[Amended 4-11-2024 by Ord. No. 24-05]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meaning indicated. Definitions related to signs, flags, festoons and lights are located in Article X, and definitions related to floodplains are located in Chapter 430.
Property owners having a common boundary or property owners on either side of a public thoroughfare.
A building or structure on each lot directly adjacent to said lot. The averaging principle is being used, and if an abutting lot is vacant, the average setback shall be determined by the lot with the building or the structure.
A way of approaching or entering a property. Access also includes ingress, the right to enter, and egress, the right to leave.
A building occupied by or used for one or more accessory uses but not occupied by or used for any principal use.
A structure occupied by or used for one or more accessory uses, which is not occupied by or used for any principal use, or a structure which constitutes an accessory use.
A use of real property that is related, subordinate and customarily incidental to a particular principal use, or a use that is specifically recognized by this chapter as an accessory use in relation to a particular principal use, and which is located on the same lot or on the same approved site as such principal use.
Any increase in the size of a building or other structure in terms of site coverage, height, length, width or gross floor area.
An establishment that sells at retail adult-oriented printed or graphic materials, provided that 40% or more of the store's inventory of printed or graphic materials that is displayed and offered for sale in the store (either in terms of the number of items or in terms of the aggregate retail value of such items) consists of adult-oriented printed or graphic materials, or that 40% or more of the display space or floor area devoted to printed or graphic materials for sale in the store is devoted to adult-oriented printed or graphic materials, or that 40% or more of the store's gross receipts from the sale of printed or graphic materials during any calendar month is attributable to the sale of adult-oriented printed or graphic materials, or that the store holds itself out or identifies itself to the public by its name, its signs and/or its advertising as an adult bookstore or as a source of adult-oriented materials, including, without limitation, by verbal or pictorial allusions to sexual stimulation or gratification or by references to "adult books," "adult entertainment" or similar terms.
An establishment, open to the public, that serves or sells alcoholic beverages and which typically or on a frequently recurring basis provides or allows the provision of adult live entertainment to its customers, or which holds itself out or identifies itself to the public by its name, its signs and/or its advertising as an establishment where adult live entertainment is typically or on a frequently recurring basis available, including, without limitation, by verbal or pictorial allusions to sexual stimulation or gratification or by references to "adult entertainment," "strippers," "showgirls," "exotic dancers," "gentlemen's club" or similar terms.
An establishment that would be classified as an adult dry cabaret or adult viewing facility except that it is open only to members and their guests.
[Amended 6-26-2023 by Ord. No. 23-28]
An establishment, open to the public, that does not serve or sell alcoholic beverages and which typically or on a frequently recurring basis provides or allows the provision of adult live entertainment to its customers, or which holds itself out or identifies itself to the public by its name, its signs and/or its advertising as an adult dry cabaret or an establishment where adult live entertainment is typically or on a frequently recurring basis available, including, without limitation, by verbal or pictorial allusions to sexual stimulation or gratification or by references to "adult entertainment," "strippers," "showgirls," "exotic dancers," "gentlemen's club" or similar terms.
A facility as defined in § 50.01(1), Wis. Stats.
Seminude dancing or any other form of live entertainment performed by seminude entertainers.
An establishment, open to the public, that typically or on a frequently recurring basis shows movies which have as their dominant subject or theme, or which are distinguished or characterized by their primary emphasis on, the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas, or an establishment that holds itself out or identifies itself to the public by its name, its signs and/or its advertising as an adult movie theater or a movie theater where adult-oriented motion-picture materials are typically or on a frequently recurring basis shown, including, without limitation, by allusions to sexual stimulation or gratification or by references to "adult entertainment" or similar terms.
Adult-oriented printed or graphic materials and/or adult-oriented motion-picture materials.
Motion-picture materials which have as their dominant subject or theme, or which are distinguished or characterized by their primary emphasis on, the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
Printed or graphic materials that have as their dominant subject or theme, or that are distinguished or characterized by their primary emphasis on, the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
An adult bookstore, adult club, adult movie theater, adult dry cabaret, adult video store, adult video rental store or adult viewing facility.
