As defined in § 286-200, accessory uses and structures may be associated with principal use types. Principal uses which are allowed by right or by special exception may include accessory uses and activities, provided such accessory uses and activities are appropriate and incidental to the principal use, and provided they are designed and located in accord with the intent and provisions of this chapter.
Agricultural use types may include uses and activities necessarily and customarily associated with the purpose and function of permitted agricultural use types, as determined by the Administrator.
Residential use types may include the following accessory uses, activities or structures on the same site or lot:
Private garages and parking for the principal use.
Recreational activities and uses used by residents, including structures necessary for such uses.
Playhouses, gazebos, incidental household storage buildings, swimming pools, and other similar accessory structures.
Other uses and activities necessarily and customarily associated with purpose and function of residential use types, as determined by the Administrator.
Construction trailer associated with active construction on a site. A construction trailer shall be removed from an active construction site within 30 days of issuance of the final certificate of occupancy for the project.
Civic use types may include the following accessory uses, activities or structures on the same site or lot:
Parking for the principal use.
Accessory dwellings commonly associated with or necessitated by the location and operation of the principal use.
Food services operated incidental to the principal use and operated primarily for the convenience of employees, residents or users of the principal use. Typical examples include cafeterias, and dining halls.
Convenience commercial facilities clearly incidental to the principal use and operated primarily for the convenience of employees, residents, and users of the principal use. Typical examples include museum gift shops, college bookstores, or snack bars clearly incidental to the principal use.
Other uses and activities necessarily and customarily associated with purpose or function of civic use types, as determined by the Administrator.
A construction office or trailer associated with active construction on a site. A construction office or trailer shall be removed from an active construction site within 30 days of issuance of the final certificate of occupancy for the project.
Office use types may include the following accessory uses, activities or structures on the same site or lot:
Parking for the principal use.
Recreational facilities available only to the employees of the office use type.
Day care facilities available only to the employees of the office use type.
Other uses and activities necessarily and customarily associated with purpose or function of office use types, as determined by the Administrator.
A construction office or trailer associated with active construction on a site. A construction office or trailer shall be removed from an active construction site within 30 days of issuance of the final certificate of occupancy for the project.
Commercial use types may include the following accessory uses, activities or structures on the same site or lot:
Parking for the principal use.
Accessory storage buildings or areas.
Other uses and activities necessarily and customarily associated with purpose or function of commercial use types, as determined by the Administrator.
Construction office or trailer associated with active construction on a site. A construction office or trailer shall be removed from an active construction site within 30 days of issuance of the final certificate of occupancy for the project.
Industrial use types may include the following accessory uses, activities or structures on the same site or lot:
Parking for the principal use.
Recreational facilities available only to the employees of the industrial use type.
Day care facilities available only to the employees of the industrial use type.
Cafeterias and sandwich shops available only to the employees of the industrial use type.
Incidental retail sale of goods associated with the industrial use type, provided the square footage does not exceed 10% of the gross floor area or 3,000 square feet, whichever is less.
Other uses and activities necessarily and customarily associated with purpose or function of industrial use types, as determined by the Administrator.
A construction office or trailer associated with active construction on a site. A construction office or trailer shall be removed from an active construction site within 30 days of issuance of the final certificate of occupancy for the project.
The purpose of this section is to provide for the submission of appropriate site plans and to enable adequate opportunity for administrative review of such to ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
A site plan shall be required and shall be submitted to the City for each of the following:
All new development in every zoning district except for single-family and duplex dwellings.
[1] Additions or modifications to buildings or sites, except single-family and duplex dwellings, if the addition or modification results in a 2,500 square foot or greater increase in impervious surface area of the site.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection B(2), which provided that a site plan be required for the conversion of any single-family or duplex dwelling to any other use or to a higher intensity residential use, was repealed 8-14-2012 by Ord. No. 12-14. Ordinance No. 12-14 also provided for the renumbering of former Subsection B(3) and (4) as Subsection B(2) and (3), respectively.
The conversion of any property from fee simple ownership to a condominium form of ownership.
All required site plans shall be prepared and sealed by a professional engineer, architect, landscape architect, or land surveyor B, who is registered by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
A plot plan that meets the standards contained in § 286-530.04 shall be required for all uses or development not requiring a site plan.
[Amended 8-9-2011 by Ord. No. 11-16]
A preliminary site plan applicant shall schedule a pre-application conference with the Administrator. The purpose of the pre-application conference is to informally review the proposed preliminary site plan to determine ways to minimize the environmental and natural resources impacts of the proposed development and any other issues and concerns that may emerge as part of the formal review of the site plan. The Administrator's and other staff comments on the proposed preliminary site plan shall be informal, and shall not constitute a formal action on the application. Also, the time period for preliminary site plan approval shall not commence until after the pre-application conference, when the applicant files, and the City accepts, a completed preliminary site plan application.
The Administrator shall establish City procedures for preliminary site plan review and approval.
The Administrator shall send written notice of the preliminary site plan submission to adjacent property owners by first class mail five days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the site plan shall be considered.
The Administrator shall coordinate the City review of any preliminary site plan submitted in accordance with City administrative procedures, and shall have the authority to request opinions or decisions from other City departments, agencies or authorities of the Commonwealth of Virginia, or from other persons as may from time to time be consulted.
Complete sets of preliminary site plans shall be submitted for review. A review fee of $500 shall be required for any preliminary site plan submitted. The City shall establish procedures for the collection of this fee and the Administrator shall establish the number of complete sets of plans the applicant shall submit.
[Amended 5-24-2022 by Ord. No. 22-7]
Applicants for preliminary site plan approval shall submit a preliminary site plan to the Administrator for review and approval prior to preparing a final site plan. The preliminary site plan shall show the general location of all existing and proposed land uses and site features. The Administrator shall prepare a checklist of the minimum information and format that is to be required on a preliminary site plan and the applicant shall provide all information required by the checklist.
The City staff shall review the preliminary site plan and shall advise the applicant whether or not the features and uses shown on the preliminary site plan conform to the provisions of this chapter and any other applicable City ordinance and requirements. If the features and uses shown on the preliminary site plan conform to the provisions of this chapter, the Administrator shall refer the preliminary plan to the Planning Commission for its review and approval. If the features and uses shown on the preliminary site plan do not conform to the provisions of this chapter, the Administrator shall advise the applicant in writing, and shall advise the applicant on what changes to the preliminary site plan are necessary prior to referral to the Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission shall review, and approve or disapprove, any complete preliminary site plan submitted for its review within 60 days of the filing of the plan with the Planning Commission and the Planning Commission's acceptance of the plan. If the Planning Commission disapproves a preliminary plan, it shall notify the applicant of what changes must be made on the preliminary site plan before resubmittal to the Planning Commission for approval. If a plan must be reviewed by a state agency or other public authority, approval or denial shall occur within 45 days from the date of receipt of any agency response.
Every final site plan shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. The final site plan shall show the location of all existing and proposed land uses and site features. The Director of Public Works shall prepare a checklist of the minimum information and format that is to be required, and the applicant shall provide all information required by the checklist and by the Director of Public Works to insure conformance with City ordinances and standards. Plans which lack required information shall be deemed to be incomplete and shall be denied by the Director of Public Works or his designees within five work days after initial submission. The developer may request reinstatement of review.
A final site plan shall be submitted for approval within one year of the approved preliminary site plan. Thereafter, the preliminary site plan shall expire.
A final site plan applicant shall submit a review fee of $750 plus $35 per acre of the proposed development, not to exceed $1,100. If such a plan is rejected or not approved by the Director of Public Works, the applicant need not submit an additional fee upon the first resubmittal of the plan. However, for a second or subsequent resubmittal, the applicant shall pay a fee of $250 per resubmittal.
Final site plans shall be prepared on such materials and format as the Director of Public Works may specify, with the number of copies that he prescribes.
The final site plan shall reflect all those elements approved on the preliminary site plan. In addition, it shall include those specific construction plans and other technical information as determined by the Director of Public Works, and it shall provide for all improvements required pursuant to this code or other applicable laws.
The Director of Public Works shall have the administrative authority to establish City standards and procedures for final site plan review and approval and shall have the authority to request opinions or decisions from other City departments, agencies or authorities of the Commonwealth of Virginia or from other persons as may from time to time be consulted.
Complete sets of final site plans and other information shall be submitted on approved media for review. The Director of Public Works shall establish the number of complete sets of plans and other information the applicant shall submit.
The Director of Public Works shall review, and approve or disapprove, any complete final site plan submitted for its review within 60 days of the filing of the final site plan with him and his acceptance of the plan. If a plan must be reviewed by a state agency or other public authority, approval or denial shall occur within 45 days from the date of receipt of any agency response.
Approval of the final site plan pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall expire five years from the date of approval in accordance with § 15.2-2261 of the Code of Virginia, unless building and/or zoning permits have been obtained for the development.
No building or zoning permit shall be issued by any City official for any building, structure or use depicted on a required final site plan, until such time as the plan is approved by the Director of Public Works.
No change, revision, or erasure shall be made on any pending or approved final site plan, nor on any accompanying information where approval has been endorsed on the plan or sheets, unless authorization for such changes is granted in writing by the Director of Public Works prior to approving the change.
Any improvement or dedication required by this chapter any other ordinance of the City shall be made at the sole cost of the property owner unless other agreements have been reached between him, the City, and/or any other governmental agency. In the City's sole discretion, the City may require payment equivalent to the cost of required improvements rather than actual construction of said improvements. In such cases, the City shall provide the required improvements within a specified time period.
Prior to the approval of a final site plan, the applicant shall execute a development agreement to construct required or proposed improvements located within public rights-of-way or easements, or any such improvement connected to any public facility.
