[[1]HISTORY: Adopted by the Representative Town Meeting of the Town of Branford 7-12-2006. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: Former Ch. 17, Cable Television Access Board, adopted 6-15-1989, was repealed 6-9-1993.
There is hereby created the Cosgrove Animal Shelter Commission.
[Amended 3-13-2024]
Said Commission shall consist of seven members, at least six of whom shall be residents of the Town of Branford and one of whom at the discretion of the Board of Selectman may be a nonresident of the Town, and shall be appointed by the Branford Board of Selectmen. Not more than four members shall at the same time be members of the same political party. Members shall serve without compensation.
Each member shall serve a term of four years; provided, however, that of those members initially appointed, three shall be appointed for terms of four years, two shall be appointed for terms of three years and two shall be appointed for terms of two years.
In the event a vacancy occurs in the term of any member, the Board of Selectmen shall fill said vacancy and any new member so appointed shall serve until the expiration of such term.
The Commission shall elect annually from its membership a Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
The Commission shall advise and assist the Board of Selectmen or Animal Shelter staff, as appropriate, in connection with the operation of the Cosgrove Animal Shelter as follows:
It shall make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen in connection with the hiring of professional staff, such as a Shelter Director, a Municipal Animal Control Officer and assistant animal control officers; provided, however, that the Municipal Animal Control Officer and said assistants so appointed hereunder shall be appointed by the proper appointing authority of the Town of Branford pursuant to its Charter and Section 22-331 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
It shall assist the Shelter Director, or if none, the next senior Shelter staff member, in the leasing, acquisition, contracting for and otherwise arranging for personal property, equipment and services necessary for the conduct of the Shelter's business, subject however to the expenditure approval process of the Town of Branford.
It shall submit, in cooperation with the Shelter Director, or if none, the next senior Shelter staff member, an annual operating budget to the Office of the First Selectman and in accordance with the Charter of the Town of Branford. All funds of the Commission shall be audited annually, as part of the Town's audit, and it shall file an annual report of its doings, which report shall be included in the Town's annual report.
It shall assist the Shelter Director, or if none, the next senior Shelter staff member, to establish goals and objectives for the Shelter, including strategic planning for future needs, coordinate volunteers, pursue and apply for any available grants, establish a program of public relations and marketing particularly as it relates to animals available for adoption, advise the Board of Selectmen concerning the need for capital improvements and assist in raising the necessary funding therefor and organize education and training programs, such as animal first aid and animal rights.
It shall review the general operation of the animal shelter and make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen or other appropriate Town officials concerning matters such as the hours of operation of the Animal Shelter, the qualifications of personnel, the priorities for the development of services, and the duties of Animal Shelter staff.
The Commission is also empowered to accept any gifts, grants, donations and/or bequests made to it from any source and to utilize the same to enhance, maintain and/or preserve the Animal Shelter, the animals cared for therein or any programs connected therewith.