[Amended 6-26-2023 by Ord. No. 23-28]
An establishment that sells at retail adult-oriented motion-picture materials, provided that 40% or more of the store's inventory of motion-picture materials that is displayed and offered for sale in the store (either in terms of the number of items or in terms of the aggregate retail value of such items) consists of adult-oriented motion-picture materials, or that 40% or more of the display space or floor area devoted to motion-picture materials for sale in the store is devoted to adult-oriented motion-picture materials, or that 40% or more of the store's gross receipts from the sale of motion-picture materials during any calendar month is attributable to the sale of adult-oriented motion-picture materials, or that the store holds itself out or identifies itself to the public by its name, its signs and/or its advertising as an adult video store or as a source of adult-oriented materials, including, without limitation, by verbal or pictorial allusions to sexual stimulation or gratification or by references to "adult videos," "adult entertainment" or similar terms.
An establishment that rents motion-picture materials, provided that 40% or more of the store's inventory of motion-picture materials that is displayed and offered for rent in the store (either in terms of the number of items or in terms of the aggregate rental value of such items) consists of adult-oriented motion-picture materials or that 40% or more of the display space or floor area devoted to motion-picture materials for rent in the store is devoted to adult-oriented motion-picture materials, or that 40% or more of the store's gross receipts from the rental of motion-picture materials during any calendar month is attributable to the rental of adult-oriented motion-picture materials, or that the establishment holds itself out to the public by its name, its signs and/or its advertising as an adult video rental store or as a source of adult-oriented materials, including, without limitation, by verbal or pictorial allusions to sexual stimulation or gratification or by references to "adult videos," "adult entertainment" or similar terms.
An establishment, open to the public, that allows individuals to view adult-oriented motion-picture materials on site, provided that 40% or more of the motion-picture materials available for such on-site viewing consists of adult-oriented motion-picture materials, or that 40% or more of the display space or floor area devoted to motion-picture materials that can be viewed in the establishment is devoted to adult-oriented motion-picture materials, or that 40% or more of the motion-picture materials actually viewed in the establishment in any calendar month is adult-oriented motion-picture materials, or that 40% or more of the establishment's gross receipts from on-site viewing of motion-picture materials during any calendar month is attributable to the viewing of adult-oriented motion-picture materials, or that the establishment holds itself out or identifies itself to the public by its name, its signs and/or its advertising as an adult viewing facility or as a source of adult-oriented materials, including, without limitation, by verbal or pictorial allusions to sexual stimulation or gratification or by references to "adult videos," "adult entertainment" or similar terms.
Any airport which complies with the definition contained in § 114.002(7), Wis. Stats., or any airport which serves or offers to serve common carriers engaged in air transport.
The ownership or control of all land, property, and that area of space at and above a horizontal plane over the ground surface of the land.
Any land intended for the landing or takeoff of aircraft.
A public highway which is a narrow way, less in size than a street, and which is not designed for general travel, which is used primarily as a means of access to the rear of residences and business establishments and which, generally, affords only a secondary means of access to the property abutting along its length.
Any use of real property that is allowed by and subject to the provisions of this chapter in a particular zoning district or at a particular location, including, without limitation, any of the following types of uses: a permitted use, an auxiliary permitted use, a conditional use, a special licensed use, a nonconforming use or an accessory use.
A physical change in a building or an addition to it. As applied to a building or structure, "alteration" means a change or rearrangement in the structural parts or in the exit facilities or an enlargement, whether by extending on a side or by increasing in height, or the moving from one location or position to another.
A radio antenna and associated equipment operated for noncommercial purposes as a hobby.
Aesthetic or other characteristics of a development that increase its desirability to a community or its marketability to the public. It may include such things as a unified building design, recreational facilities, such as swimming pools or tennis courts, security systems, views, landscaping or tree preservation, or attractive site design.
Amplified music which cannot be heard beyond the property boundaries wherein the amplified music originated.
[Amended 5-17-2010 by Ord. No. 10-30; 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
Any system of wires, poles, rods, reflecting discs, aerials or similar devices used for the transmission or reception of electromagnetic waves external to or attached to the exterior of any permitted principal use or structure.
A room or suite of rooms in a multiple dwelling intended to be designed for use as a residence by a single family.