Prior to issuance of a land disturbance permit, the applicant shall file a performance guarantee with surety acceptable to the City Attorney in the amount of the estimated cost of the improvements plus 10% contingency, as determined by the Director of Public Works. The owner's performance guarantee shall not be released until the construction has been inspected and accepted by the Director of Public Works.
Proposed lot sizes, buildings or uses shall conform to the provisions of this chapter. Nonconforming lots of record, buildings or uses may be developed in accordance with § 286-624 of this chapter.
Proposed private parking areas, travel lanes and access driveways shall be designed, located and constructed in accordance with § 286-518 of this chapter.
Wastewater (sanitary) and water utilities shall be required and conform to Chapters 238 and 277 of the City Code and applicable City standards and specifications, as determined by the Director of Public Works. All utility plans shall be approved by the Director of Public Works prior to any land disturbance activities. To the extent feasible, all new public utilities shall be located within public rights-of-way.
[Amended 8-9-2011 by Ord. No. 11-16]
Drainage and stormwater management facilities shall be required and conform to Chapter 245 of the City Code, and applicable City standards and specifications as determined by the Director of Public Works.
Erosion and sedimentation control plans shall be designed and implemented in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 241 of the City Code. All areas proposed for clearing and or grading shall be limited in size and location to the minimum necessary to achieve the development proposed. The Director of Public Works shall have the authority to determine and establish the limits of clearing and grading and to require that the limits of clearing and grading be shown on the final site plan and the final erosion and sedimentation control plan required by Chapter 241 of the City Code. All disturbed areas, including areas within temporary construction easements, shall be replanted and stabilized.
[Amended 8-9-2011 by Ord. No. 11-16]
Proposed private, exterior site lighting shall be designed and implemented in accordance with § 286-530.02 of this chapter.
Required buffer yards, screening and/or landscaping shall be designed and implemented in accordance with § 286-512 of this chapter.
All off-street parking shall be designed and implemented in accordance with § 286-518 of this chapter.
All private signage shall be designed and implemented in accordance with § 286-524 of this chapter.
Fire protection facilities and emergency access provisions shall be required and conform to the City fire code and standards as determined by the Fire Chief or his designee.
Private bridges, retaining walls, handrails and other structures shall conform to the Uniform Statewide Building Code as determined by the Building Official.
Police protection facilities and provisions shall conform to City safety codes and standards as determined by the Police Chief or his designee.
Private wastewater and water systems shall conform to regulations promulgated by the Virginia Department of Health.
Transportation facilities shall be required and conform to applicable standards and specifications of the City as determined by the Director of Public Works.
Traffic control measures and devices shall be required and conform to applicable standards and specifications of the City as determined by the Director of Public Works.
Highway and street illumination shall be required and conform to applicable standards and specifications of the City as determined by the Director of Public Works.
Rights-of-way for roads, streets, alleys and other facilities for public use (e.g., utilities and park areas), and easements necessary for their construction and maintenance, shall be dedicated to the City, or proof thereof shall be required to develop or use property.
Private solid waste and recycling facilities, HVAC equipment and other mechanical systems shall be screened in accordance with § 286-512.08.
Private receptacles or dumpsters for collection and disposal of solid waste and recycling shall be located on paved pads of sufficient size to accommodate loading and unloading.
Private landscaping shall conform to § 286-512 of this ordinance and the provisions of the Boulevard Overlay District of this chapter.
A Phase I environmental site shall be required when the development involves any land disturbance for residential, assembly, day care, group home, recreation, school, library or similar use where exposure to contaminated soils or water would pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. The Phase I environmental site assessment shall conform to ASTM E1527 - 05 and subsequent revisions. Where deemed necessary, the Director of Public Works or designee shall require a Phase II environmental site assessment in accordance with ASTM E1903 - 97(2002) and subsequent revisions. The Phase I and Phase II reports shall include recommendations to address any and all environmental conditions of the property adverse to the public health, safety and welfare, including without limitation, contaminated soil, surface water or groundwater. In the event a Phase I and/or Phase II environmental site assessment has been previously submitted to the City for the same property, such environmental site assessment may suffice.
It shall be a violation of this zoning ordinance for any person to construct or structurally alter any building or structure or to develop or modify land for which a site plan is required, except in accordance with an approved final site plan.
The developer shall provide adequate supervision on the site during the installation of all required improvements and shall have a responsible superintendent or foreman, together with one set of approved plans and specifications, available at the site at all times when work is being performed.
Any excavation, grading or other disturbance within the City right-of-way will only be allowed as a part of a continuous, timely operation toward completion of the entire improvement shown on the approved final site plans.
Inspections may be made by the Director of Public Works, or designee and other agencies, both on site and off site, to ensure general conformance of the construction with the requirements of the approved final site plan.
In the event that inspection reveals that the construction does not conform to the requirements of the approved final site plan or if inspections made find that unapproved materials or substandard workmanship are being used, or if the Director of Public Works finds that a hazard to public safety exists, he shall stop the work from proceeding by providing verbal and written directions to stop work until any public safety hazard or noncompliance is remedied, such written notice shall be hand carried or mailed by certified letter to either the developer or his superintendent.
The developer shall request that a final inspection be made by the Director of Public Works.
Where a final site plan is required under this zoning ordinance for the construction or structural alteration of any building or structure, or the development or modification of any land, no building permit shall be issued for such activity until the required final site plan has been approved.
No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for a building constructed on a site which is subject to the final site plan requirements of this ordinance until a written certification has been submitted to the Director of Public Works certifying that the site construction substantially conforms to the approved final site plan and all approved plan revisions. The certification shall be made by a professional engineer, licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia, in a form acceptable to the Director of Public Works. After such certification is submitted to the Director of Public Works, he shall conduct an on-site inspection of the work determining which aspects of the approved final site plan have been completed satisfactorily, and which aspects are deficit or lacking and need correction.
It is the intent of these provisions to promote the public health, safety and welfare by reducing common conflicts associated with incompatible abutting land uses. It is also the intent of these provisions to promote the protection of the natural environment through plantings that absorb gaseous emissions and improve air and water quality. To these ends, these requirements seek to ease transition among different uses by reducing noise, glare, dust and overcrowding, redirecting emissions, confining litter, maintaining property values, protecting neighborhood character, promoting visual harmony, restricting passage, promoting peaceful enjoyment and privacy and enhancing the natural environment. Further, the requirements seek to encourage innovation in landscape and architectural design.
These provisions shall apply to all developments requiring a site plan as specified by this chapter. All required landscaped plans shall be prepared by an AICP certified planner or a licensed professional knowledgeable of plant materials and landscape design.
Buffer yards containing specified screening and plantings shall be required between zoning districts of different intensities as shown in Table 1.[1] For each required buffer type, the developer of the site shall choose which option to install.
Editor's Note: Table 1 is included at the end of this chapter.
Required buffer yards shall be located such that they provide a visual and physical barrier between abutting zoning districts of different intensities and shall buffer and screen all exterior storage, service, refuse, maintenance, repair, processing, salvage, parking, and other similar areas. No use of the site may be extended into or beyond the required buffer yard.
Required buffer yards shall not be located on any portion of any existing or dedicated public or private street or right-of-way, shall not obstruct the visibility of traffic circulation, and shall not interfere with the use of adjoining properties.
Required buffer yards, including screening and plantings shall be in place at the time of any occupancy or use of the property.
The buffer yard shall be reserved solely for screening and plantings, except for required pedestrian or vehicular access driveways to the property, passive recreation areas, or pedestrian or bicycle trails, which can be accommodated in a manner that preserves the intended screening function between abutting zoning districts of different intensities. In no case shall any portion of a required buffer yard be used for parking, service, refuse, storage, maintenance, or any other use that impairs the intended buffer function.
The property owner or lessee shall have the responsibility to continuously maintain the required buffer yards, screening and plantings such that they continue to meet the specified standards and intent of this section. All materials shall present an attractive appearance and be of durable construction.
Plantings required by this section shall be provided in accordance with the following standards:
Where required, all evergreen shrubs shall have a minimum height of at least 24 inches at the time of planting and an ultimate height of six feet or more. One such shrub shall be planted for each three linear feet of buffer yard. Evergreen shrubs that meet these standards include various types of hollies, yews, and junipers.
Where required, each small evergreen tree shall have a minimum height of at least six feet at time of planting and an ultimate height of 15 feet or greater. One such tree shall be planted for each five linear feet of buffer yard. Small evergreen trees that meet these standards include various types of pines, hollies, upright arborvitae and junipers.
Where required, each large evergreen tree shall have a minimum height of at least eight feet at the time of planting and an ultimate height of 50 feet or greater. One such tree shall be planted for each 15 linear feet of buffer yard. Large evergreen trees that meet these standards include various types of pines, firs and hemlocks.
Existing evergreen trees and shrubs which meet the requirements of this section may be counted as contributing to total planting requirements.
All portions of buffer yard areas not containing plantings shall be seeded with lawn grass of other approved vegetative ground cover.
No landscaping plantings shall be located in easements, wherever possible.
Screening required by this section shall be provided in accordance with the following standards:
Screening shall be visually opaque and shall be constructed of a durable material. It shall be installed within the required buffer yard, and shall be continuously maintained.
Acceptable screening materials shall include stockade fences, decorative masonry walls, brick walls, and earth berms. Alternate materials may be approved, if in the opinion of the Administrator, their characteristic and design meet the intent and standards of this section.
Any exterior area used for storage, service, maintenance, repair, processing, manufacturing, fabrication, salvage, refuse disposal, or other similar use that is visible from a public street right-of-way, shall be screened with a buffer yard, screening and plantings meeting Type A standards listed in this section, and shall be provided in a manner which screens the use from view. Any area so used shall also be similarly screened from view of adjoining residences and businesses.
