Establishment of zones. The Borough is divided into zones enumerated below and shown on the map entitled "Zoning Map of Jefferson Borough," which map is part of this chapter.[1]
RT — Residential Town (§ 198-13)
RO — Residential Outlying (§ 198-14)
VC — Village Center (§ 198-15)
I — Industrial (§ 198-16)
H — Historic Overlay (§ 198-17)
Editor's Note: The Zoning Map is on file in the Borough office.
Boundaries of zones. Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of the zones as shown on the Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply:
Boundaries indicated as approximately following the center lines of streets, highways or alleys shall be construed to follow such center lines.
Boundaries indicated as approximately following platted lot lines shall be construed as following such lot lines.
Boundaries indicated as approximately following municipality limits shall be construed as following municipality limits.
Boundaries indicated as following railroad lines shall be construed to be midway between the main tracks.
Boundaries indicated as approximately following the center lines of streams, rivers or other bodies of water shall be construed to follow such center lines.
Boundaries indicated as parallel to or extensions of features indicated in Subsection B(1) through (5) shall be so construed. Distances not specifically indicated on the Official Zoning Map shall be determined by the scale of the map.
Where physical or cultural features existing on the ground are at variance with those shown on the Official Zoning Map or in circumstances not covered by Subsection B(1) through (6), the Zoning Hearing Board shall interpret the district boundaries.
Lots split by boundaries of zones. If a lot is split by a zoning boundary, the minimum lot area and lot width for the zone in which the principal building, structure or use is to be located shall be applicable to the entire lot.
A structure may be erected or used and a lot may be used or occupied for any of the following uses and no other. Uses designated by the letter "P" are permitted by right. Uses designated by the letters "SE" are permitted only by special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board, and uses designated by the letters "CU" are conditional uses granted only by the Board of Supervisors. Additionally, all permitted uses are governed by the regulations contained in Articles IV and VI of this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: The Summary of Uses Permitted by Right, Special Exception and/or Conditional Use Table is located at the end of this chapter.
Any use not specifically allowed elsewhere in this chapter shall be allowed by special exception in the zone or zones where, and to the extent that, similar uses are permitted or allowed by special exception, provided that said use meets the requirements for a special exception and does not constitute a public or private nuisance.
Accessory uses, buildings and structures shall be permitted in conjunction with the principal uses permitted by this chapter and shall be further subject to the requirements for accessory uses, buildings and structures as set forth in § 198-18.
In no case is a use permitted which by reason of noise, dust, odor, appearance, or other objectionable factor creates a nuisance, hazard, or other substantial adverse effect upon the reasonable enjoyment of the surrounding property.
Dimensional criteria and requirements are set forth in the table located at the end of this chapter.
Purpose. The purpose of the Residential Town Zone is to improve and maintain the character of the established residential areas within the Borough; to provide for the public health and to prevent the overcrowding of land through the application of maximum housing densities; and to exclude any activities not compatible with residential development.
Use regulations. No building or structure may be erected or used and no land may be used or occupied except for uses indicated in the table located at the end of this chapter as either permitted or allowed by special exception in this zone.
Dimensional criteria and requirements are set forth in the table located at the end of this chapter.
Required utilities. Each principal use shall be provided with Borough water service if it is determined by the Borough Engineer that water capacity is available and that it is feasible to have the service extended to serve the principal use.
Purpose. The primary purpose of the Residential Outlying Zone is to provide for an orderly expansion of suburban type residential development in areas which are or can be feasibly supplied with public facilities and services; to provide for a variety of housing types; to provide for the public health and prevent the overcrowding of land through the application of maximum housing densities; and due to development constraints such as topography, slope and other natural features, exclude any activities not compatible with suburban type residential development.
Use regulations. No building or structure may be erected or used and no land may be used or occupied except for uses indicated in the table located at the end of this chapter as either permitted or allowed by special exception in this zone.
Dimensional criteria and requirements are set forth in the table located at the end of this chapter.
Required utilities. Each principal use shall be provided with Borough water service if it is determined by the Borough Engineer that water capacity is available and that it is feasible to have the service extended to serve the principal use.
Purpose. The purpose of the Village Center Zone is to provide reasonable standards for the orderly expansion of commercial uses together with higher density residential uses where a nucleus of such uses already exists, and where, due to the character of the area such uses are appropriate and compatible serving the local area. The standards of this zone are designed to minimize traffic congestion on the streets, provide for the public conveniences and otherwise fulfill the purposes and objectives of this chapter.
