[Amended 8-18-1997 by L.L. No. 8-18-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
Whenever a person violates any rules and regulations for plumbing and drainage or deviates from the approved plan or specification for plumbing and drainage filed with the Plumbing Inspector, the Plumbing Inspector shall first serve notice of violation thereof upon the master plumber doing the work, or upon the owner or occupant if § 175-22 of this chapter shall be applicable.
[Amended 8-18-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
Such notice may be served personally or by mail, and if by mail, it may be addressed to such master plumber at the address registered by him with the Plumbing Inspector of the village. Notice to an owner or occupant, if § 175-22 is applicable, may be served personally or by mail addressed to such owner or occupant at the premises to which the permit relates. Unless the violation is removed within three days after the day of personal service of such notice or within six days after the day of mailing, exclusive of the day of serving or mailing, the Plumbing Inspector may proceed according to law. Any person performing plumbing work regulated by this chapter who is not a licensed master plumber or certified journey level plumber or who is not an owner or occupant, if § 175-22 is applicable, shall subject the owner or occupant of the premises to the penalties prescribed by § 175-30 of this chapter.
Any person violating any provisions of this chapter or of the code adopted as a part hereof shall be liable to a penalty as provided in § 1-12 of Chapter 1, General Provisions.
[Amended 5-7-1990 by L.L. No. 2-1990]
Any licensed master plumber or certified journey level plumber who violates any provisions of this chapter or the code shall be subject to the penalties prescribed by Chapter 277, Article XV, of the Westchester County Administrative Code regulating plumbing work in addition to the penalties prescribed under § 175-30A herein.
[Amended 8-18-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]