Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to resource extraction:
Abandoned uses/termination of operations. Operations should
be considered to have been abandoned if:
The operator does not demonstrate his intention to resume operations
and keep his bond in force more than one year after operations have
ceased in a given site. A new permit would be required prior to further
excavation or processing if this occurs.
Within a period of six months, unless extended by written permission
by the Bethlehem Planning Board, after notice of the termination by
the operator of an extraction operation or after the abandonment of
such operation due to its failure to operate according to ordinance
standards and requirements, all unused structures, buildings, and
equipment along with all buildings, structures and equipment presently
used in such operation, shall be dismantled and removed by and at
the expense of the operator last operating such buildings, structures
and equipment, except such buildings, structures and equipment need
not be dismantled and removed as long as they are in good repair and
they may reasonably be expected to be used for continued land mining
operations or for some other purpose permitted in the zone in which
they are located. Further specific steps necessary to complete the
reclamation plan shall be undertaken.
A mining operation where land is being disturbed in preparation
for and during the removal of a mineral material, not including casual
use as defined herein.
A pile or mound of earth capable of acting as a visual screen
or used to control drainage or erosion.
The generally flat area at the lowest level adjacent to the
face of the pit; also commonly known as "toe of slopes."
The temporary use of lands for geological investigations
(test drilling, sampling, etc.) which do not involve either any significant
surface disturbance or site preparation.
Lands shall be considered contiguous to each other if they
abut each other, or if they are separated by streets, ways, pipelines,
electric power lines, conduits or rights-of-way, owned or controlled
by third parties.
Land on which clearing has occurred, excavation has occurred
or upon which overburden has been deposited, or both.
The removal of sand, topsoil, gravel, fill dirt or mineral
or clay products for sale or use at another site, but not including
agricultural operations or the process of grading a lot preparatory
to the construction of a structure for which application for a building
permit has been made.
Shafts, tunnels, entries, winzes, slopes, open cut and any
working places and parts of a mine, either above ground or underground,
excavated or being excavated, whether abandoned or in use.
The sides from the bottom or floor of a pit or quarry to
the surface surrounding the pit. Where one or more benches or levels
are used in a pit, each bench or level has a separate face.
A mining or quarrying operation where land is not currently
being disturbed in preparation for resource extraction, but where
intent to abandon the quarry operation is not clearly established.
Inactive quarry sites shall make application to the Planning Board
for conditional use and site plan approval and apply to the Township
Committee for a resource extraction license before commencing resource
extraction activities or reclamation activities on site.
Any mines within the Township, whether on the surface or
underground, and any mining plant, material, equipment or explosives
on the surface or underground which may contribute to the mining or
handling of ore or other metalliferous or nonmetalliferous products.
The term "mine" shall also include quarry, sand pit, gravel pit, clay
pit and shale pit.
The distance from the bottom of excavation in the case of
a dry pit and the normal seasonal high-water line in the case of a
wet pit, to a referenced line (i.e., property line, zoning line, right-of-way
line) when measured at right angles to the referenced line.
Earth extraction, excavations, workings, production, processing,
stockpiling, loading and all other functions and accessory uses necessary
and related to the proper operation of a mine.
Individual, partnership, firm, association, trust or corporation
responsible for the general operation, management and condition of
the facility located at the mining site in question, for which a permit
is applied for or granted for any activity covered by this section.
Soil material of any nature (including topsoil), consolidated
or unconsolidated, that overlies a mineral deposit of useful materials
or ores that are to be mined.
The specific land proposed to be used for mining operations,
including required buffers and setbacks, reclamation areas and related
plant facilities.
Includes any excavation, pit, bank or open cut working for
the extraction of stone, rock, gravel, sand or any other mineral and
shall embrace any and all parts of the property of such quarry or
open pit mine that contribute directly or indirectly to the extraction
of such mineral.
The restoration of an area of land (to include filling, grading,
topsoiling, revegetation, equipment removal, etc.) such that the land
is made useful for some future use as permitted in the MR zone at
the time of the approval of the reclamation plan.
A reclamation plan is a concept plan approved by the Township
Planning Board as part of site plan approval for reclamation of the
area of land affected by quarrying operations. The reclamation plan
shall include an overall plan for the reclamation of the site in order
to provide a realistic opportunity to utilize the site for any of
the permitted uses in the zone and shall provide a phase plan and
bond estimate for the duration of the resource extraction license.
The reclamation plan shall include land use objectives, specifications
for grading, manner and type of vegetation, such safety devices as
shall be used at the site and such maps and other supporting documents
as may be required by the Planning Board; said plan shall be prepared
by a licensed professional engineer and land surveyor licensed in
the State of New Jersey unless otherwise provided by statute.
An excavation in which the bottom is normally wet and the
bottom of which is at or below the normal seasonal high-water table.