A dwelling unit of not more than one room in addition to a kitchen and bath and intended primarily as a residence for a single person.
The owner or user of the property on which a structure is proposed to be located or modified who/which is seeking a permit.
A public street or highway that is designated as an arterial street or arterial highway in the Village Comprehensive Plan.
A facility, however named, which is designed, staffed and equipped for the care of individuals who are not in need of hospital or nursing care but who are in need of assistance with everyday activities of living, due to age or other illness.
A principal use that is a permitted use only when it is auxiliary (secondary) to one or more permitted uses located in a principal building, in that it is located in the same principal building as the permitted use(s), and for any retail or service auxiliary uses it is designed to serve the needs of the occupants of the principal building, has no dedicated outside entrance to such building, and has no signage visible from the exterior of such building.
[Amended 7-15-2013 by Ord. No. 13-29]
A roof-like cover that projects from the wall of a building for the purpose of shielding a doorway or window from the elements.
Any enclosed area of a building having its floor below ground level on at least three sides.
A beer garden shall mean an open air, roofed or unroofed area that is not part of a permanent building where beer and other alcoholic beverages are stored, sold, served, and consumed.
[Added 6-26-2023 by Ord. No. 23-26]
A single retail store (not a shopping center) having a gross floor area of at least 50,000 square feet.
Any accessory building designed for the purpose of storing boats and other water-related recreational materials.
Any roofed structure that provides or is designed to provide housing, shelter, enclosure, protection or support for persons, animals or property. Whenever any portion of a building is completely separated from every other portion of the building by a fire division wall without pedestrian openings, it shall be deemed to be a separate attached building.
An establishment that provides or allows for the provision of indoor or outdoor live entertainment or amplified music for the benefit of the public, wherein alcoholic beverages are served or sold. Establishments that provide amplified ambient music are excluded from this definition.
[Amended 5-17-2010 by Ord. No. 10-30]
Any area or tract of land used to accommodate two or more camping parties, including cabins, tents, house trailers, or other camping outfits.
A cooperative effort between educators and the business community wherein they are committed to helping to educate high school students by providing them with an innovative place to develop marketable skills, work-based learning experiences, and focused pathways to productive employment. Said academies are focused on a career theme, such as, but not limited to, health care, finance, electronics, or technology, which would be determined by local employment opportunities and the evidence of a growing demand for such experiences. Those persons attending academies shall be limited to high school students in grades nine through 12 who shall be taught the primary educational classes at a home-based local high school, area employers or businesses, and/or area colleges to provide customized training for employers in area businesses and industrial development. The academy should concentrate on the occupational-related classes that focus on the particular career area. Local employers from that occupational field should help plan and guide the program in cooperation with local teachers and administrators and should act as mentors and job supervisors for the students.
A structure having a roof, with or without supporting walls, posts or columns, used, designed or intended to be used for the protection or shelter of private motor vehicles.
Any facility used for the washing of vehicles requiring the installation of special equipment or machinery and plumbing affixed to or affixed separate from a structure.
Land used for the burial of the dead and dedicated for cemetery purposes, including columbaria, crematories, mausoleums, and mortuaries when operated in conjunction with and within the boundary of such cemetery.
A post-construction certificate provided by the Village stating that there are no violations of the applicable zoning requirements.
A document provided by the Village which states that there are no violations of the applicable codes which could reasonably be expected to affect the health and safety of the occupant. It is unlawful to occupy these premises without a certificate of occupancy or in violation of the zoning district. If use of the structure is to be changed, a new certificate must be obtained.
The commencement of occupancy or use of a principal building or a principal structure, or of a unit thereof (e.g., an individual store space in a shopping center), by a new, different or additional occupant or user, including, without limitation, either a new business, company, firm or organization or a new owner or operator of an existing business, company, firm or organization.
The commencement of a new, different or additional principal use on a lot or site, or in or on a building or structure located thereon, including, without limitation, the recommencement of any principal use which has not been conducted there for 12 consecutive months or more, or the commencement of any principal use on a lot or site or in or on a building or structure located thereon which has been vacant or not used for an allowed principal use for 12 or more consecutive months. [Note: an existing use can be transferred to and continued by a new owner or operator, with or without a name change, without a change in use, so long as the nature of the use does not change (e.g., a restaurant owned and operated by ABC, which serves only seated customers, is transferred to and continued by XYZ with an appropriate name change: there is no change in use, so long as there is no cessation of the restaurant use for 12 or more consecutive months, but if XYZ begins to serve customers from a drive-through facility at the restaurant, there is a change in use).]