All commercial and industrial use types shall screen from surrounding views all articles and materials being stored, maintained, repaired, processed, erected, fabricated, dismantled or salvaged.
All dumpsters and refuse storage areas shall be screened on all sides by an opaque enclosure that has a minimum height of six feet.
All HVAC equipment located in a Commercial or Industrial District, including roof located equipment shall be screened on all sides by an opaque enclosure.
Where any area used for active outdoor recreation use, playground, tennis courts, swimming pool, or other similar use is located in a residential district, such use shall be screened from any adjoining residences with buffer yards, screening and plantings meeting Type B standards listed in this section.
When a new, expanded, or reconfigured parking area is required or proposed adjacent to a public street right-of-way, a landscaped planting strip shall be established between the parking area and the adjacent street right-of-way. This required landscaped planting strip shall have a minimum width of eight feet, if the depth of any portion of the parking area is 60 feet or less when measured at a right angle to the street right-of-way. The width of the required landscaped planting strip shall be increased by one foot for each additional five-foot depth of parking area provided. No required landscaped planting strip shall be required to exceed a width of 50 feet. Landscape strips adjacent to other property lines shall be a minimum of eight feet.
[Amended 8-14-2012 by Ord. No. 12-14]
Within the required landscaped planting area, one deciduous tree shall be planted for each 320 square feet of landscaped area. All shade trees shall have a minimum caliper of two inches at the time of planting. Lower limbs shall be removed to a clear trunk height of six feet as tree growth allows. Smaller ornamental/flowering trees may be used with the permission of the Administrator. When used, these trees may retain their lower limbs, but must be planted with consideration of visibility and traffic flow.
When buffer yards as specified in this section are not required, an eight-foot wide landscaped planting strip shall be provided between all parking areas and adjacent properties. Within the required landscaped planting area, one deciduous tree shall be planted for each 160 square feet of landscaped area. All shade trees shall have a minimum caliper of two inches at the time of planting. Lower limbs shall be removed to a clear trunk height of six feet as tree growth allows. Smaller ornamental/flowering trees may be used with the permission of the Administrator. When used, these trees may retain their lower limbs, but must be planted with consideration of visibility and traffic flow.
A minimum of one tree shall be provided for every 50 feet of the property line, or part thereof, that abuts public rights-of-way; i.e., 60 feet of property line requires two trees.
The placement of trees shall be evenly spaced and coordinated with existing conditions and proposed improvements as provided herein and shall be in addition to any other screening that may be required. Each tree shall be located in the landscape strip provided by the above-mentioned requirements. The preferred tree species to be used to fulfill this requirement shall include, but not be limited to, Eastern Red Bud, Crepe Myrtle, Pear (any variety), Dogwood, Yoshino or Kwanzan Cherry and Golden Rain Tree.
All front setback areas located between a building and a public street shall be professionally landscaped with a combination of trees, shrubs and ground cover.
Front setback areas within the Boulevard Design Overlay District shall be landscaped as required by § 286-314.
[Amended 8-9-2011 by Ord. No. 11-16]
In cases where quality indigenous vegetation or woodlands exist, preservation of existing quality indigenous vegetation or woodlands is encouraged. Preserving quality indigenous vegetation and woodlands between the parking area and the adjoining right-of-way or property is encouraged and may be substituted for landscaping requirements at the discretion of the Administrator.
The following minimum standards for interior parking area landscaping shall be met for all new, expanded or reconfigured parking areas:
At least one deciduous shade tree shall be installed for every 10 parking spaces provided. All shade trees shall have a minimum caliper of two inches at the time of planting. Lower limbs shall be removed to a clear trunk height of six feet as tree growth allows. Smaller ornamental/flowering trees may be used with the permission of the Administrator. When used, these trees may retain their lower limbs, but must be planted with consideration of visibility and traffic flow.
A continuous landscape strip shall be installed between every four rows of parking. This strip shall be a minimum of eight feet in width to accommodate required trees and shrubs.
Large planting islands (over 200 square feet) shall be located throughout the parking area at the end of parking rows. Eighty percent of these islands shall be planted with shade trees, low shrubs and/or ground cover.
Planting islands, with a minimum width of nine feet and a minimum depth of 18 feet, shall be provided between every 15 parking spaces to avoid long rows of parked cars. One deciduous shade tree, minimum two inches caliper at time of planting, shall be provided within each of these planting islands.
Within the interior of the parking area, landscaping shall be used to delineate vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns, improve stormwater quality and promote stormwater management objectives. Clear and legible signs and other techniques shall be used to further direct the flow of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the parking area.
Between parking areas and buildings, there shall be a minimum of 10 feet to allow for a five-foot wide sidewalk and a five-foot wide landscape area immediately adjacent to the building.
Deciduous urban shade trees with ground cover or low shrubs shall be the primary landscape material. Tall shrubs or low-branching trees that will restrict visibility shall be avoided.
For planting islands that are parallel to spaces, islands shall be a minimum of nine feet wide to allow doors to open.
For planting islands that are perpendicular to spaces, islands shall be a minimum of eight feet wide to allow for overhang of parked cars. If parking is only on one side of the island, an eight-foot width is still required.
The owner, tenant and their agents, if any, shall be jointly and severally responsible for the maintenance of all required and provided landscaping in good condition so as to present a healthy, neat and orderly appearance. All landscaped areas shall be kept free from refuse and debris.
All landscaped areas shall be provided with a readily available water supply.
All required or provided trees, shrubs, ground covers and other plant materials must be replaced during the first opportune planting season if they die or become unhealthy because of accidents, drainage problems, disease or other causes.
Trees shall not be trimmed or topped so that advertisement signs may be visible. Trees shall instead be allowed to grow and at the appropriate time, the crown may be lifted.
An adequate preservation and maintenance surety in effect during construction shall be required. The surety shall guarantee that all indigenous vegetation required to be maintained at the site is maintained in its natural undisturbed state and that all new vegetation planted on site remains healthy and in good condition.
[Amended 8-9-2011 by Ord. No. 11-16]
The requirements of this section shall be applied equally to all similarly classified and situated properties but may be modified or waived by the Administrator where the intent of this section is preserved and where the proposed development of the new use meets any of the following guidelines:
Natural land characteristics and/or existing vegetation would achieve the same intent of this section, provided such natural features are maintained and not modified by the development or use of the site;
Innovative landscape design, staggering of planting, screenings or architectural design would achieve the intent of this section;
The amount of required buffer yard would occupy more than 15% of the total lot, parcel of land or development site, and proportional increases of planting and screening are added which are determined by the Administrator to offset any reductions of the required buffer yard, or
The subject uses are separated by an alley, public utility right-of-way, water body or other physical separation. In such case, the width of the separating feature may replace the buffer yard requirements on a foot-for-foot basis, provided the intent of the applicable screening and planting requirements is met. Where such separating feature is wider than the applicable buffer yard requirements, one row of the applicable planting requirements may be waived for every five feet of separation in excess of the required buffer yard; provided, however, that a minimum of one row of plantings or screening may be required.
When property lines abut an adjacent jurisdiction, the Administrator shall determine the specific screening and buffering requirements along the property lines after consideration of the zoning designation and or land use of the adjacent property. Requirements shall not exceed those that would be required for similarly situated property within the City.
If site characteristics do not permit the compliance with these parking lot landscaping regulations and the requirements of § 286-518 (Off-street parking requirements), then the Administrator shall have the authority to determine which standards shall apply to the site.
The location and design of any required landscaped area may be modified by the Administrator to achieve local stormwater management and/or water quality objectives. The use of low impact development (LID) techniques is encouraged to meet these objectives.
[Amended 8-9-2011 by Ord. No. 11-16]
When buffering, screening or planting requirements are required by a conditional rezoning, or a special exception permit approved after the effective date of this chapter, and such requirements are in conflict with the requirements contained herein, the more restrictive requirements shall apply.
These provisions for off-street parking are intended to address the off-street parking demands created by various land uses within the City. The standards established in this section are designed to protect the health safety and welfare of the Colonial Heights community by accommodating parked vehicles in a safe and functional manner with consideration given to the stormwater quality and quantity impacts of impervious parking areas.
These provisions shall apply equally for all use types listed in this section.
[Amended 8-14-2012 by Ord. No. 12-14; 8-1-2017 by Ord. No. 16-29]
No recreational vehicle shall be used as a dwelling or for business purposes, except that itinerant merchants as defined in § 286-202.10 may use a recreational vehicle as a temporary office in accord with the standards contained in § 286-410.48.
All required off-street parking shall be located on the same lot as the use requiring the parking, except under the following conditions:
Required parking spaces are on a contiguous lot under the same ownership or in a permanent parking easement on contiguous property. Contiguous lots providing parking for more than one use shall provide sufficient spaces to comply with the parking requirements for all uses.
For use types other than residential, required parking spaces may be located up to 600 feet away from the use that requires the parking spaces.
Off-site spaces must be subject to a written agreement between the parties involved in such use.
[Added 8-1-2017 by Ord. No. 16-29]
Any tractor-trailer combinations, tractors, trailers, tanker trucks, buses, dump trucks, or concrete mixer trucks shall not be placed, parked, or stored in residentially zoned districts.
Any box truck, bucket truck, flatbed truck, and tow truck shall be limited to no more than one per lot in residentially zoned districts and shall be located in the side or rear yard, behind the front line of the principal structure.
No more than a total of three of the following: recreational vehicles, recreational or utility trailers, boats, or campers shall be stored, placed, or parked in a residential district in the side or rear yard, behind the front line of the principal structure. No recreational vehicle, recreational or utility trailer, boat, or camper shall be stored, placed, or parked in a residential district in the front yard.
