All public and private roads in the Town of Ocean View shall be identified by a sign and shall display the proper street name.
Street name signs shall be installed at all intersections and shall comply in design, installation and maintenance with the following requirements as outlined below. Existing street signs shall be retained wherever possible.
Sign color. The street name should be reflective or illuminated and of contrasting colors (for example: green legend on a white background or black legend on a white background).
Sign placement. Signs should be placed with their faces parallel to the streets they name as close to the intersection corner as practicable with the nearest part of each sign not less than one foot and preferably two feet back from both curblines.
Sign letters. The street name shall appear in capital lettering at least four inches high. Supplementary lettering to indicate the type of street, such as "ST," "AVE," "RD," or directional information, such as "N," "S," "NW," may be in smaller lettering at least three inches high.
Existing private roads. The property owner is responsible for fabricating and installing street signs at the intersections of all private streets.
New public and private roads. The subdivision developer shall be responsible for fabricating and erecting street name signs at the intersections of all new public and private roads. In new subdivisions, all street names must be approved prior to final subdivision approval. Replacement signs will be of Town choice if not replaced by a homeowners' association.