[Adopted 2-13-1990 as Ord. No. 1220]
Editor's Note: Former Article II, Noise, adopted 9-13-1938 as Ord. No. 162, was repealed 6-12-1979 by Ord. No. 1010. For current regulations pertaining to noise, see Ch. 77, Noise.
This ordinance is enacted for the purpose of protecting and promoting the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the township within 1,000 feet of the real property of any public, private or parochial school.
Any person over 18 years of age who engages in any activity with the intent to deliver to a minor under 18 years of age a substance as defined and regulated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act (Act 233, No. 64)[1] and in violation of said Act shall, in addition thereto, be considered to have performed a disorderly offense when the offense is performed within the limits of the Township of Springfield and committed within 1,000 feet of the real property on which is located a public, private or parochial school.
Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 780-101 et seq.
Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to the penalty as provided in Chapter 1, entitled "General Provisions," Article II, entitled "General Penalty," § 1-10A(1) thereof.