This Code section shall not supersede, and it shall be in addition to, § 273-27 of this Code, which refers to parking requirements upon public streets and right-of-way in residential districts.
Site plans, as required by § 286-506 shall provide for parking spaces reserved for the disabled. The number of spaces provided shall be as required by the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code.
All required or provided off-street parking spaces located on the ground and not within a parking structure, may be located within any required yard unless the yard is required for screening, buffering, or landscaping as provided by this chapter.
All parking structures and carports shall comply with the minimum yard and setback requirements applicable in the zoning district where the structure is located.
All off-street parking areas shall be designed to provide safe and convenient vehicle access to a street and safe, convenient and delineated pedestrian access from parking spaces to the use or structure being served by the parking area.
Aisles between rows of parking, and aisles providing access to parking areas shall comply with the design standards established by this chapter.
If any parking spaces are contiguous to a public street, perimeter landscaping shall be provided as required by § 286-512. In addition, the public street side of such space shall be curbed.
Cross easements shall be established in all new parking areas. These cross easements shall permit the connection or eventual connection of parking areas on adjoining lots.
Whenever a development, for which a site plan is submitted, abuts a public street, the access points shall meet City standards.
Parking lot access driveways leading to and from the street where no parking is provided on either side shall meet the following width guidelines subject to final approval by the Director of Public Works:
For driveways serving 30 or less parking spaces, the minimum width shall be 18 feet, exclusive of curbs.
For driveways serving more than 30 parking spaces, the minimum width shall be 20 feet, exclusive of curbs.
For one-way drives specifically designed for only one-way use, the minimum width shall be 10 feet, exclusive of curbs.
Whenever parking is proposed adjacent to a structure, an emergency access aisle shall be properly marked in accordance with City standards.
All off-street parking areas, on new sites as of the effective date of this chapter, shall be constructed of a hard surface consisting of asphalt or concrete. Gravel parking areas shall not be permitted.
Notwithstanding Subsection A above, off-street parking areas may be constructed using durable pervious materials such as porous pavement, or grid/block pavers. The Administrator shall have authority to approve specific materials. Any off-street parking areas constructed of these materials, shall not be considered as part of lot coverage limitations as may be specified in this chapter.
All required or provided parking spaces and aisles adjacent to parking spaces shall have the following minimum dimensions:
Parking Angle
Space Width
Space Depth
Aisle Width
2-Way Traffic
Aisle Width
1-Way Traffic
When parking spaces are adjacent to landscaped areas, the paved depth of such spaces may be decreased by two feet to provide for vehicle overhang area.
Spaces for compact vehicles may comprise up to 20% of required spaces. Compact spaces shall be located in groups of five or more contiguous spaces and may have a minimum width of 8 1/2 feet and a minimum depth of 16 feet. These spaces shall be clearly marked as reserved for compact vehicles.
When a building includes a combination of uses, the required parking will be the sum of the required parking for each use, except that a reduction in the required number of parking spaces based on shared use by activities having different time demands for spaces and/or pedestrian connections between uses may be granted by the Planning Commission. A plan of this shared use shall be presented by the applicant at the time of the site plan review.
Where the parking requirement for a use is not defined in this section, and no similar use is listed, the Administrator shall determine the number of spaces to be provided.
All references to square feet in the parking requirements below shall refer to net square feet.
All references to maximum occupancy shall refer to maximum occupancy as defined by the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code.
[Amended 8-14-2012 by Ord. No. 12-14; 12-12-2023 by Ord. No. 23-21]
Use Type
Parking Required
Agricultural Use Types
No requirement
Stable, private
No requirement
Residential Use Types
Accessory apartment
Schedule B
2 spaces per dwelling unit
Family day care home
No requirement
Group home
2 spaces per facility
Home occupation
No requirement
Kennel, private
No requirement
Manufactured home, emergency
No requirement
Multi-family dwelling:
1 space per dwelling unit
One bedroom
1.5 spaces per dwelling unit
Two bedrooms
1.5 spaces per dwelling unit
Three and four bedrooms
2.0 spaces per dwelling unit
More than four bedrooms
1.0 space per each additional bedroom
Single-family dwelling
2 spaces per dwelling unit
One bedroom
1.5 spaces per dwelling unit
Two or more bedrooms
2.0 spaces per dwelling unit
Civic Use Types
Assisted care residence
1 space per employee on shift plus 1 space per 3 residents
Schedule B
1 space per 3 persons based on maximum occupancy
Community recreation
Schedule B
Correction facilities
Schedule B
Crises center
1 space per employee on shift plus 1 space per 3 persons based on maximum occupancy
Cultural services
1 space per 400 square feet
Educational facilities, college/university
Schedule B
Educational facilities, primary/secondary
1 space per employee plus 1 space per 4 students in 11th and 12th grades
Government services
1 space per employee plus 3 spaces per 1,000 square feet
Guidance services
1 space per 300 square feet
Halfway house
1 space per 2 persons of residential capacity, plus 1 space per employee on shift
Life care facility
Schedule B
Nursing home
1 space per 4 beds
Park and ride facility
No requirement
Post office
Schedule A
Public assembly
1 space per 5 seats
Public maintenance and service facilities
Schedule A
Public parks and recreation areas
Schedule B
Religious assembly
1 space per 6 seats in principal place of worship
Safety services
2 spaces per emergency vehicle based at facility
Utility services, major
Schedule A
Utility services, minor
Schedule B
Office Use Types
Financial institution
3 spaces per 1,000 square feet plus required stacking spaces
General offices
3.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet
1 space per employee plus 1 space per company vehicle based on site
Medical office
7 spaces per practitioner or 1 space per 200 square feet, whichever is greater
Substance abuse clinic
7 spaces per practitioner or 1 space per 200 square feet, whichever is greater
Commercial Use Types
Adult use
Schedule B
Agricultural services
Schedule A
Antique shop
1 space per 400 square feet
Assembly hall
1 space per 5 seats
Automobile dealership, new
Schedule A
Automobile dealership, used
Schedule A
Automobile/parts supply, retail
Schedule A
Automobile repair services, major
2 spaces per repair bay plus 1 space per employee on shift
Automobile repair services, minor
3 spaces per repair bay plus 1 space per employee on shift
Automobile rental/leasing
Schedule A
1 space per sleeping room available for guests
Business support services
1 space per 200 square feet
Business or trade schools
Schedule B
Car wash
1 space per employee on shift plus stacking spaces
Commercial indoor amusement
1 space per 3 persons based on maximum occupancy
Commercial indoor entertainment
1 space per 4 seats
Commercial indoor sports and recreation
1 space per 3 persons based on maximum occupancy plus 1 space per employee on shift
Commercial outdoor entertainment
1 space per 3 persons based on maximum occupancy plus 1 space per employee on shift
Commercial outdoor sports and recreation:
Miniature golf
1.5 space per hole
Swimming pool
Schedule B
Tennis/court games
2 spaces per court
Other outdoor sports
Schedule B
Communications services
1 space per 300 square feet plus 1 space per company vehicle based on site
Construction sales and services
Schedule A
Consumer repair services
1 space per 300 square feet
Convenience store
5 spaces plus 1 space per 200 square feet plus 1 space per gas dispenser
Dance hall
1 space per 3 persons based upon maximum occupancy
Day care center
1 space per 20 persons receiving care plus on space per employee
Equipment sales and rental
Schedule A
Flea market
1 space per 100 square feet of sales area accessible to the public
Funeral services
1 space per 2 employees on shift plus 1 space per 5 seats in main chapel
Garden center
Schedule A
Gasoline station
1 space per employee plus required stacking spaces
Golf course
36 spaces per 9 holes
1 space per employee on shift plus 1 space per 2 beds
Hotel/motel/motor lodge
1 space per guest room plus 1 space per employee, plus spaces as may be required for other uses on site
Kennel, commercial
Schedule B
1 space per 300 square feet
Manufactured home sales
Schedule B
0.2 space per 1,000 square feet
Modular home sales
Schedule B
Pawn shop
1 space per 300 square feet
Personal improvement services
1 space per 300 square feet
Personal services
1 space per 300 square feet
Recreational vehicle sales and service
Schedule A
Restaurant, family
1 space per 3 seats plus 1 space per employee on shift
Restaurant fast food or drive-in
1 space per 4 seats plus 1 space per employee on shift, plus required stacking spaces
Restaurant, general
1 space per 2 seats plus 1 space per employee on shift
Retail sales
Shopping center
1 space per 250 square feet of gross leasable area
Other retail
1 space per 200 square feet
Short-term rental dwelling
1 space per dwelling
Studio, fine arts
Schedule B
Travel center
Schedule B
Veterinary hospital/clinic
1 space per 625 square feet
Industrial Use Types
Asphalt plant
Schedule B
Schedule B
Construction yard
Schedule A
Custom manufacturing
Schedule A
Industry, heavy
1 space per 1,000 square feet
Industry, light
1 space per 1,000 square feet
Industry, medium
1 space per 1,000 square feet
Intermodal facility
Schedule A
Landfill, construction debris
Schedule B
Landfill, rubble
Schedule B
Landfill, sanitary
Schedule B
Meat packing and related industries
1 space per employee on shift
Railroad facilities
Schedule B
Recycling centers and stations
Schedule B
Resource extraction
1 space per employee on shift
Schedule A
Scrap and salvage services
Schedule A
Transfer station
Schedule B
Transportation terminal
Schedule B
Truck terminal
Schedule B
Warehousing and distribution
0.5 space per 1,000 square feet
Miscellaneous Use Types
Amateur radio tower
Schedule A
Aviation facilities, general
Schedule B
Aviation facilities, private
Schedule B
2 spaces per tower
Shooting range, outdoor
Schedule B
Schedule A
The following table contains minimum parking requirements for uses with elements having different functions or operating characteristics. The Administrator shall consider and decide the minimum parking required for uses containing a mixture of these elements:
Parking Required for Element
Office or administrative activity
3.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet
Indoor sales, display or service area
1 space per 500 square feet
Motor vehicle service bays
2 spaces per service bays
Outdoor sales, display or service area
1 space per 2,000 square feet
General equipment servicing or manufacturing
1 space per 1,000 square feet
Indoor or outdoor storage or warehousing
1 space per 5,000 square feet
Schedule B
Specific minimum parking requirements shall be determined by the Administrator, based on requirements for similar uses, location of the proposed use, expected demand and traffic generated by the proposed use.
