The contractor shall furnish and place Portland
cement concrete gutters and curbs as shown on the approved plans and
in accordance with the thickness and cross section as shown on the
typical road section or applicable Standard Sheets. Placement shall
also be as stated in the following specifications, unless prior permission
not to construct gutters or curbs has been obtained from the Town
Planning Board.
The material shall conform to the Standard Specifications,
Section 609, Curbing Gutters and Concrete Mall, and Section 624, Paved
Gutter, and as shown on the appropriate NYSDOT Standard Sheets.
The forms shall not be removed until the concrete
is sufficiently set to prevent chipping of the edges. The gutter or
curb shall be backfilled as soon as possible to prevent undermining
of the gutter or curb in the event of precipitation. The gutters and
curb shall be protected from traffic for seven days to avoid damage
to them.