A building in which persons regularly assemble for public religious worship which is maintained and controlled by a religious body organized to sustain public worship.
A facility for the examination, diagnosis and treatment of outpatients.
The lowest temperature at which a combustible liquid under prescribed conditions will give off a flammable vapor which will propagate a flame. The Tag closed-cup tester shall be authoritative for liquids having a flash point below 175° F. The Pensky-Martens tester shall be authoritative for liquids having flash points between 175° F. and 350° F.
Buildings and facilities owned or operated by a corporation, association, person or persons for a social, educational, or recreational purpose, to which membership is required for participation, and not operated primarily for profit nor to render a service which is customarily carried on as a business.
An establishment that sells coffee and may sell baked goods, other snacks or other nonalcoholic beverages, for consumption on or off the premises, and in which there is no live entertainment.[1]
A use involving commerce, without regard to the type of zoning district in which the use is located.
Any facility falling within the definition of § 46.03(22), Wis. Stats.
A building principally used for recreational, cultural and/or other community activities.
A living facility such as an adult family home (AFH), a community-based residential facility (CBRF), a residential care apartment complex (RCAC), a group home, an assisted living facility, or a senior housing facility. A community living arrangement is not a nursing home or a hospital.
The Village of Pleasant Prairie Comprehensive Plan as adopted pursuant to Chapter 390 of the Village Code of Ordinances.
[Amended 3-15-2010 by Ord. No. 10-21]
A plan for a proposed development of real property which explains, describes and depicts the concept of a development proposal, including but not limited to proposed use(s), density, lot layout (including outlots), street layout, public improvements, dedications, building locations, floor plans and artist renderings of buildings, locations of environmental features, stormwater management, and landscaping. Conceptual plan approval typically informs the petitioner that the concept of the proposed development is generally acceptable under then-current standards and that the next step of the development review and approval process may proceed. Conceptual plan approval does not grant or result in any vested right to proceed with the proposed development.
A facility principally used for the presentation of concerts or other musical performances.
A use that has been legislatively approved in this chapter for a particular zoning district, subject to required administrative approvals and conditions based on substantial evidence by the Village Plan Commission of the particular proposed use at a particular proposed location, for a prescribed period of time (in the form of a conditional use permit), but does not include a variance. “Substantial evidence” shall mean facts and information, other than merely personal preference or speculation, directly pertaining to the requirements and conditions an applicant must meet to obtain a conditional use permit and that reasonable persons would accept in support of a conclusion. Furthermore, the conditional use permit process is designed to be a flexible device designed to cope with situations where a particular use, although not permitted as a matter of right, is not inherently inconsistent with the use classification of a particular district but could create special problems and hazards if allowed to develop and locate as a matter of right in a particular district and therefore is in need of special consideration. A conditional use may require other Village permits, licenses or approvals in addition to the conditional use permit.
[Amended 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
A single living unit wherein an owner shares a portion of the common property and amenities on the larger lot. Dwelling units may be located in a multi-unit building that are side by side or stacked or the units may be detached from one another.
[Amended 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-16]
Guidelines and specifications for soil and water conservation practices and management enumerated in the technical guide prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service for Kenosha County, adopted by the County Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisors, and containing suitable alternatives for the use and treatment of land based upon its capabilities from which the landowner selects that alternative which best meets his needs in developing his soil and water conservation plan.
A retail store selling groceries and household or convenience products which has less than 5,000 square feet of gross floor area.
