[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Freehold 2-26-2004 by Ord. No. O-04-4. Amendments noted where applicable.]
It is the purpose that this chapter, by virtue of this chapter and future amendments, will eventually contain all fees to be charged by the Township and its agencies, to the extent that the Township has the power to set such fees. In the event another level of government shall be exclusively empowered to set a fee or empowered to set a maximum fee, and there is a conflict with the fee set forth in this chapter, the fee or maximum allowable fee as determined by the other level of government shall control. In the event the amount of a fee set forth herein shall conflict with the fee set forth in any other provision of the Code of the Township of Freehold, the fees in this chapter shall control.
The fees set forth in §§ 150-3 through 150-49 of this chapter reflect 2024 values, which for purposes of this section shall be considered the "base fee." Commencing with January 1, 2024, and on January 1 of each subsequent year, the base fee shall be increased an amount equal to 5% of the base fee, rounded to the nearest dollar; the fee increases resulting therefrom are not to be compounded annually, but every 10 years the base fee shall be adjusted upward to reflect that year's fee. By way of example, if the base fee is $100 in 2024, the automatic increase shall be $5 per year through 2033; on January 1, 2034, the base fee shall be adjusted upward to $150, and the new automatic increase shall be $8 per year. Fees established by ordinance subsequent to 2024 shall only commence being increased on the first January 1 which occurs more than 12 months after adoption of the ordinance establishing the fee; however, all base fees shall be adjusted every decade regardless of their commencement date. By way of example, if the fee was first established July 16, 2026, the automatic increase would not commence until January 1, 2028. In no event shall the automatic increase provided by this section exceed any statutorily established maximum fee.
[Amended 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11; 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
The fees established herein supplement and supersede all fees referenced in various sections of the existing Township Code.
The fees set forth in § 150-50 and beyond shall only be increased by way of ordinance amendment and shall not be automatically increased pursuant to Subsection A hereof.
[Added 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11]
[Amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Registration fee: $10.
[Added 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
The fees for alcoholic beverage licenses shall be the maximum set by the state.
[Amended 12-27-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-48; 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Licensing of coin-operated amusement games.
Each amusement game or machine: $300 annually.
Music machines (jukeboxes): $100 annually.
Licensing of certain businesses and amusements.
Auctioneers and operators of auction stores (if operating at one permanent place of business on an annual basis): $300 per annum.
Auctioneers and operators of auction stores (operating on a per diem basis): $50 per each day of operation.
Theaters, movie picture shows, opera houses, concert halls, nightclubs, public dance halls, skating rinks: $1,000 per annum.
Pool or billiard parlors, each table: $250 per annum, up to three tables; each table in excess of three: $50 each table per annum.
Bowling alleys, each alley: $50 per annum.
Traveling shows, exhibition grounds and parades in connection therewith, for every day they do business or parade within the limits of the Township: $50 per day.
Merry-go-rounds: $50 for one week.
Carnivals: $150 per day.
[Amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Campgrounds: $600 annually.
Editor's Note: Former § 150-8, Contractor registration (Chapter 123), was deleted pursuant to Ord. No. O-05-37, adopted 11-29-2005.
[Amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Environmental impact statements: $400.
Application for waiver of environmental impact statement: $100.
If waiver is denied, the fee of $400 referenced in Subsection A above shall be submitted.
[Amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Request to Planning Board Secretary for regulated use permit application: $10.
A completed regulated use permit application submitted to the Planning Board: processing fee of $50.
[Added 12-27-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-48]
Fee for a temporary placard to allow handicapped parking: $4.
[Amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
License: $400. If the license is for part of the license year, the fee shall be prorated on a monthly basis.
[Amended 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11]
Nonrefundable fees.
[Amended 11-12-2013 by Ord. No. O-13-32; 12-23-2014 by Ord. No. O-14-20; 12-22-2015 by Ord. No. O-15-26; 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Minor subdivision approval.
Each informal review: no fee.
Application fee: $800.
Plat review fee: $310.
Major subdivision approval.
Each informal review: $200.
Preliminary application fee: $700.
Preliminary plat review fee: $300 per lot.
Final plat application fee: $300.
Final plat review fee: $100 per lot.
Minor site plan approval (less than 1,500 square feet of building area and five or fewer parking spaces).
Each informal review: no fee.
Application fee: $500.
Preliminary review fee: $200.
Final review fee: $200.
Waiver of site plan detail request: $300.
Major site plan approval (2,000 or more square feet of building area and/or more than five parking spaces).
Each informal review: $100.
Preliminary application fee: $1,000.
Preliminary approval review fees.
Residential (including hotel, motel, multifamily, planned residential and community residence, but not including sheltered care, nursing home, or other medical/institutional uses), the sum of:
For each new dwelling unit: $100.
For each remodeled, reconstructed, refurbished or rehabilitated dwelling unit: $100.
For each new or additional parking space:
First 100 spaces: $40 per space.
Over 100 spaces: $20 per space.
Other uses. The sum of $300, plus the sum of each of the following fees as applicable:
For each full 1,000 square feet of affected lot area:
First 50,000 square feet: $20 per 1,000 square feet.
Over 50,000 square feet: $10 per 1,000 square feet.
For each full 1,000 square feet of proposed new gross floor area plus:
First 50,000 square feet: $100 per 1,000 square feet.
Over 50,000 square feet: $50 per 1,000 square feet.
For each proposed new or additional parking space plus:
First 100 spaces: $50 per space.
Over 100 spaces: $20 per space.
For each 1,000 square feet of remodeled existing gross floor area plus $10 per 1,000 square feet.
Final application fee: $400.
Final approval review fees: 50% of fees for preliminary approval set forth above.
General development plan for planned commercial industrial development: $14,000.
Appeals [N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(a)].
Single-family residential uses: $150.
Other uses: $250.
Interpretation of Chapter 190, Land Use, or Map [N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(b)]: $500.
Hardship or bulk variances [N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(c)].
Single-family residential uses: $300.
Other uses: $500.
Use variances [N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(d)]:
Proposed single-family residential uses: $300.
Other uses: $900.
Application for certificate of nonconformity: $375.
Conditional uses: $700.
Public hearing fee for those development applications requiring notice of public hearing: $200.
Change of Master Plan or zone district request:
Single-family residential or other single-family residential: $300.
Single-family residential to multifamily commercial, industrial, office research, or other non-single-family zone: $300 plus $80 per acre for each acre over five acres.
Environmental impact statement (EIS):
For those development applications which require review of an EIS: $700.
For request of waiver of EIS: $300.
Inspection fees.
When any development proposal approved by the municipal agency includes the construction of improvements, the developer, owner or applicant shall pay to the Township of Freehold, prior to the issuance of any development permit or the start of construction, a sum determined on the basis of the performance guaranty as follows:
Seven percent of the amount of the performance guaranty estimate up to $1,000,000 plus;
Five percent of the amount of the performance guaranty estimate between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000 plus;
Three percent of the amount of the performance guaranty in excess of $5,000,000.
The minimum inspection fee shall be $500.
