[HISTORY: Adopted by the Council on Aging of the Town of Blackstone 8-6-1987. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The name of this Town department is the "Blackstone Council on Aging."
Location. The principal office will be located in the multipurpose Senior Citizen Center, Blackstone, Massachusetts.
The mailing address shall be 15 St. Paul Street, Blackstone, Massachusetts 01504.
The purpose of this chapter shall be to:
Identify all people over the age of 60 in the Town.
Act as a unified body for advocacy and service to the aging.
Initiate, advance, enhance and improve programs for the aging of the Town of Blackstone and through the Senior Center.
Take an active interest in local, state, regional, national and international affairs relating to the welfare of the aging.
Coordinate with all charitable, religious, civic, municipal or governmental agencies and to do any or all acts in order to assist the aging.
Apply for and receive federal grants, state grants and funds from any other public or private source. No part of any grants shall inure to the benefit of any private member or individual.
Keep confidential records for the purpose of providing services.
Members. Members must be residents of the Town of Blackstone, duly appointed by the Board of Selectmen through a letter of intention to become a member of the Council and sworn in by an appropriate Town official. Membership of the Council on Aging shall be not less than five nor more than seven.
Voting. Officers and members of the Council on Aging shall have one vote per issue. There will be no voting by proxy.
Good attendance of a council member will be determined by a minimum attendance of nine meetings. If a council member, unless otherwise excused, does not attend nine meetings, the remaining members shall request the person to resign. If said member does not resign within 10 days, the remaining members, by vote at a duly called meeting, will take a vote as to whether or not to request in writing to the appointing authority (Board of Selectmen) that such member be removed due to lack of attendance.
Members should be available to attend interagency meetings as needed for representation of the Council on Aging.
Officers. The officers of the Council on Aging shall be Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary-Clerk.
Qualifications. Officers shall be active members of the community.
Elections. Officers shall be elected for a one-year term at the annual Council on Aging meeting, the first Thursday in June, to become effective July 1 of the new fiscal year, and may serve consecutive terms.
Vacancies. Vacancies in an office shall be replaced by a majority vote of the Council on Aging for the unexpired term.
Chairman. It shall be the duty of the Chairman to preside at all meetings of the Council on Aging; to have general supervision over all Council on Aging activities; and to submit an annual report to the Town.
Vice Chairman. It shall be the duty of the Vice Chairman to assume and discharge such duties as called upon to perform by the Chairman. In the absence of the Chairman to perform and discharge the duties of that office, he or she shall complete the vacancy of the unexpired term of the Chairman.
Secretary-Clerk. It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Clerk to keep accurate minutes of the monthly meetings of the Council on Aging and to submit a monthly report of Council on Aging minutes as required to the Board of Selectmen, Town Administrator and the Town Clerk. He or she will be responsible for submitting an annual report to the Council on Aging.
Editor’s Note: Former § 162-6, Committees, was repealed 9-3-2015.
Regular meetings. The regular meeting of the Council on Aging shall be held once a month on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Senior Center.
[Amended 12-2-2004; 3-11-2011; 9-11-2012; 9-3-2015]
The annual meeting shall be held each June for the purpose of election of officers at their regular meeting time.
A special meeting may be called at any time and communicated to the Council on Aging members, stating time, place and purpose.
Quorum. At any meeting, the majority of members entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum.
Amendments. These rules and regulations, once approved, may be amended or repealed at any meeting of the members, a quorum being present by a 2/3 vote by the members present, provided that proper notice is given.
Notice. Proper notice shall be communicated to all members at least one month in advance.
These rules and regulations, if approved, shall become effective August 6, 1987.
The Council on Aging fiscal year shall coincide with the Town of Blackstone fiscal year.