[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Bethlehem 5-19-1988 by Ord. No. 239-88; amended in its entirety 12-20-2012 by Ord. No. 412.2012. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Environmental Commission — See Ch. 16.
Land use and development — See Ch. 102.
Payment of taxes prior to issuance of license — See Ch. 139, Art. I.
It is the intent of this chapter to license quarries for the protection of persons and property and for the preservation of the public health, safety and welfare of the Township of Bethlehem and its inhabitants.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated; see also § 102-37.4, Resource extraction, for further definitions:
Individual, partnership, firm, association, trust or corporation responsible for the general operation, management and condition of the facility located at the quarrying/mining site in question, for which a permit is applied for or granted for any activity covered by this chapter and § 102-37.4.
A place where stone, shale, slate, bank-run material, sand, gravel, soil or earth is commercially excavated, removed, crushed, washed, graded or otherwise processed. This definition shall also include the definition of a mine and mining operations found in § 102-37.4.
The boundary lines of the premises licensed under this chapter.
Those aspects of the business of conducting a quarry as related directly to the excavation and processing of stone, shale, slate, bank-run material, sand, gravel, soil or earth and the removal thereof from quarry premises and other related activities, including reclamation.
The reconditioning of the area of land affected by quarrying operations to restore the same to a productive, attractive and environmentally safe use after the termination of quarrying operations.
A written proposal approved by the Planning Board of the Township for reclamation of the area of land affected by quarrying operations, including land use objectives, specifications for grading, manner and type of vegetation, such safety devices as shall be used at the site and such maps and other supporting documents as may be required by the Planning Board; said plan shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer and land surveyor licensed in the State of New Jersey unless otherwise provided by statute.
It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct the business of quarrying within the Township without first obtaining conditional use and site plan approval from the Township Planning Board and having obtained a license in accordance with this chapter.
Applications for licenses required by this chapter shall be made upon forms provided by the Township Clerk and shall be signed and verified by the applicant, setting forth or accompanied by the following information:
The name and address of the applicant, if an individual; the name, residence and business of each partner, if a partnership; and the name, date and state under which organized, if a corporation, and, if a foreign corporation, whether the same is authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey. A corporate applicant shall indicate the names of the directors, principal officers and local representatives, their residences and business addresses and the designation of a person upon whom service of process can be made. All applicants shall consent to entry upon the premises by the Quarry Inspector for the purpose of inspection.
A current legal description of the premises where the business is to be conducted and a map of the premises indicating the area to be quarried and/or reclaimed prepared by a licensed professional engineer and land surveyor licensed in the State of New Jersey showing the entire tract involved; all roads or buildings on the tract or within 500 feet thereof.
A statement as to the ownership of the tract involved and when such ownership was acquired, the interest of the applicant, its officers, directors or stockholders in the quarry property, and of any interest of said persons in adjoining property. In the event that the applicant is not the owner, a written consent of the owner must be furnished, together with a copy of the quarry lease, agreement or permit from the owner to the applicant. The map submitted in such case shall show the boundary lines of the leased premises if such premises are only a portion of the entire tract of the owner, and these shall be the quarry boundaries.
Plans and specifications indicating places where quarrying is to be conducted, all entrances or exits to the tract involved, fences (including the location, height and type), gates or buildings erected or to be erected (including outside dimensions and precise locations), equipment used or to be used in the operation and the location of such equipment, and a narrative describing the method of operation.
Information describing roads and bridges to be used for access to the site, including a description of the adequacy of those roads for heavy truck traffic and any limitations that there might be with respect to the adequacy of pavement, road shoulders, bridges and culverts.
A performance bond corresponding to the active phase of the operation which is approved by the Township Engineer.
Action by the Planning Board and Township Committee.
Before the Township Committee may approve a quarrying license, the Planning Board shall first have approved an application for conditional use and site plan for the quarrying operation, including an approved reclamation plan and future land use plan. The Planning Board, upon completion of an application by memorialization of its resolution stating its factual findings and approval or denial of conditional use for resource extraction and site plan shall forward a copy of said resolution without delay to the Township Clerk of the Township of Bethlehem.
Within 30 days after the application has been approved by the Planning Board, the Township Committee shall conduct a hearing to grant the license with or without conditions and/or the waiver of any of the requirements of this chapter which are deemed appropriate by the Township Committee, but in no case shall be in conflict with the conditional use and site plan approvals or conditions thereof. The conditions imposed by the Township Committee may include a time period within which the quarry owner will reclaim the site, and the requirement of a performance bond with sureties to guarantee the completion of those conditions. It may recommend a waiver to the applicant from any requirement of this chapter. A waiver may be recommended or granted if the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Bethlehem Township and residents in the area surrounding the quarry are not substantially impaired.
In reviewing the application for a license, the Township Committee shall consider the effect of the proposed or continuing operation of the quarry upon the health, safety and welfare of, and environmental impact on, the Township of Bethlehem, its residents and persons and properties nearby or affected by the quarry operation.
Upon the approval of a license from the Township Committee, a license shall be issued by said Township Clerk to permit the resource extraction. The fee shall be $2,500 per annum plus $800 per acre per annum for each acre in the approved quarry site.