Reproduction fees and Tax Map revision fees: $3 per sheet for the plat and attachments, except that the minimum fee shall be $5. For reproduction, a fee of $100 or $20 per lot, whichever is greater, shall be charged for minor subdivisions and final plats of major subdivisions to cover the cost of the Township Engineer for revision of the Township of Freehold Tax Maps. For subdivisions and site plans involving multifamily housing units or lots less than 9,000 square feet in area, the Tax Map revision fees shall be waived and the applicant shall be required to prepare Tax Map detail sheets at a scale to be determined by the Township Engineer.
Revised plats. Any proposed revisions to a plat, including all supporting maps and documents, previously approved by the Planning Board, which approval is still in effect, shall require submission of a revised plan and payment of fees in accordance with the following:
Where changes in the plat are requested by the Planning Board or Township Engineer, no fees need to be paid and only sufficient copies of the plat incorporating the changes as may be necessary for distribution.
Where there are only minor changes in the plat proposed by the applicant or required by another governmental agency where approval was a condition of the Planning Board approval, which do not involve any additional building or parking or significant change in the design of the site or subdivision, an application and application fee of $25 will be required along with sufficient copies of the plat incorporating the changes as may be necessary for distribution.
Where there are changes in the plat proposed by the applicant, or required by another governmental agency whose approval was a condition of the Planning Board approval, which involve additional building or parking or a significant change in the design of the site or subdivision, an application and application fee equal to 1/2 the fee required for the initial submission, will be required along with sufficient copies of the plat incorporating the changes as may be necessary for distribution.
Where the proposed changes involve change in use and/or major alteration of the design concepts of the plat approved by the Planning Board, it shall be considered a new application and shall require the full payment of fees set forth above for new applications for development.
Where revisions in the plat only involve additional information required as a condition of a previous approval, no additional fees shall be required.
Requests for reapproval or extensions of time where no change is required:
Minor subdivision, reapproval only: $400.
Major subdivisions and site plan: $800.
Other applications for development (soil removal, etc.): $150.
Site plan charges computation. In cases where only a portion of a parcel or site area to be involved in the proposed site plan, the site area charge shall be based upon an area extending 20 feet outside the limits of all construction, including grading and landscaping, as well as all other areas of the site the Township Engineer believes are reasonably affected by the development application. The 20 feet around the disturbed area shall not extend beyond the property lines. The Township may still require reasonable improvements and upgrading to portions of the site not within the disturbed or affected areas.
Zoning permit: $100.
Sign appeals: $150.
Review of sales map: $500.
Street signs: actual cost.
Review of Technical Review Committee prior to formal application: $100 per session.
General development plan application fee: $1,600.
Special meetings: $543.
Copy of rules and regulations: in accordance with N.J.S.A. 47:1A-2.
Copy of minutes: in accordance with N.J.S.A. 47:1A-2.
Copy of verbatim transcript: at expense of requesting party.
Copy of decision: no charge to applicant, all others in accordance with N.J.S.A. 47:1A-2.
Publication of notice of any decision (to be paid at time of application): cost of actual advertisement.
List of property owners within 200 feet: $10 or $0.25 per name, whichever is greater. Annual increase not applicable.
Escrow fees. The fees required shall be for the purpose of reimbursing the Township for direct fees, costs, charges and expenses of professional consultants retained by or on behalf of the Township, its boards, commissions or agencies and employees and staff of the Township, its boards, commissions or agencies in reviewing and testifying and/or assisting the Township in the processing of applications pursuant to this chapter and/or assisting the Township in evaluation, planning and proper design of municipal services and facilities in order to meet the needs of the proposed project and for on-site inspections related thereto. The fees required shall be deposited with the Township at the time the initial development documents are submitted and shall remain in an interest-bearing escrow fund. Whenever the amount of the fees paid to the Township, or any cash performance or maintenance guarantees posted with the Township by the applicant/developer, shall exceed $5,000, the Township shall notify the applicant in writing of the name and address of the depository and the amount of the deposit. If the amount of interest earned on the cash deposit exceeds $100 per annum, that entire amount shall belong to the applicant/developer and shall be refunded to him by the Township annually or at the time the deposit is repaid or applied to the purposes for which it was originally deposited, as the case may be, except that the Township may retain for administrative expenses not more than 33 1/3% of that entire interest amount. All costs, expenses, charges and fees incurred by the Planning Board, Township or other board, commission or agency of the Township for the services of the planner, engineer, attorney, other professional consultant, expert, employee or staff incurred as a direct result of the developer's project shall be charged to this escrow fund.
[Amended 11-12-2013 by Ord. No. O-13-32; 12-23-2014 by Ord. No. O-14-20; 12-22-2015 by Ord. No. O-15-26; 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Escrow Fees
Residential development:
Minor subdivision
0 to 25 units or lots
26 to 100 units or lots
101 to 500 units or lots
501 to 1,000 units or lots
1,001 plus units or lots
Commercial/industrial development application not involving structures:
0 to 3 lots
3+ lots
Commercial/industrial development application involving structures, total floor plan
0 to 1,249 s.f.
1,250 to 1,999 s.f.
2,000 to 20,000 s.f.
20,000 + s.f.
Use or bulk variance [N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(c) and (d)] escrow fees:
Residential uses
Nonresidential uses
Request for zoning change:
Residential uses
Nonresidential uses
Other land use applications
Sign appeals
General development plan
Certificate of nonconformity (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-68)
Appeals [N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(a)]:
(1) Single-family residential uses
(2) Other uses
Interpretation of Chapter 190, Land Use, or Map [N.J.S.A. 40:55D-72(b)]
Hardship or bulk variances [N.J.S.A. 40:55D-72(c)]
Single-family residential uses
Other uses
RMZ-1 Zone.
Submission of each master floor plan for temporary vendor, display or public assembly space to the Planning Board: $400.
[Amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Submission of an amendment or revision to a master floor plan to the Code Administrator: $200.
[Amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Submission of an exception for special one-time events to the Planning Board Subcommittee: $300.
[Amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Each event submitted to the Code Administrator per approval shall pay the following fees:
Zoning permit: $70.
[Amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
The fee for a final permit for the type of event delineated in N.J.A.C. 5:18-2.8(i).
The Township Committee may waive all or less than all of the above fees for any not-for-profit sponsored event, show or activity.
Temporary vendor displays (not to exceed six months): $35.
[Added 2-27-2018 by Ord. No. O-18-3]
Nonpermanent vendor displays: $35.
[Added 2-27-2018 by Ord. No. O-18-3]
Permanent vendor displays: $50.
[Added 2-27-2018 by Ord. No. O-18-3]
Development fees.
[Amended 11-12-2013 by Ord. No. O-13-32; 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Copy of rules and regulations: in accordance with N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5.
Copy of minutes: in accordance with N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5.
Copy of verbatim transcript: at expense of requesting party.
Copy of decision: no charge to applicant, all others in accordance with N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5.
Publication of notice of decision (to be paid at the time of application): $100.
List of property owners within 200 feet: $10.
Preliminary site plan application: $300.
Final site plan approval: $200.
Preliminary major subdivision application: $200, plus $50 per lot.
Minor subdivision submission: $200.