Also referred to as a payday loan business, title for cash business, check cashing business, deferred presentment service provider or similar enterprise licensed pursuant to § 218.05, Wis. Stats., or a person licensed pursuant to § 138.09, Wis. Stats., who accepts a check or title, holds the check or title for a period of time before negotiating or presenting the check or title for payment, and pays to the issuer an agreed-upon cash, or who refinances or consolidates such a transaction, or a secondhand article dealer or secondhand jewelry dealer pursuant to Chapter 282 of the Village Municipal Code, except an establishment which meets all of the following requirements is exempted from the definition of "convenient cash business," even if the establishment purchases, receives or exchanges any secondhand article or secondhand jewelry pursuant to Chapter 282 of the Village Municipal Code:
[Added 1-15-2007 by Ord. No. 07-01; amended 5-17-2010 by Ord. No. 10-31; 10-24-2011 by Ord. No. 11-32; 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
The primary business of the establishment is the retail sale of new merchandise;
Forty percent or less of the establishment's inventory that is displayed and offered for sale in the store, determined by number of items, is secondhand articles and secondhand jewelry as defined in Chapter 282;
Forty percent or less of the establishment's inventory that is displayed and offered for sale in the store, determined by the aggregate retail value of such items, is secondhand articles and secondhand jewelry as defined in Chapter 282;
Forty percent or less of the establishment's floor space devoted to retail sales and display space is devoted to the display for sale of secondhand articles and secondhand jewelry as defined in Chapter 282; and
Forty percent or less of the establishment's gross receipts each calendar month is attributable to the sale of secondhand articles and secondhand jewelry as defined in Chapter 282.
A pile of wood or other course material, eight feet long, four feet high and four feet broad.
A lot located at the corner formed by the intersection of two streets.
A crane that projects over the side of an embankment for raising or lowering boats or other watercraft into and out of the water.
An establishment which provides shelter, care, activity and supervision (with or without academic instruction) for children who are not the children, foster children or legal wards of the attendant adult(s), or for adults who are not the parents or legal wards of the attendant adult(s), during all or part of the time between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
A unit of measurement of the intensity (loudness) of sound. Sound-level meters which are employed to measure the intensity of sound are calibrated in decibels.
A beer brewing facility located in a restaurant or tavern, which restaurant or tavern is the exclusive sales outlet for the beer made on site.
Any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to construction of or additions or substantial improvements to buildings or other structures, or dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavating, drilling, or the disposition of materials, or installing streets, sewers, water mains, stormwater management improvements or other similar improvements.
A restaurant in which a play or other dramatic performance is presented during or after the meal.
A part or parts of the Village for which the regulations of this chapter governing the use and location of land and buildings are uniform.
A part or parts of the Village for which the regulations of this chapter governing the use and location of land and buildings are uniform (such as the residential, commercial, and industrial district classifications).
Overlay districts allow for superimposing certain additional requirements or uses upon a basic zoning district which are compatible with the basic district. If there are conflicting requirements, those which are stricter shall apply.
The process of excavation for purposes of surface water drainage and removal.
A shallow channel, not navigable, used for the conductance of waters.
A building or portion thereof used for sleeping purposes in connection with a school, college or other institution.
A surface ditch or underground tile line constructed for the purpose of lowering the water table so that land may be farmed or used for other purposes.
The geographic area the general configuration of which causes surface waters to flow in a specified direction.
The area, contained by a naturally defined watershed, draining all surface waters.
Any natural or artificial watercourse, including but not limited to streams, rivers, creeks, ditches, channels, canals, conduits, culverts, waterways, gullies, ravines or washes, in which waters flow in a definite direction or course, either continuously or intermittently, and including any area adjacent thereto which is subject to inundation by reason of overflow or floodwater.
[Amended 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
The process by which bottom materials are removed from bodies of water for the purposes of deepening the body of water.
A restaurant designed and operated so that customers can order a meal from their automobile, which meal is served to the customers and eaten by the customers in their automobile while on site.
An establishment that provides or allows the provision of indoor or outdoor live entertainment or amplified music for the benefit of the public, wherein alcoholic beverages are not served or sold, and is exclusive of indoor theaters, indoor dinner theaters, indoor concert facilities and any organized sporting events. Establishments that provide amplified ambient music are excluded from this definition.
[Amended 5-17-2010 by Ord. No. 10-30]
A lot or land or part thereof used primarily for the disposal, by abandonment, dumping, burial, burning, or any other means and for whatever purpose, of garbage, sewage, trash, refuse, junk, discarded machinery, vehicles or parts thereof, or waste material of any kind.