Duration of license. The license shall be issued for not more than three years from the date of the Planning Board resolution of granting site plan and conditional use approval and shall lapse unless application for renewal is made six months prior to date of expiration of the license. An affidavit stating no changes are proposed to the approved site plan and reclamation plan shall accompany the application for renewal. If changes are proposed in any phase of the quarrying operation or the reclamation plan, the owner/operator must apply to the Planning Board for review and approval of an amended site plan; and upon approval, the Planning Board will forward its memorialized resolution to the Township Committee along with a recommendation for renewal of the quarry license.
Insurance. No license shall be issued until a certificate of public liability insurance reflecting the issuance to the licensee of a policy of public liability insurance wherein the Township is named as co-insured for damages arising out of any activity of the applicant, under a license issued under this chapter, in an amount not less than $1,000,000/$3,000,000 for death or bodily injury and $500,000 for property damage.
Prior to approval of any application for a license, the applicant shall submit a performance bond with adequate surety or other performance guaranty in a form acceptable to the Municipal Attorney and Engineer to assure screening and reclamation of the site of operations pursuant to the provisions of the site plan approval.
The form of the performance bond shall be subject to approval by the Township Committee and shall be in such amount as may be approved by the Township Committee and subject to the recommendation of the Township Engineer as to the amount sufficient to guarantee the completion of fencing, screening and such portion of the reclamation plan intended to be completed during the license interval. A bond estimate shall be submitted with the corresponding approved phase plan which shall be acceptable to both the Township Engineer and Township Attorney. The license will not be completed until the Township Attorney and Engineer approve the bond estimate.
The surety thereon shall be a recognized surety company authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey and approved by the Township Committee.
Such bond or surety or certified check shall be accompanied by an agreement signed by the applicant and land owner, if a different person, granting the municipality the right of access to make inspection to ensure compliance during the period of operation and to perform all necessary reclamation of bonded property in the event of forfeiture of the bond or surety.
In the event of default, forfeiture shall be determined by the Township Committee after a public hearing on not less than 15 days' written notice to the principal and surety at their last known post office address which notice shall be complete upon mailing. The bond or other security may be released upon satisfactory reclamation of the complete project area, or portions of the security may be released as proportional states of reclamation are accomplished as determined by the Township Committee in compliance with the conditional use permit and the mining license which includes the approved reclamation plan.
The performance bond requirements shall not be waived.
The Township Committee and Township Engineer and Township Attorney shall review the bond and corresponding phase plan at each renewal of the license. The performance bond shall remain in full force and effect until the reclamation plan has been completed.
Each application shall be accompanied by a deposit of $3,500 payable to the Township, to establish an escrow deposit account in favor of the quarry applicant, to be administered in the manner prescribed by the current Land Use Code[1] of the Township of Bethlehem. It is intended that each applicant or licensee shall bear the reasonable costs of the engineering and other professional examination of the initial application and of all renewal applications; all inspections of the quarry premises as provided in this chapter; and an overhead factor of 10% of such direct costs. The Township Engineer and other professionals shall submit periodic bills to the Township for services rendered respecting each quarry. Thereupon, the Township administrative officer shall debit the respective quarry deposit account for an amount equal to the engineer's/professional's bills, plus 10% thereof, and send a debit memo and copy of the engineer's/professional's bills to the applicant or licensee. When a debit exhausts the deposit account held in favor of an applicant or licensee, the Township administrative officer shall request the applicant or licensee to make an additional deposit sufficient to create a credit balance. Failure to make such deposit after demand therefor shall constitute grounds for the Planning Board to refuse to recommend the initial license or a renewal thereof or for the Township Committee to revoke or suspend a license issued under this chapter.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 102, Land Use and Development.
In addition to the foregoing, the applicant shall pay an annual quarry license fee of $2,500 plus $800 per acre per annum for each acre in the approved phase of the quarry site payable prior to the issuance of the quarry license and of each renewal thereof.
The office of Quarry Inspector is hereby created and established. The Quarry Inspector shall be the Township Engineer, and he shall receive such compensation for the time he reasonably devotes to the work involved therein as he receives for comparable engineering or inspection work for the Township. The duties of the Quarry Inspector shall be to conduct a periodic inspection of the licensed premises in order to determine whether operations are being conducted in accordance with the application therefor and the terms and provisions of this chapter. Such inspections shall be no less than annual and more frequent if, in the opinion of the Township Committee, the size and nature of the quarry operation justifies it. The Quarry Inspector shall also submit written reports of such inspections as may be required by the Township Committee and placed on file.
After 10 days' notice and an opportunity to be heard, the Quarry Inspector may revoke or suspend any license issued under this section if he finds that the licensee is violating the terms or provisions of this chapter.
Conditions permitting suspension or revocation of license by the Quarry Inspector.
Failure by the licensee to the Township any sum due to the Township under this chapter.
Failure to pay or refusal by a licensee to correct a condition that would constitute a violation of this chapter.
