Type of Sign
Maximum Sign Area
(square feet)
Maximum Number of Signs
| ||
Signs giving name and address of the property and/or the occupant
1 per lot
Back of street line
| |
Signs pertaining to the sale, lease or rental of property on
which they are located
6 per sign
2 per lot
Back of street line
| |
Holiday decorations without commercial advertising
Back of street line
| |
Private directional signs
Back of street line
| |
Political or ideological signage, provided that:
| ||||
Such signage shall not be displayed for more than 60 consecutive
32 total on any one property
On private property so as not to obstruct sight lines or interfere
with pedestrian or vehicular traffic
| ||
Political signs pertaining to candidates, political parties
or political issues in a national, state or municipal election shall
be removed within 5 days after the election
| ||||
Any sign erected by the Town, state or federal government or
any branch or department thereof relating to traffic safety
Per Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
Per Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
| |
Directional signs or traffic signs (police approval required
if within street line)
Back of street line
Type of Sign
Maximum Sign Area
(square feet)
Maximum Number of Signs
| |
Signs pertaining to a home-based business permitted as an accessory
use of the lot
1 per lot
Back of street line
Signs giving the name of the farm on a wall of an accessory
Up to 3 per linear feet of wall where displayed
1 per farm
30 feet back of street line
Signs pertaining to and during the construction or repair of
property on which they are located
25 for all such signs
2 per lot
15 feet back of street line
Signs on the premises offering lots and/or homes for sale within
approved subdivisions; these signs shall not be displayed for more
than 12 months
25 per sign
2 per subdivision
15 feet back of street line
Special event signs of civic and nonprofit organizations on
the premises for not more than 90 days within any 12-month period
1 per lot
15 feet back of street line
Temporary special event sign for noncommercial or civic events
at the site of the event may be posted no sooner than 30 days prior
to the event and removed within 5 days of the event.
32 total
1 per lot
| |
Off-premises temporary signs announcing special events posted
no sooner than 30 days prior to the event and removed within 5 days
of the event
Up to 15 off-premises locations
Type of Sign
Maximum Sign Area
(square feet)
Maximum Number of Signs
| |
Signs in connection with special use permits authorized by Zoning
1 per lot
15 feet back of street line
Common directory sign for civic, educational and/or religious
organizations located in Somers (shall require consent of property
owner or approval of Highway Department having jurisdiction if within
street line)
50 total;
6 per sign
1 per major highway near the Town line
Type of Sign
Maximum Sign Area
(square feet)
Maximum Number of Signs
| |
Any sign permitted in a residential district without a zoning
permit is permitted in a business or industrial district subject to
the same requirements
See Section 214-7.1C(1).
| ||
Each business unit of occupancy above the first floor may display
a sign on the inside of each window serving said business unit of
6 total for all signs
1 per window
Portable sign placed on a business property during business
hours only, provided that such sign is not artificially illuminated
1 per property
Back of street line
Signs attached or painted on a door, window or wall announcing
sales or special features, provided that such sign(s) shall not be
displayed for more than 30 days and shall be removed immediately after
the termination of such sale or special feature
Shall not exceed 25% of the area of said door, window or wall
Type of Sign
Maximum Sign Area
(square feet)
Maximum Number of Signs
| |
Any sign permitted in a residential district with a zoning permit
is permitted in a business or industrial district subject to the same
See Section 214-7.1C(2).
| ||
Wall sign(s): exterior sign(s) for a business unit of occupancy
on the first floor
2 per linear foot of building facade for the business unit of
Back of street line
Directory sign(s): a common directory sign with not more than
1 square foot of sign area for each business unit of occupancy which
is served by said entrance
24 per sign
1 per entrance
Within 10 feet of building entrance
New businesses: Outdoor advertising devices, including but not
limited to plaques, banners, pennants and streamers, are permitted
for a period of not more than 2 weeks after the opening of a new business.
Back of street line
Any sign permitted in a residential district with a special
use permit is permitted in a business or industrial district subject
to the same requirements.
| |||
Detached sign(s): not higher than 15 feet in height nor within
20 feet of a side lot line
20 total area per sign face
1 per lot
20 feet back of street line
Minimum Spaces Required
| |
Single-family dwelling
2 per dwelling unit
Multifamily development
2.00 per dwelling unit, plus 0.20 per dwelling unit in a common
lot for guests
Dwelling with home occupation
2 per dwelling unit, plus 1 for clients
Dwelling with professional office (not medical or dental)
2 per dwelling unit, 1 per employee, plus 2 for clients
Dwelling with professional office (medical or dental)
2 per dwelling unit, 1 per employee, plus 4 for patients
Convalescent or nursing home or home for the aged
2 per 3 beds and 1 per 3 employees
Housing for the elderly
2 per 3 dwelling units
Minimum Spaces Required
| |
Retail and personal service stores
5 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
1 per 3 seats
Business offices and banks
4 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area excluding basement
storage/utility areas
Physician/dentist office, clinics
1 per doctor, 1 per employee, and 2 per examining room
Lodging facilities
1 per guest sleeping room, plus office, restaurant and dwelling
requirement where applicable
Meeting or conference facilities
1 per 3 persons/design capacity
Minimum Spaces Required
| |
Industrial uses, including wholesale and storage
2 per 3 employees on the largest shift when the capacity of
building is in full use
Minimum Spaces Required
| |
Theater, assembly hall or auditorium having fixed seats and
1 per 3 seats
Churches and other places of public assembly or recreation
1 per 6 legal occupants
Senior high school
4 per classroom, plus parking required for auditorium
Minimum Spaces Required
| |
Uses not listed
As determined by the Commission based on information provided
by the applicant
Minimum Spaces Required
| |
Retail store buildings
No loading space for the first 5,000 square feet of gross floor
area; 1 loading space for the next 20,000 square feet of gross floor
area; another loading space for the next 25,000 square feet of gross
floor area; and then 1 loading space for each 50,000 square feet of
gross floor area thereafter
Office, institution, theater and public assembly building
No loading space for the first 25,000 square feet of gross floor
area; 1 loading space for the next 100,000 square feet of gross floor
area; and then 1 loading space for each 100,000 square feet of gross
floor area thereafter
Industrial and warehousing buildings
1 loading space for the first 50,000 square feet of gross floor
area; 1 loading space for the next 50,000 square feet of gross floor
area; and then 1 loading space for each 100,000 square feet of gross
floor area thereafter
Width of Aisle
| ||
Angle of Parking
Two-Way Travel
One-Way Travel
With spaces perpendicular to aisle
With spaces at 60° to aisle
With spaces at 45° to aisle
With spaces at 30° to aisle
With spaces parallel to aisle
See "Noise-Related Terms" in Article II of these regulations for definitions of terms used in this section.
Receptor Zone
| |||
Emitter Use
61 daytime
51 nighttime
Commercial and retail trade
55 daytime
45 nighttime
Residential and all other zones
55 daytime
45 nighttime