A plan of the proposed road shall be prepared
by a professional engineer or qualified land surveyor properly licensed
by the State of New York. The plan shall clearly define the limits
of the proposed right-of-way and shall include the location, widths,
profiles and grades of proposed roadways, storm drainage, including
culverts, and other drainage structures and the location of easements
and utilities. Where the proposed road is part of a subdivision to
be approved by the Town Planning Board, plans shall be submitted to
the Town Superintendent of Highways and the Town Engineer and Planning
Board for review and approval under the applicable subdivision regulations
of the Town. When the proposed road is not part of a subdivision requiring
Planning Board approval, submittals shall be made to the Town Engineer
and Superintendent of Highways only. Such plans so submitted shall
not be altered or amended after having been approved unless amended
plans are resubmitted and approved as above. However, the developer
shall, at his own expense, provide additional storm drainage facilities
as may be ordered by the Town Superintendent of Highways or the Town
Engineer if during the progress of the work, in the opinion of the
Town Superintendent of Highways or the Town Engineer, such additional
structures or facilities are necessary to assure the durability of
pavement, the future maintenance of right-of-way or the welfare or
safety of the public.
Prior to the commencement of construction of
the road for which plans were approved, a field conference shall be
held at the construction site among the developer, developer's contractor
and/or subcontractors that will be constructing the road, the Town
Engineer and Superintendent of Highways in order to review the project
and to clarify any matters which may be unclear to the parties involved.
Construction shall not be commenced until such time as the conference
has been held.
It is expected and it is understood that the
developer shall maintain the road giving access to any houses in such
condition that the residents shall have safe convenient access. The
minimum conditions for the paved surface for such access are:
A. The edges of the road, i.e., the gutter line, shall
be kept free and clear of debris, stone, gravel or any material which
prevents the free flow of water. Driveways shall be so constructed
that the flow line remains clear.
B. The surface pavement shall be maintained on a continuing
basis. Soft spots or other structural defects shall be repaired immediately
by excavation and replacement with good material. "Immediate" shall
be considered to be 24 hours from the time of oral or written notification
by the Town Superintendent of Highways to the developer, unless arrangements
are made, satisfactory to the Superintendent, to protect the traveling
public by lights and barricades until such time as repairs can be
made. Potholing and edge raveling shall be remedied on a continuing
basis or as ordered by the Superintendent. Repairs shall be made with
asphalt concrete, hot mix when available.
The Town Superintendent of Highways and Town Engineer shall inspect the road prior to the expiration of the continuation bond. Defects found shall be remedied in accordance with §
A111-9 hereinabove, after which a recommendation for release of the continuation bond and insurance will be forwarded to the Town Board for final release thereof.