Submission of revised site plan or subdivision: $100, plus $200 per acre.
Submission of planned unit development: $1,000, plus $200 per acre.
Field inspection subsequent to preliminary major subdivision approval: $300 per lot.
Final major subdivision approval: $200, plus $40 per lot.
Field inspection of preliminary major subdivision approval: $100 per lot.
Review of performance guaranty by Township Attorney (fee due for each review): $300.
Field inspection of site plan improvements: $400.
Certificate of subdivision approval pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18:35.15, N.J.S.A. 54:5-14 and N.J.S.A. 54:5-15.
Waiver of site plan: $200.
Variance application: $200.
Sign appeal: $50.
Environmental impact statement submission: $400.
Waiver of environmental impact statement: $100.
Zoning permit: $20.
Certificate of occupancy: $20.
Review of sales map: $200.
Street signs: actual cost.
Where the Township Engineer certifies that no field inspections are required in conjunction with a site plan approval with waiver of site plan detail requirements, the Planning Board may waive the field inspection fee of $200 as otherwise required herein.
Waiver/exemptions from fees.
[Added 7-29-2014 by Ord. No. O-14-11]
Charitable, philanthropic, fraternal and religious nonprofit organizations holding a tax exempt status under the Federal Internal Revenue Code of 1954 [26 U.S.C. § 501(c) or (d)] may be granted an exemption from any fees or payments required pursuant to the Municipal Land Use Law (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.) ("MLUL") as provided for in this § 150-15 or as provided in Chapter 190 of this Code. Upon written request to the Township Committee for an exemption hereunder, the Township Committee shall consider the nature of the payment for which exemption is requested and if there are sufficient facts supporting such request. The Township Committee shall approve or deny such request by formal motion.
A board of education shall be exempt from the payment of any fee charged pursuant to the MLUL.
A disabled person or a parent or sibling of a disabled person may be granted an exemption from any fees or payments required pursuant to the MLUL in connection with any application for development which promotes accessibility to his own living unit. The meaning of terms herein shall be as defined in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-8e. Upon written request to the Township Committee for an exemption hereunder, the Township Committee shall consider the nature of the payment for which exemption is requested and if there are sufficient facts supporting the request. The Township Committee shall approve or deny such request by formal motion.
Editor's Note: See also § 150-55, Land Use (Chapter 190).
[Amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Limousine certification: $50.
[Amended 12-22-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-36; 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Application fee for a license: $100.
License fees:
Not more than 50 spaces: $1,200 per annum.
Over 50 spaces: $1,200 per year, plus an additional sum of $2 per month for each manufactured/mobile home registered in the park in excess of 50 spaces.
In addition to annual license fee set forth in Subsection B(1) and (2) above: $2 per week for each manufactured/mobile home space occupied by any manufactured/mobile home which is part of the license fee.
Editor's Note: Former § 150-19, Peddling and soliciting (Chapter 236), was repealed 11-29-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-38. See now § 150-28.1, Solicitation, commercial (Chapter 288).
[Amended 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11; 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Public defender: A person applying for representation by the Municipal Court Public defender shall pay an application fee of $400.
Discovery: maximum set by state.
[Amended 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11; 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Fee for copies of birth, marriage and death certificates: as established by the New Jersey Department of Health regulations.
Large-sized paper documents and maps:
Zoning Map: $10.
Street Map: $10.
Drug-Free School Zone Map: $10.
Soils Survey Map: $10.
Subdivision plat: $10.
Tax Maps: $10.
Engineering plans: $10.
Preprinted documents:
Copy of Code book: $600.
Each Code supplement: $60.
Zoning/land use pamphlet: $200.
Master Plan: $100.
[Added 12-27-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-48; amended 2-21-2017 by Ord. No. O-17-2]
Registration of one through five units: $100 each.
Registration of six through 25 units: $500 plus $75 for each unit over five units.
Registration of 26 through 100 units: $2,000 plus $50 for each unit over 25.
Registration of 101 through 200 units: $5,750 plus $25 for each unit over 100.
Registration of 201 or more units: $8,250 plus $20 for each unit over 200.
[Added 12-27-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-48; amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Appeal of tenant for rental increase: $100. If tenant prevails with the rental appeal, said $100 will be reimbursed by the landlord to the tenant.
Certificate of substantial compliance: $6 per multiple dwelling unit. If repairs are made and landlord requests a reinspection, a fee of $1 per multiple dwelling unit is required.
Application for a hardship increase: $1,200.
Final fee:
Full session (approximately three hours): $400 per session.
Partial session (up to 1 1/2 hours): $200.
[Added 12-27-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-48; amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Returned check fee: $40.
[Added 12-18-2012 by Ord. No. O-12-22; amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Fee for purchase of bid specifications: as provided pursuant to the Open Public Records Act.[2]
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq.
Editor's Note: Former § 150-25, Senior center rental fees, was repealed 1-31-2012 by Ord. No. O-12-2. This ordinance also stated that said fees would be set by the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners per statutory and ordinance authorization.
[Added 12-18-2012 by Ord. No. O-12-22; amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Dumpster fee (§ 290-90.1): $40.
[Added 12-27-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-48; amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Fee for processing the application for a soil erosion and sediment control permit: $50.
Application fee.
Removal of up to 1,000 cubic yards: $1,000.
[Amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
More than 1,000 cubic yards: $1,000 plus $1,000 per mile of the haul route which is along Township roads for each 25,000 cubic yard or fraction thereof. The fee for fractional miles shall be apportioned.
[Amended 5-28-2024 by Ord. No. O-24-5]
Posting of bonds.
Up to 1,000 cubic yards: $60,000 per mile of the haul route which is along Township roads. The amount for a fractional mile shall be apportioned.
[Amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
More than 1,000 cubic yards: $100,000 per mile of the haul route which is along Township roads for each 25,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. The guarantee amount for fractional miles shall be apportioned.
Exemptions. The following instances are exemption from fees:
The removal of soil in connection with the construction or alteration of a swimming pool or septic system for a single-family residence.
The construction, alteration or addition to or of one or two dwelling houses intended for single-family residential purposes in a subdivision.
Any soil removal involving soil disturbance of 100 cubic yards or less on a particular and specific lot.
[Added 11-29-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-38; amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
License fee: $100.
Street excavation fees.
Every applicant shall pay an application fee of $150, which includes the engineering inspection fee, plus a minimum deposit of $500 for every opening which does not exceed 16 square feet.
[Amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
For an opening which exceeds 16 square feet, there shall be an additional deposit requirement in an amount not to exceed 120% of the total cost of pavement replacement in excess of the 16 square feet as estimated.
Each public utility desiring to obtain permits shall file each year with the Township Clerk a bond which may be the bond of such corporation's surety in the sum of $10,000. (No automatic increase.)
[Amended 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11]
Sidewalk construction and removal fees.
Each applicant shall pay a fee of $150, which fees includes an engineering inspection fee.
[Amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
A refundable deposit in the amount of $500 is to be paid to cover all costs for tests deemed necessary by Township Engineer.
Exceptions. The above fees are exempt only in the following instances:
The initial installation of sidewalks, driveway aprons, curbs or gutters in a major subdivision where the work is covered by performance guaranties required by the Planning Board.
