The effective date of this chapter shall be July 1, 2000, subject to the following transition provisions.
By enactment of this chapter, or by separate Town Meeting action, the following ordinances are hereby repealed:
Airport Authority Ordinance (June 1998)
Emergency Ambulance Service Ordinance (enactment date unknown)
Board of Appeals Ordinance (July 1996)
"By-Law Enforcement & Amendments" (March 1956)
Conservation Commission Ordinance (June 1988)
Dog Control Ordinance (March 1971)
Fire Department Ordinance (May 1977)
Firearms Ordinance (March 1965)
Loitering Ordinance (August 1966; March 1977)
Motor Vehicle Ordinance (March 1966)
"Permits" (March 1956)
Pigeon Control Ordinance (June 1967)
Planning Board Ordinance (July 1996)
Police Department Ordinance (March 1971)
Recreation Board Ordinance (September 1981)
[Amended 6-13-2001]
The existing Personnel Policy of the Town of Bethel shall remain in effect. The Select Board shall review and approve this policy, with or without amendment, not later than June 30, 2004.
The existing rules of procedure of the various boards, committees and authorities shall remain in effect. The Select Board shall review and approve these rules of procedure, with or without amendment, not later than June 30, 2004.
The existing standard operating procedures (or equivalent) of the Fire, Ambulance and Police Departments shall remain in effect. The Select Board shall review and approve these standard operating procedures, with or without amendment, not later than June 30, 2004.
The mutual aid agreements existing between Town departments and other municipal, county or state departments shall remain in effect. The Select Board shall review and approve these agreements, with or without amendment, not later than June 30, 2004.
Not later than January 1, 2001, the Select Board shall review the current appointments and current appointment cycles of the various boards, committees and authorities whose membership is determined by Select Board action. Upon completion of this review, the Select Board shall then designate members and their respective terms of the various boards, committees and authorities such that the provisions of this chapter are fully met. With regard to appointments made prior to the effective date of this chapter, and if deemed necessary by the Select Board, the Select Board shall be authorized to reduce terms of appointment, lengthen terms of appointment, and remove members such that the provisions of this chapter are met.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection F, which immediately followed this subsection and provided for the appointment of two alternate members to the Planning Board, was repealed 6-10-2009.
[Added 6-14-2006]
This chapter may be amended by vote of a Town Meeting as provided in this chapter, Article VII.