The fact that a vehicle is unlawfully parked shall be prima facie evidence of the unlawful parking of such a vehicle by the person in whose name such vehicle is registered. If vehicles are unlawfully parked, the Police Department[1] is authorized to arrange for the vehicles to be removed by a towing vehicle and to be placed in the custody of the towing company. The Town shall not be liable for any damage to the vehicle caused by such removal, and the removal shall be at the owner's or operator's expense.
Editor's Note: The Bethel Police Department was abolished on July 1, 2010. Police services are provided to the Town by the Oxford County Sheriff's Department.
[Amended 6-12-2024 ATM by Art. 12]
Persons violating any provision of this chapter relating to parking are subject to the general penalty provisions of Article VI. They may, however, in lieu of such penalty, elect the payment of a parking fine of $20 (United States currency) for each violation. If payment is not made within 10 days of the date of violation, then the fine shall increase to $40 (United States currency). If the payment is not made within 30 days of the date of violation, then the general penalty shall be applied. Payments shall be made to the Bethel Town office. Such payments shall in no event be construed as an enforced imposition of a fine or penalty but on the other hand shall be construed to be an amount which an offender may voluntarily contribute toward the cost and expense of furnishing to the public a less expensive alternative method of regulating and administering traffic law violations.
No person shall stop, stand, park or leave his vehicle on any street in such a manner or under such conditions so as to obstruct the free passage of other vehicles in either direction unless specifically permitted by a police officer, or so as to leave available less than 10 feet of the width of the roadway for free movement of vehicular travel.
No person shall stop with any horse, cart, truck, automobile, bicycle, moped, motor vehicle, or other vehicle on or across any sidewalk in the Town in such a manner as to hinder or obstruct pedestrian travel over such sidewalk.
No person shall allow, permit or suffer any vehicle registered in his name to stand or be parked on any street other than parallel to the edge of the roadway, headed in the direction of lawful traffic movement, within 18 inches of the curb or edge of the roadway, and within spaces marked therefor, if any.
Motorcycles may be parked diagonal to the curb headed in the direction of lawful traffic movement with the rear wheel to the curb.
Vehicles operated by the Town or by public utility companies, used for installation, repair and maintenance purposes, may be exempted temporarily for the period while actually at work at a definite location from any of the requirements of this chapter, provided that during such exemption period, work will be conducted with all reasonable dispatch and that such precautions as the Police Chief[1] may require in the interest of public safety shall be taken. The Police Chief and Public Works Director are authorized to place temporary signs prohibiting parking in such places at the scene of work as in their discretion they deem necessary to facilitate traffic and the work in progress. Subject to the necessary exceptions provided by this section, this chapter shall nevertheless be observed insofar as practicable.
Editor's Note: The Bethel Police Department was abolished on July 1, 2010. Police services are provided to the Town by the Oxford County Sheriff's Department.
No vehicle shall be parked or left unattended at any time on any public street so as to prevent the removal of snow from such street by the Town's plowing equipment or loading and hauling of snow from such streets or the sanding or salting of such street by the Town's sanding and salting equipment. Any police officer or Department of Public Works employee may cause any vehicle so parked on any street to be moved and placed in a suitable parking space off the street, at the expense of the owner of such vehicle, and without the Town being liable for any damage that may be caused by such removal. For the purpose of facilitating the removal of such snow, the Public Works Director and/or the Chief of Police[1] may cause to be placed properly marked signs along any street, as he shall from time to time deem necessary. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to enter, stop, or park within the spaces indicated by such signs after the placing of said signs.
Editor's Note: The Bethel Police Department was abolished on July 1, 2010. Police services are provided to the Town by the Oxford County Sheriff's Department.
The Police Chief[1] is authorized to place temporary traffic control signs in front of the entrances to places of assemblage or any building in which entertainment, plays, shows, exhibitions and the like are given and for such a period as the Police Chief, in his discretion, may deem appropriate under the circumstances.
Editor's Note: The Bethel Police Department was abolished on July 1, 2010. Police services are provided to the Town by the Oxford County Sheriff's Department.
The Select Board may, in its discretion, ban parking on any public way for any reason and for such period of time as the Select Board deem wise under the circumstances.