The repair or replacement of less than eight linear feet on an existing sidewalk.
[Amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Private swimming pool or wading pool: $0.02 per square foot with a minimum fee of $150.
[Amended 12-27-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-48; 5-20-2008 by Ord. No. O-08-7; 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Tree removal:
One to two trees: $100.
Three to four trees: $200.
Five to 10 trees: $50 per tree.
Eleven to 20 trees: $70 per tree.
Twenty-one and up: $80 per tree.
Establishment of a farm. Tree removal application fee: $400.
Fee on appeal: $200, plus an escrow amount of $1,000.
Removal of heritage/historic tree: $3,000.
[Amended 12-27-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-48; 5-28-2013 by Ord. No. O-13-19; 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Tow list application fee: $300 annually.
Use of flat-bed truck: $50.
Towing and storage fees:
Vehicles up to 30,000 pounds.
Light-duty tow rates: $128 for hookup and first mile with a maximum charge of $162 may be charged between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Motorcycles, station wagons, minivans and pickup trucks with a gross vehicle weight under 8,000 pounds shall be considered the same as passenger automobiles for the purpose of determining rates. There will be a charge of $3.75 per mile for each additional mile of towing to the authorized facility.
Gross weight between 8,001 and 10,000 pounds: $212 for hookup and first mile. There will be a charge of $5 per mile for each additional mile of towing to the authorized facility.
Gross weight between 10,001 and 15,000 pounds: $250 for hookup and first mile. There will be a charge of $5 per mile for each additional mile of towing to the authorized facility.
Gross weight between 15,001 and 30,000 pounds: $312 for hookup and first mile. There will be a charge of $5 per mile for each additional mile of towing to the authorized facility.
A maximum fee of $31 per service shall be permitted for the pulling of axles or disconnecting driveshafts.
Heavy-duty tow rates (vehicles between 30,001 and 80,000 pounds.
The maximum fee of $562 for hookup and first mile of towing. There will be a charge of $6.25 per mile for each additional mile of towing to the authorized facility.
A maximum fee of $31 per service shall be permitted for the pulling of axles or disconnecting driveshafts.
For every day of dead outdoor storage, $50 per day for passenger automobiles, trucks and omnibuses, under 8,000 pounds gross vehicle weight, $88 per day for medium-duty vehicles and $126 per day for heavy-duty vehicles.
Waiting time and/or winching time for wreckers may be charged $88 per 1/2 hour. Waiting time shall not begin until at least 1/2 hour after the time of arrival of the tow truck/wrecker at the scene.
Impound lot administrative fees:
Impound of vehicle and return to owner: $78.
Impound of vehicle with surrender of title: $155.
[Amended 12-27-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-48; 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Owner's license fee: $1,200 per year or portion thereof per vehicle. If the application is denied, half of the fee shall be refunded.
License to drive taxicab: $300 annually, unless license has been revoked or suspended. If the license is denied, half the fee will be returned to applicant.
Fee for each decal set or medallion: $70; for each replaced set of medallions or decals: $70.
Certificate of insurance: $20.
Telecommunications license application: $500.
[Amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Construction permit fees: $300.
[Amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-20]
Telecommunications license renewal application: $250.
[Added 5-22-2018 by Ord. No. O-18-5]
[Added 5-22-2018 by Ord. No. O-18-5]
Applications to co-locate, remove, or replace equipment at an existing wirelesss communications tower, base station, or other facility on which wireless communications equipment is located: $250.
Construction permit fees: $150.
[Amended 12-27-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-48; 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11]
The fees for alcoholic beverage licenses shall be the maximum set by the state.
[Added 2-28-2006 by Ord. No. O-06-6; amended 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11]
The fee for registration of potentially dangerous species with the Board of Health is $25.
Editor's Note: See also § 150-53, Dogs (Chapter 79, Article I).
[Amended 11-10-2005 by Ord. No. BH-01-05; 12-27-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-48; 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11]
Swimming Pool Code (Chapter 389).
Issuance of a permit to locate and construct a swimming pool: $200.
Issuance of a permit to alter a swimming pool: $150.
Issuance or renewal of a permit to operate a swimming pool: $500.
Retail food establishments (Chapter 373).
The following fees shall be paid for inspections and issuance of a food handlers' license:
[Amended 7-11-2024 by Ord. No. BH O-24-1]
Temporary food establishment to be open less than seven days: $35.
Mobile food vendors (i.e., ice cream, seasonal food vendors, etc.): $100.
One to 50 seats or less than 3,000 square feet: $125.
Fifty-one to 200 seats or 3,001 square feet to 10,000 square feet: $250.
Two hundred one seats or more than 10,000 square feet: $375.
Late fees. Every licensed personnel who fails to complete his/her renewal application as of January 31 of the licensing year shall be assessed a late fee equaling 50% of the license fee. The late fees are set forth as follows:
[Amended 7-11-2024 by Ord. No. BH O-24-1]
One to fifty seats: $60 late fee.
Fifty-one to 200 seats: $125 late fee.
Two hundred plus seats: $200 late fee.
The following fees shall be paid to the Township’s Board of Health for plan review in conjunction with establishing or modifying a retail food establishment:
[Added 6-14-2007 by Ord. No. BH-07-02]
Establishments other than restaurants:
Between 0 and 4,000 square feet: $225 per plan.
Between 4,001 and 10,000 square feet: $450 per plan.
Over 10,001 square feet: $750 per plan.
Seating capacity up to 100: $250 per plan.
Seating capacity over 100: $500 per plan.
Limited establishment alterations: $125 per plan.
Standards for individual subsurface sewage disposal systems (Chapter 385). Application, plans and issuance of permit to locate, construct or alter an individual sewage disposal system: $350.
Inoculation of cats (Chapter 368, Article I). Any person redeeming any cat which was seized shall pay a redemption fee of $25.
Licensing of cats (Chapter 368, Article II).
[Added 6-14-2007 by Ord. No. BH-07-03]
Fee for initial licensing and for annual renewal: $11 for each cat. There is an additional fee of $19 for cats of reproductive age that have not been neutered.
[Amended 3-8-2012 by Ord. No. BH-12-01]
Administrative and impound fees:
Following seizure by the Animal Control Officer: administrative fee of $50.
If a cat is not promptly claimed and must be turned over for impoundment: reimbursement to Township of impoundment fee charged Township, plus processing fee of $10.
Schedule of Inspection Fees. The following fees shall be paid to the Township's Board of Health for plan reviews, inspections and reinspections of facilities used by the public:
[Added 5-28-2013 by Ord. No. O-13-17; amended [Amended 7-11-2024 by Ord. No. BH O-24-1]
Schedule of Inspection Fees
Animal facility operations
Plan review
Facility reinspection
Body art/tattoo establishments
Plan review
Day-care facilities/preschool
New facility/preoperational inspection
Facility audit
Facility re-audit
Public campgrounds
Facility plan review
Facility inspection
Included in cost of annual permit
Facility reinspection
Recreational bathing facilities
Facility plan review
Facility inspection
Included in cost of annual permit
Facility reinspection
Retail food establishments
Plan review
As per township ordinance, § 150-52
Food inspection
Included in cost of annual permit
Food reinspection
1st offense annually
2nd offense annually
3rd offense annually
4th or more annually
Youth camps
Plan review
Preoperational inspection
Facility reinspection
[Amended 6-28-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-17; 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11]
License and registration tag fee.