[Amended 8-9-2011 by Ord. No. 11-16]
All parking areas or spaces provided that exceed the minimum parking requirements contained in § 286-518.18 by more than 20% shall be constructed of a porous pavement or grid/block paver type of material as specified in § 286-518.12B.
Stacking spaces shall be provided for any use having a drive-through facility or areas having drop-off and pick up areas. The following general standards shall apply:
Stacking spaces shall not impede on- and off-site traffic movements, shall not cross or pass through off-street parking areas, and shall not create potentially unsafe conditions.
Drive-through lanes shall be separated from off-street parking areas. Individual lanes shall be striped, marked, or otherwise delineated.
Each stacking space shall be a minimum of eight feet by 20 feet.
Stacking spaces shall be provided as follows:
Financial institutions shall provide four stacking spaces for the first drive-through window, and two stacking spaces for each additional window.
Car washes shall provide three stacking spaces per bay or stall.
Restaurants shall provide six stacking spaces per drive-through window, measured from the order station.
All other uses containing drive-through facilities shall provide a minimum of three stacking spaces for each window.
Control of all signs and advertising displays is required to protect property values, including the character and the economic stability of property, to encourage the most appropriate use of land, to secure safety on the streets, to achieve a more desirable living environment and, to protect and enhance the desirability of the City as a place of residence, employment and civic activity.
The intent of these provisions is to place controls on the display of all signs necessary to assure that they will be appropriate to the land, water, building or use to which they are appurtenant and not be excessive for the intended purpose of identification, protection or advertisement. These provisions encourage competition toward attractiveness in signs as a contribution to the City's economic vitality and discourage that type of competition which produces signs of ever-increasing size, brightness and garishness.
Variances of maximum sign area, size, and number of signs or height of signs or removal of prohibited signs are not deemed to be in harmony with the intent, spirit or purpose of these provisions.
No permit shall be required for any of the following signs, provided that they comply with all other regulations; however, nothing in this section shall be construed as providing an exemption from any Building Code requirement:
One plaque or nameplate for each dwelling unit not to exceed 1 1/2 square feet in area.
Signs warning the public against trespassing, dangerous animals, swimming or the like, not to exceed 1 1/2 square feet in area per sign.
Any flag, badge or insignia customarily displayed by any charitable, civic, fraternal, patriotic, religious or similar organization.
Signs warning the public of the existence of danger, to be removed upon subsidence of danger.
Any information or directional sign or official notice erected by a public agency.
Historical markers.
Signs placed by a public or private utility showing the location of underground facilities.
Signs indicating nonresidential off-street parking areas, not to exceed three square feet in area for each sign. Such signs shall contain no advertising, shall not exceed three feet in height and shall be placed adjacent to the respective entrance or exit of the parking area.
Signs displayed for the direction or convenience of the public, including signs which identify rest rooms, public telephones, freight entrances or the like, not to exceed one square foot in area for each sign.
One lighted or unlighted bulletin board for each church, educational institution, hospital or clinic, not to exceed 32 square feet in area.
One sign for each church, educational institution, hospital or clinic, not to exceed 32 square feet in area, indicating only the name and location of such facility.
Show window signs or displays, only for commercial uses.
Any sign not visible from a public right-of-way or from adjoining property.
A fee shall be charged by the City for each sign permit and temporary sign permit. The fee required shall be paid to the City prior to the issuance of a sign permit.
The Administrator may, after 10 days' notice in writing to the permittee, revoke any permit issued under these provisions, when it shall appear that the application for the permit contains knowingly false or misleading information, or when the permittee has failed to keep in a good general condition and in a reasonable state of repair the sign for which such permit was issued, or when the permittee has violated any provision of this section, unless such permittee shall, before the expiration of 10 days, correct the violation and offer proof of compliance.
The provisions of this chapter or the issuance of any sign permit shall not relieve or limit the liability of any person erecting, owning or maintaining any sign from personal injury or property damage resulting therefrom or work relating thereto, nor shall it be construed that either such provisions or issuance impose upon the City, its officials or its employees any responsibility or liability by reason of the approval of any sign under this chapter.
The Administrator is authorized to obtain such information, as he may deem necessary for the proper administration of this chapter, including but not limited to information on all signs erected prior to the adoption of these provisions.
The Administrator shall make inspections and tests necessary to enforce these provisions.
All signs, together with all of their supports, braces, guys, connections, anchors and electrical equipment, shall be kept in good repair and maintained in safe, neat, clean and attractive condition. Such routine maintenance shall include the replacement of defective parts, painting, repainting, cleaning and other similar acts. Upon written notification by the Administrator and within 14 days therefrom, any defective bulbs, lamps, lights, fluorescent lamps, neon tubes, sockets and faulty signs' interior wiring shall be repaired or replaced. The painted display surfaces, structure and supports of all signs shall be painted or otherwise treated at least once every two years unless the same are aluminum, stainless steel, galvanized, plastic or permanently treated to retard weathering by the elements.
The ground area around any freestanding sign shall be kept free and clean of weeds, trash and other debris.
Any permanent sign which is found by the Administrator to be unsafe, insecure or hazardous, or which has an expired permit, has had its permit revoked, has been placed unlawfully upon or projects over public right-of-way, property or space, has been constructed, erected or maintained in violation of these provisions or is otherwise an unlawful or prohibited sign, shall be deemed a public nuisance, and the Administrator shall give five days' written violation notice to the owner or permittee thereof. If the owner or permittee fails to remove or alter the sign to comply with the applicable requirements of these provisions within the five days, the Administrator shall cause such sign to be removed.
Any temporary sign which is found by the Administrator to be unsafe, insecure or hazardous, or which has an expired permit, has had its permit revoked, has been placed unlawfully upon or projects over public right-of-way, property or space, has been constructed, erected or maintained in violation of these provisions or is otherwise an unlawful or prohibited sign, shall be deemed a public nuisance; and the Administrator shall cause such sign to be removed immediately and without prior notice.
Any sign, structure and/or advertising copy which no longer advertises a bona fide business conducted or a product sold on the premises shall be removed by the owner, agent or person having the beneficial use of the premises where the sign is located within 60 days after the use is discontinued. Any sign not so removed within this period may be removed by the Administrator as a public nuisance.
The Administrator shall levy the cost of removing a sign against any of the following, each of which shall be jointly and severally liable for such charges:
The permittee.
The owner of the sign.
The owner of the premises on which the sign is located.
The occupant of the premises on which the sign is located.
The person responsible for its erection.
A sign removed by the Administrator shall be held not less than 30 days by the City, during which period it may be recovered by the owner upon paying the City for the cost of removal and storage and upon payment of any imposed fine. If not recovered within the thirty-day period, the sign shall be considered abandoned, and title thereto shall vest in the City for disposal in any manner permitted by law.
Every sign declared to be a public nuisance may be abated, enjoined, restrained or removed by the City in any available legal proceeding or court action in addition to the other remedies specified by these provisions.
Whenever the City incurs any expense, the City may collect the cost thereof from the owners or tenants of the property affected in any manner provided by law for the collection of state and local taxes.
The notice and order required herein shall be given to the persons specified and/or to the owner or occupant of the premises on which the sign is located as shown on the City tax assessment records or on the sign permit. Such notice, in writing, may be served in person or by first-class mail, or certified mail return receipt requested. The time for compliance shall start from the date mailed or served in person, whichever is applicable.
Any violation of any provision or requirement of this chapter shall be subject to the penalty specified in § 286-616. A fine as required by law may be imposed in addition to the charge for cost or removing or storing signs by the City.
All signs or sign illuminations not otherwise prohibited which do not wholly conform to all applicable provisions of this chapter but which were erected in compliance with all applicable regulations in effect at the time of their erection may continue to exist as lawful nonconforming signs, provided that the following sections of this chapter shall be applicable and shall be complied with: § 286-524.16, Maintenance; § 286-524.18, Removal of unlawful signs; § 286-524.20, Removal of abandoned signs; and § 286-524.46, General requirements.
Nonconforming signs shall not be enlarged or reconstructed and may be altered only for routine maintenance which does not materially alter the character of the sign and does not alter the advertisement thereon.
Whenever any lawfully existing nonconforming sign is in need of repairs or alterations such that the sign is deemed by the Administrator to be unsafe, insecure or a public nuisance, the sign shall be altered to conform to all provisions of this chapter or shall be removed.
Whenever any lawfully existing nonconforming sign is damaged by any cause to an extent in excess of 50% of its replacement cost, the sign shall be altered or repaired to conform to all provisions of this chapter or shall be removed.
Every sign or display which is prohibited by this section is deemed a public nuisance. No such sign or display shall be erected, maintained or permitted which:
Bears or contains statements, words or pictures of an obscene, pornographic or immoral character as defined by Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia.
