There is hereby established a Comprehensive Zoning Plan for the Incorporated Village of Garden City, which plan is set forth in the text, maps and schedule that constitute this chapter. Said plan is adopted for the purposes set forth in §§ 175, 176 and 177 of the Village Law of the State of New York[1] and more particularly for the protection and promotion of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the Village in the following respects:
Protecting the character of the Village as found in the desirability of living environment provided by its residential neighborhoods and the quality and economic soundness of its business districts, and assuring that further development in the Village will be in harmony with these characteristics.
Providing a guiding pattern of land use and population density that:
Represents the most appropriate use of land throughout the Village.
Is a normal and beneficial evolution of the comprehensive planning that has guided the development of the Village from its first settlement as an integrated community.
Recognizes sound trends in building development and land area design.
Takes account of trends of development in the larger community of Nassau County of which the Village is a part.
Aiding in bringing about the most beneficial relation between the uses of land and buildings and the movement of traffic through and the circulation of traffic within the Village, having particular regard to the avoidance of congestion in the streets in the Village and the provision of safe and convenient traffic access appropriate to the various uses of land and buildings throughout the Village.
Aiding in providing a guide for public policy and action in the efficient provision of public facilities and services and for private enterprise in building development, investment and other activity relating to the uses of land and buildings throughout the Village.
Editor's Note: For current provisions, see §§ 7-700, 7-702 and 7-704 of the Village Law.