The rate that particulate matter collects in an open jar for a thirty-day period, expressed as tons per square mile per month. Procedures and equipment for the measurement of such shall be as standardized by the American Society for Testing and Materials.
See "dwelling unit."
Two attached side-by-side or stacked dwelling units separated from one another by fire wall wherein both units are located on the same lot.
[Amended 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-16[3]]
Three or more attached side-by-side dwelling units separated from one another by continuous vertical fire wall with sound attenuation without openings from basement floor to roof wherein each unit is located on its own lot.
[Amended 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-16]
A residential building not containing more than one dwelling unit, used for one family, constructed on site or brought to the site in modular or panelized sections and constructed; however, a single-family dwelling is not by this chapter a manufactured home or a mobile home as defined in this chapter.
Two attached side-by-side dwelling units separated from one another by a continuous vertical fire wall with sound attenuation without openings from basement floor to roof wherein each unit is located on its own lot.
[Added 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-16]
A building or portion thereof used exclusively for residential purposes, including one-family, two-family and multiple-family dwellings, or a short-term rental pursuant to § 66.1014, Wis. Stats., but not including hotels and boarding and lodging houses. Each dwelling unit shall have lockable entrances and exits that allow for uninhibited movement throughout the entire dwelling unit, one complete kitchen facility, and, at a minimum, a bathroom and a living/sleeping area.[4]
[Amended 12-11-2023 by Ord. No. 23-51]
Describes a cyclic movement of the earth due to energy propagation.
Any process which physically alters the existing topography by means of mechanical or hydraulic equipment.
The removal or extraction of any stone, sand, gravel, loam, topsoil, or other earth or earth product from a lot or parcel of land, except where such removal is for the purpose of grading a lot upon which a building is to be erected, a roadway is to be built, or a platting thereof is to be made.
A right given by the owner of land to another party for a specific limited use of that land.
An animal confinement facility used or designed for the raising of poultry for egg production having a capacity of 200 or more animal units.
See the definition for "utility substation."
[Amended 3-15-2010 by Ord. No. 10-21]
Public or private enclosures designed to protect people from aerial, radiological, biological, or chemical warfare, fire, flood, windstorm, riots, and invasions.
An enlargement is an addition to the floor area of an existing building, an increase in the size of any other structure, or an increase in that portion of a tract of land occupied by an existing use. To enlarge is to make an enlargement.
The process by which the ground surface is worn away by action of wind or water.
Services provided by public and private utilities necessary for the exercise of the principal, accessory or conditional use or service of the principal, accessory or conditional structure. These services include underground, surface, or overhead gas, electrical, steam, water, sanitary sewage, stormwater drainage, and communication systems and accessories thereto, such as poles, wires, mains, drains, vaults, culverts, laterals, sewers, pipes, catch basins, conduits, cables, fire alarm boxes, police call boxes, traffic signals, pumps, and hydrants, but not including buildings. This does not include residential or commercial communication structures.
The act by which soil, earth, sand, gravel, rock or any similar material is cut into, dug, quarried, uncovered, removed, displaced, relocated or bulldozed and shall include the conditions resulting therefrom.
Implies increase or amplification as distinguished from inception.
An extension is an increase in the amount of existing floor area used for an existing use within an existing building. To extend is to make an extension.
The most exterior part of a wall, sun screen or any screening or material covering a building.
One person or two or more persons, related by blood, foster relationship, marriage or adoption, and, in addition, any domestic servants or gratuitous guests thereof; or one or more persons who need not be so related, and, in addition, domestic servants or gratuitous guests thereof, who are living together in a single, nonprofit dwelling unit and maintaining a common household with single cooking facilities. A roomer, boarder or lodger shall not be considered a member of the family.
[Amended 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
A zoned area which is used for the growing of the usual farm products, such as vegetables, fruit trees, and grain, etc., and their storage on the area, as well as for raising livestock as defined in this chapter.
[Amended 3-15-2010 by Ord. No. 10-21]
The business of cultivating land or employing it for the purposes of husbandry.
The cultivation and fertilization of the soil as well as caring for and harvesting the crops.