Is a public nuisance because of amplified sound, smoke emission, emitted visible vapor particles or objectionable odors,
Is attached to or maintained upon any public utility pole or structure(s), light pole or tree or projects onto any public right-of-way or property,
Uses motion projections or similar media in conjunction with any advertisements or has visible moving parts or any portion of which moves, rotates or gives the illusion of motion. This shall not apply to the hands of a clock or a weather vane or to a street clock,
By reason of its location, position, size, shape, color, design or means of illumination, may be construed as, confused with or may interfere with, obstruct or obscure all or any portion of a traffic control sign, signal or device erected by a governmental authority or which bears the words "Stop," "Go," "Slow," "Yield," "Caution," "Danger," "Warning" or similar words which imply any official warning or command or which may imply the need for special actions on the part of any vehicle operator or pedestrian,
Violates any provision of the Building Code,
Obstructs any door, fire escape, stairway, ladder, opening or access intended for light, air, ingress to or egress from any building,
Is a sandwich sign,
Is located in the sight distance triangle, or
Is not expressly permitted by these provisions, or violates or advertises activities which violate City, state or federal law.
The following illuminated signs or means of sign illumination are deemed a public nuisance and are prohibited in all zoning districts:
Any sign that is wholly or partially illuminated by unshielded floodlights, or spotlights, or uses exposed incandescent bulbs, lamps, or mirrors reflecting such a direct light source.
Any sign that is wholly or partially illuminated by means of lighting by a decorative chain or strip hanging between two points outlining its structure, shape, design or advertisement.
Any sign that uses the colors red, amber and green either in direct illumination or in high reflection by the use of special preparations such as fluorescent paint or glass and which may be confused with traffic control devices.
Any sign which uses exposed reflective-type bulbs or strobe lights unless a louvered screen is placed in front of the lighting source. If the light source is used for illumination of the display surface of the sign, it may not be exposed to view from a public thoroughfare.
Any sign, with the exception of an electronic message board, which uses or displays intermittent, flashing or moving lights or lights of changing degrees of intensity of color, except signs indicating date, time, temperature, barometric pressure, air pollution index and other public service information.
Any sign or means of sign illumination which causes direct glare into or upon any building other than the building to which the sign may be related.
The applicable provisions of the laws of Virginia relating to outdoor advertising, and specifically § 33.1-370 et seq. of the Code of Virginia, are hereby incorporated into this Code; however, nothing in this provision shall be construed to lessen any requirement or regulation enumerated herein.
No sign shall be erected, constructed, placed or maintained which blocks any fire escape, required exit way, window or door opening used as an exit or which prevents free passage from one part of a roof to another part.
No sign shall interfere with any opening required for ventilation.
No sign shall project into any public street, right-of-way, alley, easement or space.
Signs shall be located not less than three feet horizontally or eight feet vertically from overhead electrical conductors.
Temporary signs requiring a permit are:
Advertising signs.
Special event signs, except as provided in § 286-524.50J(6) of this section.
Wind-driven signs.
Yard sale signs.
No person shall erect any temporary sign without having first obtained any permit required under this chapter.
All temporary sign applications for yard sale signs shall be created by the Commissioner of Revenue; and all such applications shall be submitted to the Commissioner of Revenue for review and subsequent approval or disapproval.
A temporary sign application for advertising, special event or wind-driven signs shall be created by the Administrator; and all such applications shall be submitted to the Administrator for review and subsequent approval or disapproval.
The Administrator shall issue a decal for each temporary advertising, special events, or wind-driven sign when a permit application for such sign is approved. The decal shall be placed on the lower left front corner of each sign and be conspicuously marked with both the date of permit approval and the expiration date. The display of any such sign without the required decal shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
With the exception of yard sale signs, any temporary sign for which a permit is required shall only be placed in a location approved by the Administrator, who shall give due consideration to the location of permanently erected signs, parking lot arrangement, traffic flow and other safety considerations.
No temporary sign shall be erected or maintained in any location where it prevents or impedes free ingress or egress from any door, window or fire escape.
No temporary sign shall be erected, installed or placed within any public right-of-way or in any required sight distance triangle.
Every temporary sign shall be securely anchored to the ground or to a permanent structure in a safe manner.
No temporary sign shall be located within eight feet of the edge of paving.
Temporary advertising signs are allowed in all zoning districts subject to the following regulations:
The total amount of temporary advertising signage allowed per business shall not exceed 32 square feet per sign in commercial districts and eight square feet per sign in all other districts.
In commercial zoning districts the following standards shall apply:
Freestanding single occupancy commercial buildings with 100 or less feet of road frontage shall be allowed a maximum of one temporary advertising sign.
Freestanding single occupancy commercial buildings with road frontage greater than 100 feet shall be allowed no more than two temporary advertising signs.
Multi-tenant commercial buildings shall be allowed no more than one thirty-two-square-foot temporary advertising sign per 100 feet of frontage, with a maximum of three per property. A multi-tenant commercial building is a building that contains three or more independent businesses or uses.
In all other zoning districts a maximum of one temporary advertising sign shall be allowed per establishment.
Temporary advertising signs may be located on the building wall or as a freestanding sign. No temporary freestanding signs shall exceed 10 feet in height from the finished grade or be located within five feet of a property line. Wall signs shall not be placed above the existing roofline.
Temporary advertising signs shall be allowed for the following time periods:
In any commercial zoning district:
Per event: 45 consecutive day maximum.
Per year: 180 days maximum, with a minimum thirty-day interval between events.
All other districts: 45 consecutive day maximum.
No off-site temporary advertising signs are allowed in any zoning district.
Construction signs.
Construction signs shall be allowed in all zoning districts.
Construction signs shall not exceed 15 square feet per sign.
No more than three construction signs shall be allowed per lot.
Construction signs shall be erected no more than five days prior to the beginning of construction for which a valid building permit has been issued, shall be confined to the site of construction and shall be removed within 10 days following completion of construction.
Real estate signs.
Real estate signs shall be allowed in all zoning districts.
Real estate signs shall not exceed six square feet per sign in residential zoning districts, 12 square feet per sign in commercial zoning districts, or 200 square feet per sign in industrial zoning districts.
No more than four real estate signs shall be allowed per lot.
Real estate signs shall not be illuminated in residential and commercial zoning districts. Real estate signs may be illuminated in industrial zoning districts provided such illumination does not violate § 286-530.02 of this chapter.
Special event signs.
Special event signs shall be allowed in all zoning districts.
A maximum of two special event signs shall be allowed per lot.
Special event signs shall not exceed 32 square feet per sign.
Special event signs may be located on the building wall or as a freestanding sign. No temporary freestanding special event sign shall exceed 10 feet in height from the finished grade or be located within five feet of a property line. Wall signs shall not be placed above the existing roofline.
Special event signs may be displayed for a maximum of 30 consecutive days.
Special event signs shall not require a permit if erected and removed on the same date.
Yard sale signs.
Yard sale signs shall be allowed in all zoning districts.
Yard sale signage shall not exceed six square feet per sign.
No more than three yard sale signs shall be allowed per event.
All yard sale signs shall be located on private property either on the property where the yard sale is being held or on property on which permission has been granted to display such signs.
Yard sale signs may be displayed two days prior to the yard sale event and on the day of the yard sale event until 7:00 p.m.
Wind-driven signs.
Wind-driven signs shall be allowed in all commercial and industrial zoning districts.
Only one wind-driven sign shall be permitted per lot except that banners that are attached to light poles or buildings may have multiple locations.
No banner shall exceed 16 square feet. Commercial messages on banners may not exceed 25% of the sign area;
Wind-driven signs including banners may be displayed for a maximum of 45 consecutive days per event, 180 days maximum per year, with a thirty-day interval between events.
No off-site temporary wind-driven signs are allowed.
The following shall not require the issuance of a sign permit:
Changing the advertising copy or message on an approved sign, which is designed for the use of replaceable copy or lettering.
Painting, repainting, cleaning or normal maintenance of a sign not involving structural changes or changes in the advertisement thereon.
Changes in show window displays.
Seasonal displays and decorations not advertising a product, service or entertainment.
No sign, unless excepted in § 286-524.50 of this chapter, shall be erected, relocated, placed, posted or painted, except for routine maintenance which does not materially alter the character of the sign and does not alter the advertisement thereon, by any person without first obtaining, in writing, a permit from the Administrator.
Prior to the alteration, erection, installation or placement of any sign, a permit application shall be submitted to the Administrator and shall contain the following information:
A drawing to scale, showing the composition of each sign face and advertising structure. The drawing shall show exact dimensions, sign area, height above grade level and lighting features.
A plan, drawn to scale, showing the proposed location of the sign. The plan shall show property lines, rights-of-way, streets, sidewalks, buildings and existing signs on the premises.
Any electrical permit required and issued under the Building Code. (A separate application for the electrical permit is required.)
Permission of the owner, lessee or his authorized agent of the building or land on which the sign is to be erected or placed.
Consent in writing that City officials may enter upon the premises to enforce the provisions of this chapter, including inspection.
All sign permit applications shall be signed by the applicant or his authorized agent.
The Administrator shall examine all sign permit applications. If the proposed sign is in compliance with all applicable City requirements and has been reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission, when required, the Administrator shall then issue the sign permit.
If the work authorized under a sign permit has not been completed within six months after date of issuance, such permit shall become null and void and there shall be no refund of any fee required by this chapter.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, sign permits do not require review and/or approval from the Commission, except as required in this chapter for subdivision identification signs.
No portion of a freestanding sign shall be constructed to a height greater than 25 feet above the grade level of the ground on which the sign is erected or 25 feet above the grade level of the center line of the street to which it is oriented at the nearest point, whichever is greater.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the setback line for buildings and other structures shall not affect the placement of freestanding signs; however, no freestanding sign or any projection thereof shall be erected or maintained within any public right-of-way or within 10 feet of any side lot, parcel or property line.