[Amended 11-23-2010 by Ord. No. O-10-27]
Non-spayed or non-neutered dogs:
One-year license: $14.
Three-year license $42.
Spayed or neutered dogs:
One-year license: $11.
Three-year license: $33.
Noncompliance to register dogs by residents: $5.
License fees for pet shops, kennels, shelters, pounds.
Kennels accommodating 10 or fewer dogs: $10 annually.
Kennels accommodating more than 10 dogs: $25 annually.
Pet shops: $10 annually.
Shelters or pounds: no fee.
Editor's Note: See also § 150-51, Animals (Chapter 79, Article II).
[Amended 9-25-2007 by Ord. No. O-07-25; 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11]
Non-life-hazard uses inspections.
[Amended 5-22-2012by Ord. No. O-12-8]
Inspection Frequency
Eating establishment under 50
Takeout food service/no seating
House of worship
Fraternal organizations/condominium centers, fewer than 100 people
Senior centers, fewer than 200 people
Business professional offices:
1,000 square feet or less
1,001 square feet to 3,000 square feet
3,001 square feet to 5,000 square feet
5,001 square feet to 7,000 square feet
7,001 square feet and over
Business professional common area per building:
1-story building
2-story building
3-story building
4-story building
Buildings over 5 stories
Retail mercantile:
1,000 square feet or less
1,001 square feet to 3,000 square feet
3,001 square feet to 5,000 square feet
5,001 square feet to 7,000 square feet
7,001 square feet to 12,000 square feet
Retail mercantile common area per building:
1-story building
2-story building
3-story building
4-story building
Buildings over 5 stories
1,000 square feet or less
1,001 square feet to 3,000 square feet
3,001 square feet to 5,000 square feet
5,001 square feet to 7,000 square feet
7,001 square feet to 12,000 square feet
Storage (low and moderate hazards), per building:
1,000 square feet or less
1,001 square feet to 3,000 square feet
3,001 square feet to 5,000 square feet
5,001 square feet to 7,000 square feet
7,001 square feet to 12,000 square feet
Residential common areas, per building:
1-story building
2-story building
3-story building
4-story building
Buildings over 5 stories
Hotels and motels:
1-story building
2-story building
3-story building
4-story building
Buildings over 5 stories
Manufacturing factory:
1,000 square feet or less
1,001 square feet to 3,000 square feet
3,001 square feet to 5,000 square feet
5,001 square feet to 7,000 square feet
7,001 square feet to 12,000 square feet
Special fire permits.
[Amended 10-24-2017 by Ord. No. O-17-14]
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4
Exception: There shall be no fee for Type 4 permits for storage or activity at the premises registered as a life hazard use in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.
[Amended 11-20-2007 by Ord. No. O-07-32; 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11]
(NOTE: The fees below are not subject to the automatic fee increase.)
Nonrefundable fees.
Copy of rules and regulations: in accordance with N.J.S.A. 47:1A-2.
Copy of minutes: in accordance with N.J.S.A. 47:1A-2.
Copy of verbatim transcript: at expense of requesting party.
Copy of decision: no charge to applicant; all other in accordance with N.J.S.A. 47:1A-2.
Publication of notice of any decision (to be paid at time of application): cost of actual advertisement.
List of property owners within 200 feet: $10 or $0.25 per name, whichever is greater.
Zoning fees.
Zoning application with no construction permit required:
Change of business: $35.
Fence: $35.
Sheds: $35.
Patio, on-grade: $35.
Temporary signs: $35.
Canopy: $35.
Special events: $35.
Zoning application with construction permit required:
Inground pools: $100.
Aboveground pools and spas: $35.
Sheds: $35.
Decks and gazebos: $35.
Raised patio: $35.
Addition, residential: $35.
Residential units: $150.
Pool barrier fences: $35.
Tenant fit up, commercial: $50.
New commercial construction: $150.
Accessory structure (garage, barn, etc.): $50.
New residence.
Multiple dwellings: $150.
At time of application (nonrefundable): $10.
Demolition: $50.
Commercial structure: $100.
Addition to commercial structure: $100.
Housing continued certificates of occupancy fees shall be in accordance with § 150-62 of the Township Code.
[Amended 12-18-2018 by Ord. No. O-18-19]
Commercial continued certificates of occupancy: $125.
Temporary signs permitted in various nonresidential zones. Permittees shall pay a temporary sign license fee to the Township of $250 per sign per annum and post with the Township a performance guarantee of $5,000 per sign to guarantee its ultimate removal.
[Added 2-22-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-3]
[Amended 10-24-2006 by Ord. No. O-06-38; 12-16-2008 by Ord. No. O-08-32; 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11]
Municipal parking lot fees:
For the first vehicle in any household: $175 per annum.
[Amended 11-20-2018 by Ord. No. O-18-15; 12-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-22]
For any vehicle other than the first registered in any household: $175 per annum.
[Amended 11-20-2018 by Ord. No. O-18-15; 12-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-22]
For any vehicle owned by a nonresident of the Township: $275 per annum.
[Amended 11-20-2018 by Ord. No. O-18-15; 12-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-22]
For any portion greater than one month of the remainder of the year following August 1 of that year: 50% of the annual fee.
Daily permit: $5 per day.
[Amended 11-20-2018 by Ord. No. O-18-15]
Replacement fee for lost decals: $10.
NOTE: The above fees are not subject to the automatic fee increase of 5% each January 1. See fees listed in § 228-3.
[Amended 12-27-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-48; 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11]
Discovery: maximum set by state.
[Amended 12-27-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-48; 6-26-2007 by Ord. No. O-07-16; 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11]
Permits for purchase of pistol or revolver: $2 as set by state; annual increase per § 150-2 is not applicable.
Firearms purchaser identification cards: $5 as set by state; annual increase per § 150-2 is not applicable.
Searches for municipal liens (tax searches): $10 plus $2 per year for a continuation for up to four years.
All other documents where multiple copies are available: $0.25 per 10 pages or fraction thereof.
All other documents where multiple copies are not available:
One to 10 pages: $0.75 per page.
Eleven to 20 pages: $0.50 per page.
Over 20 pages: $0.25 per page.
Copying by person requesting documents more than 100 pages: The person requesting copies may use Township-owned photocopying machines for a fee of $15 per day.
Faxing fees:
Initial service of faxing: $5.
First page: $5.
Each additional page: $1.
Extraordinary copying charge: as set by state.
Standard-sized paper documents, up to 8 1/2 inches by 14 inches in size:
One to 10 pages: $0.75 per page.
Eleven to 20 pages: $0.50 per page.
All over 20: $0.25 per page.
Police reports and photographs:
Police accident reports: same as § 150-21A above, if requested and picked up in person.
Police accident reports, when copies are requested other than in person: $5 for the first three pages and $1 per page for each additional page, as established by N.J.S.A. 39:4-131.
