Types. Large domestic animals include horses, cattle, sheep, alpaca, goats, ponies, oxen and other similar size animals unless otherwise specified.
Shelter. Large domestic animals shall be sheltered in clean structures. Structures, confinement and feeding areas associated with large domestic animals shall be located at least 30 feet away from any property line.
Limitations. The minimum land area required to maintain any large domestic animal shall be two acres, or the sum of the required land areas for each animal as listed below, whichever is greater. On publicly owned park properties, there shall be no limit on the number of large domestic animals kept, provided animal structures and run requirements are met.
Cattle, pigs or oxen, one acre each;
Horses, ponies or alpacas, 1/2 acre each;
Sheep, goats or llamas, 1/4 acre each; provided that unweaned young will not be counted.
Types. Small domestic animals (mammals and fowl) include ducks, geese, swans, chickens and other similar animals unless otherwise specified.
Limitations. No more than 10 small domestic animals may be kept on a minimum lot size of 1/2 acre.
Shelter. Small domestic animals shall be sheltered in a clean structure which shall be located at least 30 feet away from any property line.
Types. Household pets include animals such as dogs, cats, hamsters, birds and rabbits.
Limitations. Each dwelling unit is limited to five household pets plus one unweaned litter produced by any of the pets, provided that this limitation shall not apply to gerbils, hamsters and birds. This limitation shall not apply to household pets considered to be visiting the dwelling unit for up to 14 days within a six-month period. This limitation shall not apply to a dwelling unit keeping a fostered animal(s), so long as:
The resident(s) of the dwelling unit provides the Township with written correspondence from the organization in charge of said fostering, stating said resident(s) is responsible for such fostered animals.
The period of said fostering is a maximum of 90 days per animal.
Shelter. Household pets shall be sheltered in the dwelling unit or in a clean structure located within the building setback lines of the accompanying lot.