No freestanding sign shall be erected in any rear yard, in any side yard directly adjoining or across from a residential zoning district or within 100 feet, on the same side, along any street, in a residential zoning district in the instance of bulletin boards and subdivision identification signs where permitted.
Every pole sign shall be supported by a structure protected by a raised curb, which shall provide for a bumper overhang of not less than 2 1/2 feet. The raised curbing shall be a minimum of six inches above grade.
No sign shall be erected or maintained on any freestanding sign structure other than the principal sign(s) for which the structure was designed.
No freestanding sign shall be erected or maintained in the sight-distance triangle as defined in § 286-200 of this chapter, except that a pole sign, with a pole diameter not exceeding 12 inches in thickness or a height of the bottom of the sign of less than 10 feet from the finished grade shall be allowed. The Administrator shall review and approve the location to insure that minimum sight-distance requirements have been met.
For the purpose of interpretation of this chapter, freestanding signs located on City rights-of-way by permit issued pursuant to § 247-2 of the Streets and Sidewalks Chapter of this Code shall be deemed to be located on the premises which they advertise.
No building sign shall be erected upon or derive its principal support from any other sign or sign structure.
No building sign shall project above the roofline or cornice or parapet wall of a building, whichever allows the greatest height, nor shall any building sign be erected wholly on the roof of any building.
The lower edge of the sign face of a projecting sign shall be at least nine feet above the grade level of the ground, pavement or sidewalk immediately below such sign.
No incidental sign, not otherwise classified, shall exceed a height of four feet above grade level.
The following regulations shall apply to all signs, which are located on unused lands in any residential district or are accessory to any single-family residential use:
One sign for each subdivision or development as approved under Chapter 250 of this Code, Subdivision of Land, not to exceed 32 square feet in area (sign may also be two individual signs of not more than 16 square feet each) or eight feet in height, may be displayed at each entrance thereto. Such sign shall be of a permanent construction and shall bear only the approved name of the subdivision. Such sign may be permitted on City right-of-way upon review and approval of the sign permit by the Planning Commission.
Illumination, if used, shall be only by white light and shall shine only on the sign.
The following regulations shall apply to all signs which are accessory to any multiple-family residential use:
One sign per building, not to exceed 12 square feet in area for each sign, indicating only the name of the building and the address.
One sign, not to exceed 32 square feet in area (sign may also be two individual signs of not more than 16 square feet each), to identify only the name of a development or apartment complex. Such sign shall be of a permanent construction.
No sign shall project beyond a property line.
All building-mounted signs shall be flush against the building and shall not project above the roofline.
No freestanding sign shall extend more than 10 feet above grade level.
Illumination, if used, shall be only by white light and shall shine only on the sign.
The following table contains regulations which shall apply to signs which are accessory to any commercial use in any commercial zoning district.
Commercial Sign Regulations Summary
Freestanding Signs
Ground or Pole
Ground-Pole Shopping Center
Maximum number allowed per zoned lot
1 per major road entrance
Maximum sign area (square feet)
Maximum height (feet)
Ground: 8
Pole: 25
Ground: 8
Pole: 25
Ground: 8
Pole: 25
Minimum setbacks (feet)
10 side yard
10 side yard
10 side yard
Building Signs
Maximum number allowed per zoned lot
Maximum sign area (square feet)
Minimum sign area per business
Sign area calculation (square feet)
2 per lineal foot
Maximum height
Maximum number allowed per building
1 per building
1 per building
1 per building
Maximum sign area (square feet)
25% of canopy area
Sign area calculation
Part of wall sign calculation
Part of wall sign calculation
Part of wall sign calculation
Maximum height
Minimum vertical clearance (feet)
Maximum number allowed per zoned lot
Maximum sign area (square feet)
25% of window area
Minimum sign area per business
Sign area calculation
Part of wall sign calculation
Part of wall sign calculation
Maximum height
Minimum vertical clearance (feet)
Incidental Signs
Historical Markers
Maximum number allowed per building
As needed
As needed
Maximum sign area (square feet)
Maximum height (feet)
In addition to the regulations listed in the table in the preceding section, signs accessory to commercial uses shall comply with the following regulations:
Any building sign shall not exceed in aggregate two square feet in area per linear foot of building frontage; such frontage shall be measured as the longest horizontal dimension of the building; however, no such sign or signs shall exceed an aggregate total of 350 square feet in area. A minimum aggregate total of 32 square feet in area shall be permitted regardless of building size.
Any allowed freestanding sign shall not exceed 48 square feet in area except as provided for multi-tenant and shopping centers. Additional sign area totaling a maximum of 32 square feet and which is designed for and is structurally a part of the permitted freestanding sign shall be allowed, provided that such additional area shall be used exclusively for a sign or signs designed for the use of replaceable copy or lettering or an emblem, logo or figure or an electronic message board. No such sign shall impede sight distance along a roadway or at an intersection. Each freestanding sign shall be designated so as to be architecturally compatible with the main building(s) on the site.
Electronic message boards shall comply with the following minimum standards:
Any movement including flashing and scrolling is prohibited.
The minimum interval between messages is no less than 10 seconds.
The maximum brightness allowed is 5,000 nits — day and 500 nits — night.
Signs must be programmed to dim and brighten automatically in response to changes in ambient light.
Signs must either freeze or go blank if there is a malfunction.
Permitted building and freestanding pole signs shall identify only the property, individual enterprises, products of a general nature, services or entertainment available on the premises where the sign is located; however, 50% of the area of such signs may be devoted to the advertisement of specific products.
No sign shall project beyond any property line.
Illumination of signs is permitted.
Master sign plans. Multi-tenant business centers, shopping centers, and other buildings and structure(s) where multiple tenants will be located shall submit an overall sign program which addresses size, height, design, lighting, color, materials, and type and method of construction to insure that all signage within the center is designed in a harmonious, consistent and compatible manner.
No freestanding ground sign shall be located within eight feet of any curbing or road pavement, regardless of other setback requirements in this section.
All other sections of this chapter notwithstanding, a permitted pole sign for an automobile service station shall only display the principal trademark, symbol, slogan, name or other identifying design, the words "gas" or "gasoline" and/or prices and grades of gasoline.
No temporary signs or any other form of advertising, except as provided above, shall be erected or maintained on any automobile service station premises, with the exception of the following types:
A single sign identifying the name of the owner, proprietor or manager, the address of the property, and the telephone number, not to exceed a total area of 2 1/2 square feet.
One or more building signs utilizing the principal trademark, symbol, slogan, name or other identifying design, not to exceed the size limitations for building signs.
Placards or posters displayed on the outside surface of gasoline pumps, or signs attached to a structure adjacent to and designed in conjunction with gasoline pumps, which may advertise only prices and grades of gasoline or oil, type of service and credit cards honored.
The following customary advertisements and identifications shall not be considered a sign for the purpose of this section:
Vending machines provided that such machines are grouped together.
Signs identifying the special functions of various service bays or areas, which signs shall be erected on the building facade above the bay doorways.
There shall be no banners, displays anchored by chain, rope, string, wire or any other not-rigid support, flywheels, propellers or streamers.
There shall be no display or light source in or near any vehicle passageway or vehicle doorway unless supported by a structure protected by a raised curb which shall provide for a bumper overhang of not less than 2 1/2 feet. The raised curbing shall be a minimum of six inches above grade.
In addition to other signs permitted by this chapter, one additional freestanding pole sign shall be permitted for commercial uses located within 500 feet of interstate highway right-of-way lines.
Such additional freestanding pole sign shall not exceed a height of 60 feet above the finished grade on the center line of the interstate highway the sign is intended to address. The maximum size of the sign shall be as follows and shall display only a principal trademark, symbol, design, slogan, name or other identifying design.
Height is 26 feet to 35 feet; maximum size: 96 square feet.
Height is 36 feet to 45 feet; maximum size: 192 square feet.
Height is 46 feet to 55 feet; maximum size: 288 square feet.
Height is greater than 56 feet; maximum size: 400 square feet.
An added sign area which is designed for and is structurally a part of the permitted freestanding pole sign shall be allowed, provided that such additional area is used exclusively for a sign designed for the use of replaceable copy or lettering. The maximum size of the sign shall be as follows:
Height is 26 feet to 35 feet; maximum size: 60 square feet.
Height is 36 feet to 45 feet; maximum size: 120 square feet.
Height is 46 feet to 55 feet; maximum size: 180 square feet.
Height is greater than 56 feet; maximum size: 240 square feet.
Each shopping center greater than 500,000 square feet shall be permitted freestanding signage as follows:
At each arterial roadway entranceway, one sign identifying the shopping center by name and location, bearing no other advertising and not exceeding 96 square feet in area or 25 feet in height.
One freestanding sign identifying the shopping center by name and location, bearing no other advertising and not exceeding 225 square feet in area or 60 feet in height; however, an additional sign not exceeding 48 square feet in area and which is designed as a changeable letter board and is structurally a part of the freestanding shopping center identification sign shall be permitted. Such signs shall be the only freestanding signs permitted in the shopping center.
Each shopping center less than 500,000 square feet shall be permitted freestanding signage as follows:
One freestanding sign at each arterial roadway entrance identifying the shopping center by name and location, bearing no other advertising and not exceeding 96 square feet in area or 25 feet in height; however, an additional sign not exceeding 48 square feet in area and which is designed as a changeable letter board and is structurally a part of the freestanding shopping center identification sign shall be permitted. Such signs shall be the only freestanding signs permitted in the shopping center.