Photographs: $10 per page.
Electronic records:
Copy of videotapes: $25.
Copy of audio tape: $25.
Copy of electronic document or database. The following fees cover the cost of copying existing files to a floppy disk or CD. Any requests for software conversions shall be subject to the special service charge described below. For security reasons, the use of a floppy disk or CD provided by the requestor is prohibited.
Floppy disks: cost of floppy disk and 120% of salary of employee's time to duplicate request.
CD: cost of CD and 120% of salary of employee's time to duplicate request.
Miscellaneous medium:
Mailing labels: $10 per sheet.
A special service charge shall be imposed, in addition to the actual cost of duplicating the record, where the nature, format, manner of collation or volume of printed matter is such that it cannot be reproduced by ordinary document-copying equipment in ordinary business size or where such record involves an extraordinary expenditure of time and effort to accommodate the request. The requestor shall have the opportunity to review and object to the special service charge prior to it being incurred.
Conversion of records from one medium to another: cost of duplication plus special service charges as follows:
Conversion of paper record to electronic form: 120% of salary of employee's time to duplicate request.
Conversion of electronic files from one software product to another: 120% of salary of employee's time to duplicate request.
[Amended 12-28-2004 by Ord. No. O-04-39; 8-23-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-23; 12-27-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-46; 12-19-2006 by Ord. No. O-06-45; 12-18-2007 by Ord. No. O-07-34; 12-16-2008 by Ord. No. O-08-31; 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11]
Building sewers and connections to sewers.
Building sewer. If not approved by the Township, further tests shall be made following completion of necessary corrections; there shall be an hourly charge of $25 for observation of each test subsequent to the initial test.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-8]
Automatic increase in fees; posting.
[Added 3-21-2013 by Ord. No. O-13-6]
All charges set forth in Subsections B and C below shall be increased 1.4% as of the adoption of this Subsection A1 and, thereafter, shall be automatically increased 1.4% per annum, compounded, each March 1 of every ensuing calendar year unless the Township Committee adopts a resolution within the first two months of a calendar year waiving the increase for that particular calendar year.
On or before March 15 of each calendar year, a schedule of the current charges reflecting the annual increase, unless such increase is waived as provided above, shall be posted on the official Township website (www.twp.freehold.nj.us) and shall be available in the office of the Tax Collector. Failure of such schedule to be available at either or both locations shall not affect or negate any automatic increase provided for in this section.
Sanitary sewer rentals and charges.
[Amended 12-22-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-36; 3-22-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-5; 10-25-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-25; 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-8]
Sewer Rentals and Charges
Type of Unit
Allowance per Quarter
Minimum Charge per Quarter
Surcharge per
1,000 Gallons
Over Allowance
1 and 2
10k to 32k: $2.11
Maximum charge: $173.29
Residential - Non-Water User
$153.35 flat rate
Residential - Non-Water User
$133.83 flat rate
Residential - Manufactured/Mobile Home (Silvermead)
$119.89 flat rate
10k to 32k: $2.11
32k and up: $7.33
Water and sewer connection fees.
[Amended 12-22-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-35; 12-21-2010 by Ord. No. O-10-31; 12-27-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-31; 12-18-2012 by Ord. No. O-12-28; 12-17-2013 by Ord. No. O-13-38; 12-23-2014 by Ord. No. O-14-16; 12-22-2015 by Ord. No. O-15-23; 12-20-2016 by Ord. No. O-16-16; 12-19-2017 by Ord. No. O-17-15; 12-18-2018 by Ord. No. O-18-17; 12-17-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-18; 12-22-2020 by Ord. No. O-20-17; 12-21-2021 by Ord. No. O-21-20; 12-20-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-22; 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. O-23-22]
Water and Sewer Connection Fees
Connection fee for new residential dwelling units; labor and materials by developer (1 E.U.)
Connection fee for new buildings other than residential; labor and materials by developer
$4,146 per E.U.
$2,674 per E.U.
Connection and installation fee for existing single-family residential dwelling unit, including labor and materials by Township
Connection and installation fee for existing building, non-single-family home; labor and materials by developer
$4,146 per E.U.
$2,674 per E.U.
2022 average flow per single-family dwelling unit (GPD)
Calculation of equivalent units (E.U.)
Estimated average water system consumption (gallons per day) divided by water average flow per single-family dwelling unit (in gallons per day) for year 2022
Estimated average wastewater system flow (gallons per day) divided by sewer average flow per single-family dwelling unit (in gallons per day) for year 2022
[Amended 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11]
For each digital tile or printed map or any portion thereof of a digital tile or printed map: $150.
[Amended 12-27-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-48; 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11]
Construction permit fees.
Plan review fee shall be 25% of construction permit fee. Whenever a permit is received based on approved prototype plan, the construction permit fee shall be reduced by the amount of the plan review paid.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
The fee for a construction permit shall be the sum of the fees listed below and shall be paid prior to the issuance of any permit.
Waiver of construction fees. Notwithstanding the provision of Subsection A(2) above, the following provisions shall determine circumstances for the waiver of construction fees:
No person shall be charged a construction permit surcharge fee or enforcing agency fee for any construction, reconstruction, alteration or improvement designed and undertaken solely to promote accessibility by disabled persons to an existing private structure or any of the facilities contained therein.
A disabled person, or a parent of disabled person, shall not be required to pay any municipal fee or charge in order to secure a construction permit for any construction, reconstruction, alteration or improvement which promotes accessibility to his or her own living unit.
Disabled person shall be as defined in N.J.S.A. 52:27D-126e, as same may be amended from time to time.
The following entities shall not be charged a construction permit surcharge fee or enforcing agency fee for any construction, reconstruction, alteration or improvement made to a building or structure owned and operated by such entity:
Any federal, state, county or local governmental entity.
Freehold First Aid Squad.
East Freehold Fire Company.
Freehold Independent Fire Company.
Religious nonprofit corporations.
State of New Jersey training fees.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
In order to provide for the training and certification and technical support programs required by the Act, the enforcing agency, including the Department when acting as the local agency, shall collect a surcharge fee to be based upon the volume of new construction within the municipality. The fee shall be in the amount of $0.0371 per cubic foot volume of new construction.
The fee for all other construction shall be $0.00334 per $1,000 of value of construction; all other construction: $1.90.
Building subcode fees shall be:
[Amended 12-22-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-36; 4-23-2013 by Ord. No. O-13-12]
For new construction: $0.038 per cubic foot of building or structure volumes, provided that the minimum fee shall be $75.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
For renovations, alterations and repairs: $38 per thousand of estimated cost of work.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
For additions: $0.038 per cubic foot of building or structure volume for the added portion, provided that the minimum fee shall be $75.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
Combinations of renovations and additions, the sum of the fees shall be computed separately as renovations and additions.
Swimming pools:
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
Aboveground pools: $25 per each $1,000 of installation cost. Minimum fee $200.
Private in-ground pools: $25 per each $1,000 of installation cost. Minimum fee $500.
Public in-ground pools: $38 per each $1,000 of installation cost.