No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the law or the direction of a police officer or traffic control device, in any of the following places:
So as to obstruct any driveway, crosswalk, private way, street, highway, right-of-way, public way, or other public property.
Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant, except where otherwise designated.
On a sidewalk.
Within 20 feet of an intersection, except where otherwise designated.
Within 15 feet upon the approach to any stop sign located at the side of the roadway.
Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when stopping, standing or parking would obstruct traffic.
On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge of a curb or a street.
Upon any bridge.
At any place where official signs or curb paintings so prohibit.
When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle at any time upon any streets or parts of streets contained in this section.
Bethel Fire Station
On the northerly side of the right-of-way north of the building, from the northeasterly boundary line of Map 25, Lot 10, a distance of 100 feet in a westerly direction.
Broad Street
On the westerly side from Mill Hill Road to the entrance to the Bethel Inn. On the easterly side from Paradise Road northerly a distance of 100 feet. On the westerly side (Bethel Inn side) for the entire length of the street.
Chapman Street
On the southerly side from Main Street to Mason Street.
Church Street
On the westerly side from Railroad Street to Park Street by the Congregational Church. On the easterly side from the area in front of Hanscom Hall northerly to the area in front of Holden Hall.
Cross Street
On both sides from Mayville Road (U.S. Route 2) to the Walker's Mill Road (Route 26).
Elm Street
On the westerly side from Main Street to Railroad Street.
Grover Hill Road
Commencing 2,300 feet from the intersection of Grover Hill Road and the Songo Pond Road (Route 5), there shall be no parking on the north side of Grover Hill Road for a distance of 4,100 feet.
High Street
On the southerly side from Elm Street to Mechanic Street.
Main Street
On the westerly side from the intersection of Railroad Street southerly for a distance of 650 feet. On the easterly side from the intersection of Vernon Street southerly a distance of 75 feet. On the westerly side of Main Street from Dr. Leonard Shaw's driveway northerly a distance of 620 feet to the center line of Railroad Street. On the easterly side starting at a point 155 feet northerly of the center line of Clark Street a distance of 40 feet.
Mason Street
On the southerly side from the intersection of Broad Street easterly the entire length. On the northerly side from the intersection of Broad Street a distance of 50 feet to the corner of the meeting house, a total of 112 feet from the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Mill Hill Road
On both sides of the street from Broad Street to the Songo Pond Road (Route 5).
Mill Hill Extension
On both sides from the intersection of Mill Hill Road to Broad Street.
Paradise Road
On both sides from the intersection of Broad Street easterly a distance of 150 feet. On both sides from Evergreen Road to Eden Lane. On the southerly side from Evergreen Road to Route 35.
Park Street
On the southerly and easterly sides from the Congregational Church from the intersection of Church Street to the park.
Philbrook Street
On both sides from Main Street to the Ethel Bisbee School lot from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Spring Street
On the westerly side from Main Street a distance of 110 feet. On the northerly side a distance of 30 feet from the edge of Main Street.
Vernon Street (Route 35)
On the westerly side beginning 400 feet southerly of Tyler Street a distance of 300 feet.
Where signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle at any time upon any streets or parts of streets contained in this section. Violations of this section will result in the vehicle being towed at the owner's expense.
Clark Street
On both sides from Main Street to the dead end.
Main Street
On the easterly side from the center line of Clark Street southerly a distance of 72 feet. On the easterly side from the center line of Clark Street northerly a distance of 38 feet.
Mayville Road (U.S. Route 2)
On both sides from the Railroad Street overpass northerly to the Androscoggin River Bridge. On both sides in a northerly and southerly direction from the main advertisement sign of the Bethel Mainway/Irving Station for a distance of 300 feet each way.
Summer Street
On both sides from Mechanic Street in a westerly direction for 125 feet, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Parking vehicles upon any street in the Town for more than one hour between the hours on 12:01 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. each day during the period commencing November 1 of each year and ending April 1 of the following year is hereby prohibited except in the case of emergency.
No motor vehicle shall be parked with its left-hand side to the curb, except on designated one-way streets unless specifically prohibited by this chapter.