Building-mounted signs for individual businesses shall conform to the general size requirements for commercial uses; however, the special regulations pertaining to building signs for multiple-tenancy structures shall apply when applicable.
No other signs, permanent or temporary, are permitted for shopping centers or the individual businesses within such centers.
The following table contains regulations which shall apply to signs which are accessory to any use in the RO District:
Residential Office Sign Regulations Summary
Freestanding Signs
Maximum number allowed per zoned lot
Maximum sign area (square feet)
4 per office
4 per office
Maximum height (feet)
Ground: 8
Ground: 8
Minimum setbacks (feet)
10 side yard
10 side yard
Building Signs
Maximum sign area (square feet)
10 per office
Maximum height
Maximum number allowed per building
1 per business
1 per business
1 per business
Maximum sign area (square feet)
25% of canopy area
Sign area calculation
Part of wall sign calculation
Part of wall sign calculation
Part of wall sign calculation
Maximum height
Minimum vertical clearance (feet)
Maximum number allowed per zoned lot
1 per business
1 per business
Maximum sign area (square feet)
Sign area calculation
Part of wall sign calculation
Part of wall sign calculation
Maximum height
Minimum vertical clearance (feet)
Incidental Signs
Maximum number allowed per zoned lot
As needed
Maximum sign area (square feet)
Maximum height (feet)
In addition to the regulations listed in the table in the preceding section, signs accessory to residential-office uses shall comply with the following regulations;
All signs shall be located on the property to which they refer and shall not extend out over public rights-of-way or onto any adjacent lot.
No structure shall be constructed with or altered to produce a display window for a business use, and there shall be no business display from windows.
One additional sign shall be permitted per lot, which directs traffic to a parking area on the lot where such sign and use are located. Such sign shall not exceed four square feet in size.
No freestanding sign shall be illuminated if it is located adjacent to a residentially zoned district.
Entrance canopies and awnings shall bear only the name of the business, the name of the owner or proprietor of the business, and its street address.
The following table contains regulations which shall apply to signs which are accessory to any use in industrial zoning districts.
Industrial Sign Regulations Summary
Freestanding Signs
Ground/Pole Multi-Tenant
Maximum number allowed per zoned lot
Maximum sign area (square feet)
Maximum height (feet)
Ground: 8
Pole: 25
Ground: 8
Pole: 25
Minimum setbacks (feet)
15 side yard
15 side yard
Building Signs
Maximum sign area (square feet)
Maximum height
Sign area calculation (square feet)
2 per lineal foot
Incidental Signs
Maximum number allowed per zoned lot
Maximum sign area (square feet)
Maximum height (feet)
In addition to the regulations listed in the table in the preceding section, signs accessory to industrial uses shall comply with the following regulations:
One or more building signs not to exceed, in the aggregate, 2.0 square feet in area per linear foot of building frontage; such frontage shall be measured as the longest horizontal dimension of the building which does not pass through or between any adjacent elements of the same; however, no such sign or signs shall exceed an aggregate total of 350 square feet in area. Such sign or signs may indicate only the name and location of the industry, the principal trademark, symbol, slogan or other identifying design and in general terms the product or products manufactured or assembled on the premises.
One freestanding sign shall be permitted for each industrial lot within an industrial district. The height of any such freestanding sign shall be no more than 25 feet. There shall be a fifteen-foot setback from each side property line. All such signs shall meet all requirements of this chapter not in conflict with the provisions of this section.
Illumination of signs is permitted.
All other sections of this chapter notwithstanding, billboards shall not be permitted in any district.
All other sections of this chapter notwithstanding, the following regulations shall apply to all nonconforming billboards:
Lawfully existing nonconforming billboards shall not be enlarged or reconstructed, except as permitted herein; however, they may be altered for routine maintenance which does not materially alter the character of the billboard. Changes in the advertisements thereon are permitted and shall not require a sign permit.
All exterior site lighting fixtures shall be designed located and arranged so as not to direct glare on adjoining streets or residential properties. All exterior fixtures shall be shielded so that light is directed towards the ground only.
Except for publicly owned fixtures, no freestanding light fixture shall exceed 20 feet in height above grade.
Lighting intensity at the property line of any civic, office, commercial, or industrial use type shall not exceed one footcandle.
A plot plan shall be submitted, prior to the approval of a zoning permit, for any new or expanded use or development not requiring a site plan. Plot plans shall be legibly drawn and shall clearly indicate the area, shape and dimensions of the property proposed for development. All existing easements, natural watercourses, and existing and proposed improvements shall also be shown on the plan. The plan shall clearly indicate the minimum distances between existing and proposed uses and all property lines. Proposed access to the property shall also be shown.
The lot area and yards required for any use or structure shall be permanently maintained, and shall not be counted as the required lot area or yards for any other use or structure.
Required yards shall remain free of all uses or structures except for the following:
Fences, walls and landscaping shall be allowed in yards provided that sight triangles are maintained per § 286-530.18. Driveways and parking areas shall also be allowed.
Patios and steps shall be allowed within all required setback areas. Decks shall comply with the following setback requirements:
Minimum side yard: five feet.
Minimum rear yard: 10 feet.
Accessory structures shall be allowed in accordance with the regulations for such structures.
Height limitations contained in this chapter shall not apply to church spires, belfries, residential chimneys, flag poles, or residential television antennae.
The minimum lot frontage on the arc of a cul-de-sac shall be no less than 30 feet in all zoning districts.
Flag lots, shall have a minimum lot frontage as defined in this chapter.
The creation of irregular lots, as defined in this chapter, shall be prohibited. No lot shall be platted or modified pursuant to the provisions of the Colonial Heights Subdivision Ordinance[1] that due to its geometric characteristics, results in the creation of an irregular lot.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 250, Subdivision of Land.
Only one single-family detached dwelling shall be permitted on any lot. Any existing lot that has two or more single-family detached dwellings shall be subdivided in accordance with this chapter, and the Subdivision Ordinance.
Well lots, tank lots, stormwater detention area lots, utility pumping station lots, and similar types of public utility lots may be created in compliance with the terms of this chapter and the Subdivision Ordinance, notwithstanding the frontage, width, area, and other design standards for lots found in Article III of this chapter. Any such lot proposed for platting, shall be clearly designated on a subdivision plat reviewed and approved by the City. This plat shall contain notations and covenants that clearly restrict the use of the lot for the above cited purposes. Further, the plat shall clearly indicate that no employment shall be allowed at these lots except for the routine and necessary maintenance of the public facilities.
On corner lots and double frontage lots, the front shall be determined by the Administrator. A rear yard shall always be opposite a front yard.
To promote visibility for pedestrians and the operators of motor vehicles, a clear sight triangle shall be established at the intersecting rights-of-way of any two public streets. The legs of this sight triangle shall be 25 feet in length. They shall begin at the point of intersection of the two street rights-of-way, and shall extend 25 feet along each right-of-way line. The triangle shall be formed by connecting the endpoints of these two lines.
Within this sight triangle nothing in excess of three feet in height shall be constructed, placed, or permanently parked. In addition, no vegetative plantings within the triangle shall be allowed to grow to a height of greater than three feet.
Nothing in this section shall imply the necessity of removing obstructions within this sight triangle, provided that these obstructions were installed or planted prior to the effective date of this chapter. Routine trimming of shrubbery violating this height requirement shall be required, if the trimming will not endanger the health of the species.
No fence shall be erected by any person without first obtaining in writing a permit from the Administrator.
Except as provided for in § 286-530.18, fences may be constructed in any location, on any lot. The maximum height of a fence shall not exceed seven feet in the side and rear yard.
On any lot, fences located in front of the building line shall not exceed 42 inches in height. No solid/privacy or chain link or other wire type fencing shall be permitted in the front yard.
Use of barbed wire or electrified fencing is prohibited.
[Added 8-14-2012 by Ord. No. 12-14]
A subdivision plat shall be submitted to the City for any new residential, commercial or industrial condominium development, including the conversion of any existing development to the condominium form of ownership. This plat shall meet all standards for subdivision plats. Plats shall be reviewed by the subdivision agent who shall approve the plat provided it meets the provisions of this chapter and the City Subdivision Ordinance.
An approved owners' association shall be established for all condominium projects having individually owned structures or units, and common areas and facilities. The purpose of this association is for the provision of upkeep and maintenance of the common areas, roads and facilities. The subdivision agent shall review the provisions of the association to insure compliance with this section.
Storage containers and buildings shall be considered accessory structures and shall be located in accordance with the standards for accessory structures found in Article III of this chapter.
No vehicle, truck body, manufactured home, mobile home, bus, trailer, recreational vehicle, shipping container or similar equipment shall be used as a storage container of building in any zoning district, except that:
Temporary mobile or portable storage containers designed for site delivery and pickup may be placed and used on any residentially or commercially zoned property for a period not to exceed 45 days per calendar year. Such a container may be placed in the front yard of a residentially zoned property only if it is not possible to locate it in the side or rear yard, behind the front line of the principle structure.
[Amended 8-1-2017 by Ord. No. 16-29]
Commercial and industrial use types may use shipping containers for storage provided that:
All containers are maintained in suitable condition (no rust, deterioration, graffiti, etc.)
All containers are placed in an approved location that does not utilize existing parking spaces, fire lines, etc.
All containers are placed in the rear of the property where feasible and shielded from public views.
Such containers shall not be allowed for more than 90 consecutive days in any one-year period.
[Added 1-14-2020 by Ord. No. 19-28; amended 8-11-2020 by Ord. No. 20-20]
Donation collection bins shall not be placed or located anywhere in the City; provided, however, that any retail store that is operated by an organization designated as a nonprofit organization pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code may locate one or more donation collection bins behind the front plane of the retail store.