Mining, excavation, extraction, removal or relocation of any soil, sand, gravel or stone by a licensee without having conditional use and site plan approval covering the land upon which such operation is or has been conducted.
Failure by a licensee to submit any map or document required under this chapter.
Failure or refusal by a licensee to comply with the provisions of this chapter relating to grading, seeding or reforestation.
Failure by a licensee to pay or cause to be paid any taxes upon the lands covered by the license.
Violation by the licensee of any federal, state, county or municipal law or ordinance or health regulations as a result of any activity or operation under this chapter.
Failure or refusal by the licensee to comply with the requirements of this chapter relating to insurance.
Failure or refusal by the licensee to comply with the requirements of this chapter relating to bonding and escrow fees.
Failure or refusal by the licensee to keep and maintain true and accurate records.
Operation of the licensee that endangers the person or property of adjoining landowners or other persons in the Township.
Procedures for suspension or revocation of license.
Notice of violation.
Whenever any of the compliance or other enforcement officers of the Township of Bethlehem determine that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there has been a violation of any provision of this chapter or of a rule or regulation, if any, adopted pursuant thereto, notice of such alleged violation(s) shall be given to the person or persons responsible therefor as hereinafter provided.
Such notice shall be put in writing; include a statement of the reasons why it is being issued; outline a reasonable time for the performance of any act it requires; be served upon the owner or agent, provided that such notice shall be deemed to be properly served upon such owner or agent if a copy thereof is served personally, or if a copy thereof is sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the licensee or agent at the address set forth in the license application, or if a copy thereof is posted in a conspicuous place in or about the licensed premises affected by the notice or if he is served with such notice by any other method authorized or required under the laws of this state.
Such notice may contain an outline of remedial action which, if taken, will effect compliance with the provisions of these subsections and with rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
Any person or entity affected by any notice which has been issued in connection with the enforcement of this chapter may request and shall be granted a hearing before the Township Committee, provided that such person shall file in the office of the Township Clerk a written petition requesting a hearing and setting forth a statement of the grounds for the request within 10 days after the date that notice was served. Upon receipt of such petition, the Township Clerk shall set a date, time and place for the location of the hearing and shall give the petitioner written notice thereof.
At such hearing, the petitioner shall be given an opportunity to be heard and to show cause why the notice should be modified or withdrawn. The hearing shall be commenced not later than 30 days after the date which the petition was filed; provided, however, that the petitioner and the Township Committee may, by mutual consent, postpone the date of the hearing for a reasonable time beyond the thirty-day period.
After such hearing, the Township Committee shall make specific findings and shall either sustain, modify or withdraw the notice. If the Township Committee sustains or modifies the notice, it shall be deemed an order which, at the discretion of the Township Committee, may operate as a revocation of the license. Any notice served pursuant to this subsection shall automatically be an order if a written petition for a hearing is not filed with the Township Clerk within 10 days after the date the notice was served.
The proceedings at such hearing, including the findings of fact, shall be summarized, reduced to writing and filed as a matter of public record in the office of the Township Clerk.
Procedure for suspension in emergency.
Whenever the compliance or enforcement officers of the Township of Bethlehem find that an emergency exists which requires immediate action to protect the public health or safety, they may, without notice or hearing, issue an order reciting the existence of such an emergency and requiring that such action be taken as they deem necessary to meet the emergency. Notwithstanding the other be afforded a hearing as soon as possible. After such hearing, depending upon its findings as to whether the provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulations, if any, adopted pursuant thereto have been complied with, the Township Committee shall continue such order in effect, modify it or revoke it.
Where a licensee requests in writing a hearing on an emergency suspension, such hearing shall be held within 72 hours of the receipt by the Clerk of a written request for such hearing.
This chapter shall be enforced by the Zoning Officer of the Township of Bethlehem, who shall investigate any violation thereof coming to his attention, whether by complaint or arising from his own personal knowledge. If a violation is found to exist, he shall serve a written notice by certified mail or personal service upon the owner or person designated to accept service of process, but if the owner or person so designated cannot be served, then upon the party in charge of the licensed premises. If an owner or person so designated or person in charge cannot be served, then posting a notice of the violation in a prominent place upon the premises shall be adequate notice of the violation. The notice shall require the violation to be abated within a period of 10 days from the date of service thereof or within such lesser period of time as the Zoning Officer shall deem reasonable in cases where the danger to public health, safety and general welfare is so imminent as to require more immediate abatement. If the violation is not abated within the time specified, the Zoning Officer shall notify the Township Committee and prosecute a complaint to terminate the violation in Municipal Court.
Any operator of a quarry or any agent, servant or employee of such operator or any person directly or indirectly connected with a quarrying operation who shall violate any provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be subject to the penalties provided by § 1-15 of Chapter 1, General Provisions. Each day that such violation continues shall be determined a separate offense. Further, the Zoning Officer of the Township of Bethlehem or any other interested party, as defined in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-4, may, in addition to the other remedies provided in this chapter, institute appropriate actions or proceedings to restrain, correct or abate violations of this chapter.
The penalties set forth in Subsection A above shall be in addition to any suspension or revocation which may be imposed pursuant to § 119-9.