[Adopted 2-25-1993 by Ord. No. 5-1993]
The office of any member of a City board, commission, committee or authority, holding said office by appointment of the City Council, Mayor or City Manager, who fails to attend three consecutive regular meetings of such board, commission, committee, or authority, or who misses four meetings within a twelve-month period, unless such absence is for good cause and is excused by the Chairman or other presiding officer prior to said meeting thereof, may be deemed vacant at such time for purposes of the nomination and appointment of a successor. Boards, commissions, committees and/or authorities which have their own bylaws may adopt more stringent standards, should they desire.
It shall be the responsibility of the Chairperson of a City board, commission, committee or authority to notify the City Clerk if a member of his or her body has failed to comply with the attendance requirements contained herein.