[HISTORY: Adopted by the Planning Board of the City of Marlborough 6-25-1970; as amended through 12-2-1991 (Ch. A203 of the 1986 Code). Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Department of Public Works — See Ch. 7, Art. IV.
Planning Board — See Ch. 19, Art. I.
Building and site development — See Ch. 270.
Fire hydrants — See Ch. 333.
Poles, wires and conduits — See Ch. 473.
Sewers — See Ch. 510.
Soil removal — See Ch. 534.
Solid waste — See Ch. 540.
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 551.
Water — See Ch. 608.
Wetlands — See Ch. 627.
Zoning — See Ch. 650.