The Township of Shaler does hereby prohibit the dumping of any hazardous materials or substances upon or into properties within the municipal boundaries of the Township of Shaler.
The Township of Shaler hereby authorizes and directs its various emergency services, Township employees or any other persons employed by the Township for such purposes to clean up or abate, or cause to be cleaned up or abated, the effects of any hazardous materials or substances deposited upon or into properties or facilities within the municipal boundaries of the Township of Shaler, including such properties and activities as, but not limited to, traffic control, evacuation, relocation, substance monitoring and establishment of medical-care facilities, and to recover from such persons responsible for the same any and all costs incurred in the mitigation of the situation. Any person or persons who intentionally or accidentally or negligently caused such deposit shall be liable for all costs incurred by the Township of Shaler or incurred by the Township in the cleanup or abatement activities. The remedies provided by this article shall be in addition to all other remedies provided by other laws or ordinances of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Township of Shaler.
For purposes of this article, costs incurred by the Township of Shaler shall include, but are not limited to, actual labor cost of Township personnel, including worker's compensation benefits, fringe benefits, administrative overhead, cost of equipment operation, cost of special fire-extinguishing agents used and cost of any contracted labor and materials; and, further, it shall include any costs incurred by volunteer fire companies, emergency medical companies, the Department of Police of the Township of Shaler and any other agency or contractor engaged in the abating or cleaning up of the effects of any such hazardous materials of substances deposited upon or into properties, facilities, roads or streets of the Township of Shaler.