, by placing said number upon such structure in the manner herein provided.
The numerals used to indicate the street identification number of buildings shall be located on the exterior front of the building and on a sign, post, mailbox, or other device located between the building and street.
Such numerals shall be a minimum of four inches high and be of a color contrasting to the background material to which they are affixed. The location of such numerals shall be sufficient to assure their visibility from the street, especially when the structure is set back from the street in such a manner that the numbers on the structure are not visible from the street.
For buildings containing more than one dwelling unit, which have entrances from the interior passageways, numerals shall be affixed within five feet of every door by which the building may be entered, and the unit number must be placed on each entry door to each unit.
No certificate of occupancy for new structures shall be issued until compliance with this chapter is completed. The compliance officer for enforcement of this section shall be the Building Official.
For the first offense, any person who violates any of the provisions of the foregoing sections shall be notified in writing from the Fire Marshal's office of said violation(s) and be given 30 days from the date of receipt of the notification to comply with said provisions. Failure to comply within said thirty-day period shall constitute a second offense.
For the second offense, a fine shall be imposed in the amount of $90, which sum shall be payable to the Montville Town Treasurer and deposited in the general fund. Additionally, notification of said second offense shall be given from the Fire Marshal's office of said violation(s), and the owner shall be given an additional 30 days from the date of receipt of the notification to comply with said provisions. Failure of the owner to comply shall constitute a third offense.
For the third offense, the Fire Marshal shall send notification in writing of said violation(s), and the owner shall be given an additional 30 days to comply with said provisions. Upon failure of the owner to comply, the Department of Public Works shall cause to be displayed numerals in such manner as to comply with the provisions of this chapter. The costs of installation shall be charged to the owner, and the Town of Montville may lien the property for said costs.