The Select Board, hereinafter called the "Select Board," shall be and constitute the municipal officers of the Town of Bethel, hereinafter called the "Town." The Select Board shall also constitute the governing body, or trustees, of the Wastewater Treatment Department and operate in the same manner specified herein.
The Select Board shall be composed of five members, each of whom shall be elected by secret ballot in June for three-year staggered terms by the registered voters of the entire Town. The candidate receiving the greatest number of votes for a given seat on the Board shall be considered a member of the Board upon taking an oath of office. Each member shall be a registered voter of the Town of Bethel throughout his/her tenure on the Board.
The Board shall exercise all powers, and assume all responsibilities, now or hereafter given by law to municipal officers. The specific mention of particular powers or responsibilities in this chapter or other ordinances shall not be construed as limiting, in any way, the powers and responsibilities of municipal officers given by law.[1]
Editor's Note: Former § 5-4D, regarding gender-neutral references to the terms "Selectmen" and "Board of Selectmen," which immediately followed, was repealed 6-12-2024 ATM by Art. 12.
Each member of the Board shall take an oath of office, pursuant to § 5-52.
The Select Board shall appoint the Town Manager, whose terms of employment shall be governed by an employment agreement approved by the Select Board and Town Manager. The Select Board shall have the authority to remove the Town Manager at any time in accordance with provisions of the employment agreement.
An interim Town Manager may be appointed for a period not to exceed 180 days by the Select Board without an employment agreement. This period may be extended beyond 180 days with Town Meeting approval.
The Select Board shall appoint all members of the following boards, committees, commissions or authorities as listed below and for terms and qualifications as described elsewhere in this chapter:
Planning Board.
Board of Appeals.
Budget Committee.
Bethel Area Recreation Board.
[Amended 6-12-2024 ATM by Art. 12]
Conservation Commission.
Airport Authority.
Channel II Commission.
[Amended 6-14-2006]
Bethel Water District Board of Trustees.
[Amended 6-11-2003]
Ordinance Review Committee.
[Added 6-14-2006[1]]
Editor's Note: This enactment also redesignated former Subsection A(9) as Subsection A(10).
Bingham Forest Advisory Committee.
[Added 1-30-2013[2]; amended 6-15-2016; 6-12-2024 ATM by Art. 12]
Editor's Note: This enactment also redesignated former Subsection A(10) as Subsection A(11).
Ad hoc or temporary committees.
Interim appointments of individuals to vacancies on the Select Board, Board of Assessors and the Board of Directors of Maine School Administrative District (MSAD) 44 shall be made in accordance with state law. Said appointments shall be effective until the next regular election of Select Board.
Discussion of appointments by the Select Board may occur in executive session, provided that the executive session complies with statute. However, voting on appointments by Select Board must occur in open session.
The Town Clerk shall be responsible for the maintenance and custody of all records pertaining to applications, appointments, resignations, elections and advertising related to the various boards, committees and authorities of the Town.
The Select Board shall be the sole authority for the appointment of any and all attorneys who may represent the Town or provide counsel to its officials.
The Select Board shall provide for an annual audit of the financial records, transactions and practices of the Town by an independent certified public accountant, said audit to be conducted in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
The Select Board shall approve a Personnel Policy for the employees of the Town and amend this policy from time to time as may be needed.
The Select Board shall approve separate rules of procedure for each board, committee, commission or authority as listed below:
Select Board.
Planning Board.
Board of Appeals.
Budget Committee.
Bethel Area Recreation Board.
[Amended 6-12-2024 ATM by Art. 12]
Airport Authority.
Conservation Commission.
Ordinance Review Committee.
[Added 6-14-2006[1]]
Editor's Note: This enactment also redesignated former Subsection A(8) as A(9).
Bingham Forest Advisory Committee.
[Added 1-30-2013[2]; amended 6-15-2016; 6-12-2024 ATM by Art. 12]
Editor's Note: This enactment also redesignated former Subsection A(9) as Subsection A(10).
Ad hoc or temporary committees.
Rules of procedure shall provide for the calling and conduct of meetings such that business is conducted in a timely, fair and reasonable manner.
Ad hoc committees appointed by the Select Board for specific, temporary purposes may operate with or without rules of procedure but shall operate with such rules if so approved by the Select Board.
The Select Board shall approve separate standard operating procedures (or equivalent) for the Town's Fire Department, Ambulance Department, and Police Department,[1] respectively. Standard operating procedures shall provide for the safe and efficient operation of the department, to the benefit of the public.
Editor's Note: The Bethel Police Department was abolished on July 1, 2010. Police services are provided to the Town by the Oxford County Sheriff's Department.
[Amended 6-12-2024 ATM by Art. 7]
The Select Board shall serve as the approval authority for the Wastewater Treatment Department budget in accordance with provisions outlined in this chapter.
The Select Board shall meet a minimum of once per month, and a quorum must be present in order to conduct business. Three or more Select Board present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum. Public notice of all regular, special and emergency meetings shall be made.
At the first meeting of the Board following the June elections, the Select Board shall choose a Chair and Vice Chair from among its members. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Select Board. The Vice Chair shall preside at meetings in the absence of the Chair. The Chair and Vice Chair shall be entitled to vote on all questions.
Not later than July 15 of each year, the Select Board shall determine a regular meeting schedule for the remaining period through December 31. Not later than January 15 of each year, the Select Board shall determine a regular meeting schedule for the remaining period through June 30.
[Amended 6-14-2006]
Meetings may be canceled by order of the Chair or by lack of quorum. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or at the request of at least two members of the Select Board, when such requests are filed with the Town Clerk.
Any action, approval, authorization, resolution, appointment, amendment, etc., considered by the Select Board shall require an affirmative vote by a majority of those members present in order for that item to be valid, binding, and in effect.
All members present at any meeting shall vote either in the affirmative or negative on all matters brought to a vote, unless a conflict of interest exists as defined by law. Members seeking to abstain from a vote must so state this reason for abstention.
All meetings shall have a published agenda. Matters and business not listed on the agenda may be added to the agenda and acted upon by the Select Board upon unanimous consent of those Board members present and voting.
The Town Clerk shall serve as the Secretary to the Board and maintain a permanent written record of all Board proceedings, to include a record of votes taken by the Board.
Each member of the Select Board, and the Board collectively, shall be prohibited from issuing orders or directives to employees of the Town, with the exception of the Town Manager.