Temporary structures and all structures for which volume cannot be computed, shall be charged a flat rate of $300. Telecommunications towers and open structures shall be charged $38 per each $1,000 cost of work.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
Woodburning stoves and other heating devices: $75.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
Re-roofing and re-siding: $34 per $1,000 of estimated cost of work.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
Asbestos abatement fee: $75.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
Certificate of approval fee: $75 for asbestos abatement.
For mobile homes: $34 per thousand of estimated cost of the work.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
The fee for a permit for the removal of a building or structure from one lot to another or to a new location on the same lot shall be $34 per $1,000 of the sum of the estimated costs of moving, for new foundations and for placement of a completed condition in the new location, provided that the minimum fee shall be $75.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
The fee for a permit to construct a sign shall be an annual fee for a flat sign or a freestanding sign, single- or double-faced, in the amount of $75 for all signs having a sign face area of up to 50 square feet, an additional $0.50 will be charged for each square foot in excess of 50 square feet. All double-faced signs will be multiplied by two.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
The fee for a temporary sign shall be $75.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
The fee for a permit for demolition of a building or structure shall be $25 per thousand of estimated cost of the work. Minimum fee $200.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
The fee for fences, patios, sheds and the like shall be $25 per each $1,000 of work. Minimum fee $100.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
Certificate of occupancy:
Single family: 15% of the total permit fee cost.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
Multifamily rental: $100.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
Manufactured/mobile home: $100.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
Commercial/industrial: 20% of the permit fee.
Commercial continued certificate of occupancy involving no change in use: $250. Commercial continued certificate of occupancy involving a change in use shall be charged the minimum subcode fee of $ 75 per each subcode permit.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
Temporary certificate of continued occupancy, commercial: $250.
Plumbing subcode fees.
[Amended 4-23-2013 by Ord. No. O-13-12; 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
Total number of fixtures and stacks, including but not limited to all sinks, urinals, water closets, bathtubs, shower stalls, laundry tubs, floor drains, drinking fountains, dishwashers, garbage disposals, clothes washers, hot water heaters or similar devices: $25 each.
Total number of special devices, including but not limited to grease traps, oil separators, water-cooled air-conditioning units, pumps, utility service connectors, boilers and furnaces: $75 each.
Fees for each fixture, stack and special devices are as follows:
Water closet/bidet/urinals: $25.
Bathtub: $25.
Lavatory/sink: $25.
Shower/floor drain: $25.
Washing machine: $25.
Dishwasher: $25.
Commercial dishwasher: $25.
Water heater: $75.
Water utility connection: $150.
Sewer utility connection: $150.
Hose bib: $25.
Water cooler: $25.
Garbage disposal: $25.
Air-conditioner unit (water-cooled): $65.
Indirect connection: $25.
Sewer ejector: $75.
Grease trap: $65.
Interceptor: $65.
Backflow device: $75.
Reduced-pressure backflow: $65.
Vent stack: $25.
Boilers: $75.
Gas service connections: $75.
Active solar systems: $75.
Fuel oil piping: $75.
Sump pump: $75.
The minimum fee shall be $75.
Fees charged for any disciplines which are inspected by an on-site inspection agency (third-party agency) shall be as set forth in N.J.A.C. 5:23-4.20, as amended from time to time by the Department of Community Affairs, plus an additional fee of 25% for municipal processing.
Electrical subcode fees.
[Amended 4-23-2013 by Ord. No. O-13-12; 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
One to 50 receptacles or fixtures: $75; for each 25 receptacles or fixtures in addition to this, the fee is $25. For the purpose of computing this fee, receptacles or fixtures shall include lighting outlets, wall switches, fluorescent fixtures, convenience receptacles or similar fixtures, and motors or devices of less than one horsepower or one kilowatt.
For each motor or electric device one horsepower or greater than one horsepower and less than or equal to 10 horsepower, and for transformers and generators one kilowatt or greater than one kilowatt and less than or equal to 10 kilowatts: $25.
Various electrical fees:
Communication points:
One to 25 points: $65.
Each additional 10 points: $25.
Alarm devices:
One to 25 devices: $65.
Each additional 10 devices: $25.
Electrical range/receptacles: $25.
Oven/surface unit: $25.
Water heater: $25.
Dryer/receptacles: $25.
Dishwasher: $25.
Garbage disposal: $25.
Central air-conditioning unit: $50 per unit.
Space heater/air handler: $50 per unit.
Baseboard heat: $65.
Electric sign/outline light:
One: $75.
Each additional: $25.
Car charging stations: $100 each.
Photovoltaic system:
One to 10 kilowatts: $100.
Eleven to 20 kilowatts: $200.
Twenty-one to 30 kilowatts: $300.
Thirty-one to 50 kilowatts: $500.
Fifty-one to 100 kilowatts: $800 and $100 per kilowatt thereafter.
Battery backup: $150 per 10 kilowatts.
By horsepower:
One to 10 horsepower: $65.
Ten to 50 horsepower: $100.
Fifty-one to 100 horsepower: $225
One hundred one and greater horsepower: $500, with greater than 150 horsepower/kilowatts $600, plus $25 per 50 horsepower/kilowatts or portion thereafter.
Light poles:
One to five: $65.
Six and greater: $25 each.
Service amperes:
One hundred amperes: $125.
One hundred fifty amperes: $150.
Two hundred amperes: $150.
Three hundred amperes: $300.
Four hundred amperes: $450.
Four hundred one to 1,000 amperes: $75.
One thousand one and above: $800, plus $25 per 50 amperes or portion thereafter.
Meter stack cost per meter amperage, see above.
Inground pools: $200.
Aboveground pools: $150.
Annual visual bonding and grounding inspection fee for each commercial pool, spa, hot, tub therapeutic tub or pool for other than residential use $100 each.
Hot tubs: $150.
For the purpose of computing these fees, all motors except those in plug-in appliances shall be counted, including control equipment, generators, transformers and all heating, cooling or other devices consuming or generating electrical current.
Heating and cooling equipment: $75 for the first two, $50 each over two.
Fire protection and other hazardous equipment: sprinklers, standpipes, detectors (smoke and heat); gas- and oil-fired appliances not connected to the plumbing system, kitchen exhaust systems, incinerators and crematoriums.
Fire protection and other hazardous equipment: sprinklers, standpipes, detectors (smoke and heat); gas- and oil-fired appliances not connected to the plumbing system, kitchen exhaust systems, incinerators and crematoriums:
Twenty or fewer heads or detectors: $75.
Twenty-one to and including 100 heads or detectors: $175.
One hundred one to and including 200 heads or detectors: $325.
Two hundred one to and including 400 heads or detectors: $790.
Four hundred one to and including 1,000 heads or detectors: $1,020.
Over 1,000 heads or detectors: $1,050, plus $200 per 100 heads or portion thereafter.
In computing fees for heads and detectors, the number of each shall be counted separately, and two fees, one for heads and one for detectors, shall be charged.
Standpipe fees:
Per fire pump: $400.
Per standpipe: $400.
Alarm systems:
Residential: $75 per residence.
Nonresidential: $25 per unit or zone.
Each independent preengineered system: $150.