Use regulations. No building or structure may be erected or used and no land may be used or occupied except for uses indicated in the table located at the end of this chapter as either permitted or allowed by special exception in this zone.
Dimensional criteria and requirements are set forth in the table located at the end of this chapter.
Required utilities. Each principal use shall be provided with Borough water service if it is determined by the Borough Engineer that water capacity is available and that it is feasible to have the service extended to serve the principal use.
Two or more independent uses permitted in this zone may be established within a single principal building, provided that the regulations established in this chapter for each individual use are satisfied, e.g., parking, special exception provisions. The principal building itself, however, shall be considered as a unit for purposes of lot area, lot width and setback requirements; such provisions shall not be cumulative for the individual uses established.
Purpose. The purpose of the Industrial Zone is to permit and encourage industrial development that will be so located and designed as to constitute a harmonious and appropriate development, contribute to the soundness of the economic base of the Borough and otherwise further the purposes of this chapter. In promoting these and the general purposes of this chapter, the specific intent of this zone is:
To encourage the development of and continued use of land for industrial purposes.
To prohibit any use which would substantially interfere with the development, continuation or expansion of industrial uses in the zone.
To establish reasonable standards for buildings and other structures, the areas and dimensions of yards and other open spaces, and the provision of facilities and operation of industries to minimize air pollution, noise, glare, heat, vibration and fire and safety hazards.
Use regulations. No building or structure may be erected or used and no land may be used or occupied except for uses indicated in the table located at the end of this chapter as either permitted or allowed by special exception in this zone.
Dimensional criteria and requirements are set forth in the table located at the end of this chapter.
Required utilities. Each principal use shall be provided with Borough water service if it is determined by the Borough Engineer that water capacity is available and that it is feasible to have the service extended to serve the principal use.
Performance standards for industrial activities. Industrial activities shall not:
Cause vibration, dust, smoke, fumes, gas or offensive odors to be disseminated beyond the boundaries of the lot.
Cause noise exceeding that of street traffic at the front lot line.
Cause glare observable from beyond the boundaries of the lot.
Constitute an unusual fire or explosion hazard.
Two or more independent uses permitted in this zone may be established within a single principal building, provided that the regulations established in this chapter for each individual use are satisfied, e.g., parking, special exception provisions. The principal building itself, however, shall be considered as a unit for purposes of lot area, lot width and setback requirements; such provisions shall not be cumulative for the individual uses established.
Purpose. The purpose of the Historic Overlay Zone is to encourage the preservation of locally important architectural, historical, archeological, and/or cultural elements of the man-made landscape as a living part of the community. In promoting this and the general purpose of this chapter, the specific intent of this zone is:
To protect sites of historic and patriotic value.
To promote responsible design within the historic zone.
Abrogation and greater restrictions. This section is intended to create an Historic Overlay Zone. Within this zone all applications for building permits for either the purpose of alteration or demolition will be directed to the Jefferson Historic District Commission for review and comment, as to the effect of the proposed action on the historic-architectural character of the zone prior to the issuance of a building permit. Notwithstanding, all of the regulations of the underlying zone shall remain in full force and effect.
Permitted uses. In the Historic Overlay Zone, the development and/or use of any land will be permitted, provided that the development or uses adhere to all the requirements of the underlying zone.
Approval by the Zoning Officer.
In addition to meeting the normal requirements for obtaining a building permit, all applications for alteration and/or demolition of a building or structure designated as having "significant" or "contributing" historic architectural features, according to a survey conducted by Historic York, Inc., in 1981 (which is on file in the Borough office and its content is incorporated here by reference), shall be forwarded to the Jefferson Historic District Commission so that a meeting between the Commission and the applicant can be arranged. The meeting will deal with (a) building harmony, which is the relationship between the proposed alteration and the texture, size and material of the present structure or building, and (b) structural effect, which is the architectural historic character of the property. The recommendations of the Jefferson Historic District Commission shall be advisory only and not mandatory.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
After notification that the above meeting has occurred, or after a period not to exceed 15 days after the application has been forwarded by the Zoning Office to the Jefferson Historic District Commission, whichever comes first, the Zoning Officer may proceed in a manner similar to the rules in effect in the underlying zone to issue the permit.