[Adopted 5-13-1985 ATM by Art. 17 as Ch. III, Art. 4 of the 1985 Compendium of Bylaws]
The Town Clerk of the Town of Belchertown shall be elected for a term of three years and shall have all the powers and duties by law vested in the office of Town Clerk. Any vacancy in such office shall be filled in the manner prescribed by Massachusetts General Laws.
[Amended 11-1-1999 STM by Art. 3]
The Town Clerk shall, immediately after every town meeting, notify or cause to be notified any person elected, chosen or appointed to any town office or to serve upon any board or committee of the town of his election, choice or appointment.
The Town Clerk shall keep and cause to be permanently bound one or more files of the Town Reports.
He/she shall not allow original papers or documents of the town to be taken from his office, except as they remain in his custody or by authority of law.