Each kitchen exhaust system: $150.
Each incinerator: $400.
Each crematorium: $400.
Woodburning stove or other heating device installation: $75.
Various installation fees:
Underground and aboveground fuel tanks: $150.
Heating equipment: gas and oil fired appliances not connected to plumbing systems: $75.
Housing Code.
[Amended 4-23-2013 by Ord. No. O-13-12]
Application for continued certificate of occupancy:
Multifamily rental (apartment and mobile homes): $75.
Single-family homes or condominiums (rental or sale): $150.
Residential reinspection fee after second inspection: $65 per inspection.
[Added 12-18-2018 by Ord. No. O-18-19]
Application for certificate of occupancy, commercial buildings:
Initial application: $250; temporary: $250; first extension: $250; each subsequent extension: $50 each.
Additional inspections: $65 each.
Temporary sign permit.
Commercial establishments: $50.
Planned multiple-store shopping areas: $100 per sign per annum.
Fees for signs.
There shall be an initial review fee of $100 per sign and an annual fee thereafter for the following types of signs:
Street signs: $35 each, plus an additional 10% if there are two words to a street name. The charge for the post shall be $45; if additional sign (such as intersection), 30% is to be added to fee.
Fee for filing certificate of registration: $100.
Commercial and industrial business license: $30.
[Added 4-23-2013 by Ord. No. O-13-12]
Two hundred fifty dollars per code variation requested. Variation fees are not refundable.
Mechanical subcode fees.
[Added 7-11-2017 by Ord. No. O-17-9]
Heating equipment: $75 each.
Cooling equipment: $75 each.
After two units: $50 each unit thereafter.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
Generator/water heater/pool heater: $75 each.
LPG tank install/removal: $150.
Oil tank UST removal: $150 each.
Oil tank AST removal: $150 each.
Oil tank new AST: $150 each.
Fuel tanks 1,000 gallon: $300 each, install and removal.
Fuel oil piping: $100.
Gas piping: $100 per system.
Gas type appliances: $25 each.
Gas fireplace or like equipment: $75 each.
Hydronic piping, pumps, etc.: $75 each.
Duct work, new/replace: $100.
Chimney/vent, new/replace: $100.
Split units: $75 each, plus $25 per head unit.
For expired and/or uncompleted permits, the cost to reactivate is 50% of the total permit cost or minimum fee of each subcode that has not been fully inspected.
[Added 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-7]
[Amended 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11]
Use of water for building construction.
Minimum flat rate: $25.
Minimum special hydrant fee (water usage): $200.
In excess of minimum usage, a rate of $2.30 per 1,000 gallons will be billed.
Construction water: $25 per residential dwelling unit or equivalent.
Tapping of mains. Taps over one inch (permit required): $200.
Automatic increase in fees; posting.
[Added 3-21-2013 by Ord. No. O-13-6]
All charges set forth in Subsections C, D, E and F below shall be increased 1.4% as of the adoption of this Subsection B1 and, thereafter, shall be automatically increased 1.4% per annum, compounded, each March 1 of every ensuing calendar year unless the Township Committee adopts a resolution within the first two months of a calendar year waiving the increase for that particular calendar year.
On or before March 15 of each calendar year, a schedule of the current charges reflecting the annual increase, unless such increase is waived as provided above, shall be posted on the official Township website (www.twp.freehold.nj.us) and shall be available in the office of the Tax Collector. Failure of such schedule to be available at either or both locations shall not affect or negate any automatic increase provided for in this section.
Metering and water service charges.
[Amended 8-23-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-23]
Water rents:
[Amended 3-22-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-5; 10-25-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-25; 5-31-2016 by Ord. No. O-16-4; 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-8]
Surcharge Over Minimum
Meter Size
Quarterly Minimum
Quarterly Allowance
Surcharge per 1,000 Gallons
Gallons Over Minimum
12,000 to 30,000
30,000 to 50,000
50,000 to 100,000
100,000 and up
40,000 to 50,000
50,000 to 100,000
100,000 and up
1 1/2
80,000 to 100,000
100,000 and up
120,000 and up
200,000 and up
350,000 and up
700,000 and up
3/4 (not Freehold Township)
12,000 to 30,000
30,000 to 50,000
50,000 to 100,000
100,000 and up
In order to bill in an equitable fashion, all multiple residential complexes served by a single water meter shall be billed as if such individual residential unit was metered separately. The total meter reading shall be divided by the number of residential units to determine the average use per residential unit. The bill shall be based on the average use time of the total number of users in the complex.
The rates to be charged for metered water to a unit located outside of the Township shall be 110% of the rates set forth above.
Fire protection; quarterly rates:
[Amended 3-22-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-5; 10-25-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-25; 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-8]
Size of Connection
Cost Per Quarter
Private fire hydrants: $59.66 per quarter per hydrant.
[Amended 3-22-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-5; 10-25-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-25]
Water meters: charge for customers of Township.
[Amended 3-22-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-5; 10-25-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-25; 5-31-2016 by Ord. No. O-16-4; 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-8]
Size of Meter
1 1/2
Interconnections. Emergency water service: per rates set forth in an interconnection operating agreement or in the event of no agreement, $2.50 per thousand gallons.
[Amended 10-25-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-25]
Discontinued water service. Disconnect fee: $21.50; reconnection fee: $21.50, after regular working hours: $43 for disconnect or reconnect fee.
[Amended 3-22-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-5; 10-25-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-25]
Shut off at curb, curb stop sealed: $55.
[Amended 10-25-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-25]
Restoration of service when service was either temporarily or permanently shutoff: $21.50; after working hours: $43.
[Amended 10-25-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-25]
Water meter readings to determine if meter is working properly: $65. If found that the meter is not working properly, the fee shall be returned.
[Amended 10-25-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-25; 1-29-2019 by Ord. No. O-19-1]
Private fire hydrants supplied with water by the Township, annual maintenance fee: $255.84 per hydrant per year.
[Amended 10-25-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-25; 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. O-22-8]
Thawing of water service pipes or main. The service of a Utilities Department inspector shall be paid at the rate of $23.50 per daytime work hour, or $43 per nighttime work hour by the company or individual to whose work he is assigned.
[Amended 10-25-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-25]
Hydrant meter requirements (construction only).
Final water meter reading: $27.
[Added 3-22-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-5; amended 10-25-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-25]
Short-term use of hydrants: $80, plus $3.10 per 1,000 gallons shall be billed to the developer after use.
[Amended 10-25-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-25]
Hydrant meter and backflow preventor: supplied by Utilities Department to be returned at the end of the period by the developer. If not returned promptly after use: $270.
[Amended 10-25-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-25]
Long-term use of hydrants: $270, plus $3.10 per 1,000 gallons shall be billed quarterly to the developer.
[Amended 10-25-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-25]
[Added 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-11]
The fee for licensing charitable bins is $25.
[Added 11-29-2011 by Ord. No. O-11-27]
The Tax Collector will provide up to two calculations, at no cost, of the amount required to redeem a tax lien certificate within one calendar year. For each subsequent written request within the same calendar year, there will be a charge of $50. This fee is not subject to the automatic fee increase.