This chapter shall be known as the "Land Use Code of the Township of Alexandria."
The purpose of this chapter is the implementation of the Comprehensive Master Plan for Alexandria Township, exercising the authority delegated to municipalities under the Municipal Land Use Law P.L. 1975, c. 291,[1] to regulate development in conformance with said law and to:
Identify and respond to existing and potential residential growth pressures in the Township while maintaining its rural character in an effort to promote current statewide objectives for agricultural land retention and open space preservation.
Make certain that development which occurs in Alexandria Township takes place in areas which are appropriate for it considering environmental factors, such as potential ground water supply, septic suitability of soils, steep slopes, floodplains and prime agricultural soils, as well as roadway access and the efficient provision of public services.
Encourage residential development in certain areas of the Township, leaving other areas relatively free for agricultural and open space use and in that manner helping to serve the agricultural, recreational and conservation needs within the region.
Recognize that landowners have the right to benefit from the development potential of their land while at the same time promoting the local, regional and statewide interest in retaining land for agricultural use or reserving environmentally sensitive areas from development.
Find innovative ways to allow the development of large tracts of land while reserving significant portions for agricultural use or conservation purposes.
Establish a positive agricultural business climate in order to promote agricultural production, the primary industry in Alexandria Township.
Require sufficient buffering between new residential development and prime agricultural land to protect farmers from nuisance complaints and actions which tend to discourage the continuation of farming as an industry.
Provide realistic opportunities for meeting the indigenous low and moderate-income housing needs within Alexandria Township based on a responsible analysis of the extent of that need.
Maintain zoning policies which are compatible with the State Development Guide Plan's designation of Alexandria Township as an agricultural area while protecting the opportunity for a balance of residential and nonresidential development to occur in the future, should development pressures increase to a point where portions of the Township warrant redesignation as a growth area.
Establish criteria for the development of small neighborhood commercial areas at such time in the future as residential development reaches the point where it becomes desirable and reasonable to provide convenient shopping facilities to meet local needs and help conserve time and energy.
Promote compatible development within the vicinity of the Township's two airports to promote public safety.
Take specific steps to preserve and enhance the Township's small villages for their scenic, historic and social value, recognizing that both the type and scale of new development in the vicinity of the villages will affect them.
Make certain that the availability of public services and roadway improvements keeps pace with growth in the municipality.
Make certain that the subdivision improvements required of developers match the long range goals for the development of various areas within the Township.
Focus on preserving the value of residential properties and maximizing the efficiency with which necessary public services are provided, keeping governmental costs as low as possible while recognizing that, while it would be desirable to broaden the municipal tax base, Alexandria Township will, for the time being, probably continue to have a predominantly residential rather than nonresidential tax base.
Promote the conservation of energy and the use of renewable energy sources by providing opportunities for the establishment of alternative energy generating systems, including but not limited to solar, wind, and biomass systems, under appropriate conditions and in accordance with design standards to protect the Township's agricultural and rural character.
[Amended 12-12-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-10-24]
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.