[Amended 3-15-2010 by Ord. No. 10-21]
The following facilities shall be considered feedlots: any tract of land or structure wherein any type of fowl or poultry or the by-products thereof are raised for sale at wholesale or retail; any structure, pen, or corral wherein any livestock is maintained in close quarters for the purpose of fattening such livestock for final shipment to market; and the raising of swine under any conditions.
An animal confinement facility used or designed for the feeding or holding of 500 or more livestock animal units for a period of 30 days or more.
Any act by which soil, earth, sand, gravel, rock or any similar material is deposited, placed, pushed, pulled or transported and shall include the condition resulting therefrom.
An area regulated under the Floodplain Zoning Ordinance in Chapter 430.
[Added 4-11-2024 by Ord. No. 24-05]
For the purpose of determining off-street parking and off-street loading requirements, the sum of the gross horizontal areas of all of the floors of a building, or of a portion thereof, devoted to a use requiring off-street parking or loading, including accessory storage areas located within selling or working space, such as counters, racks or closets, and any basement floor area devoted to retailing activities, to the production or processing of goods, or to business or professional offices, but not including floor area devoted primarily to storage purposes except as otherwise noted herein.
The area of the ground surface outlined by the intersection with the ground of the outer edge of the foundation of an existing or proposed building or other structure, as seen from directly above, and typically depicted on a survey, plat, site plan or other scale map.
Any home licensed as such by the State Department of Children and Family Services.
[Amended 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
A retail store selling groceries and household, pharmaceutical, and convenience products generally to the freeway traveling public and which has a gross floor area of 5,000 square feet or more but less than 15,000 square feet.
Signifies the number of oscillations per second in a sound wave and is an index of the pitch of the resulting sound.
Occurring on six or more occasions within a period of six calendar months, provided that such six or more occasions occur within at least three separate calendar weeks (i.e., the period of seven consecutive days beginning with Sunday and ending with Saturday).
The distance of actual contiguity between a lot and a single street, measured along the lateral street right-of-way line, including, without limitation, the lateral street right-of-way line of a cul-de-sac. (Note: The portion of a lot that abuts a transverse street right-of-way line, e.g., the right-of-way line associated with the stub end of a street or with a street turnaround that is not a cul-de-sac, is not counted as frontage.)
The line(s), as seen from directly above, formed by the intersection with the ground of the outer edge of those portions of the foundation of a principal building that are situated between the primary front corners of such foundation.
From the perspective of the front lot line, that portion of a lot lying in front of a line that is parallel to the straight line connecting the two points of intersection between the front lot line of such lot and the side lot lines of such lot (the "connecting line") and that also passes through the midpoint of the longest possible straight line across such lot which intersects the connecting line at a right angle.
Typically, that portion of the public street right-of-way line on which a lot abuts. (In the situation of a lot having two or more sides that abut public streets, the front lot line is determined by reference to the right-of-way line of the public street on which the principal building will or does front or which will or does control the address of the principal building. In the situation of a lot having a side that only partially abuts a public street on which the principal building will or does front or which will or does control the address of the principal building, the front lot line will be that portion of the public street right-of-way line on which the lot directly abuts together with the property line of the nonabutting portion of such partially abutting side of the lot.)
See "street yard."
[Added 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
Any property comprising land or buildings, or both, used for the purpose of raising or harboring fur-bearing animals, including those defined in § 29.001(30), Wis. Stats., and also including chinchillas and other fur-bearing animals, if any, whether the animals are kept for breeding or slaughtering or pelting purposes.
A building for the storing of motor vehicles or other household items.
A private garage which has a roof or wall, or a major portion of a roof or wall, in common with a dwelling. Where the garage is attached to a dwelling in this manner, it shall be subject to all yard requirements of the main building.
A multiple-family dwelling which shall not exceed four stories in height.
A facility limited to retail sales to the public of gasoline, motor oil, lubricants, motor fuels, travel aids and minor automobile accessories and not including vehicular servicing, such as, but not limited to, oil changes, engine or body repairs or the painting of vehicles. A gasoline station is not a truck stop and/or truck service facility as defined in this chapter.
[Amended 4-17-2017 by Ord. No. 17-15]
A freestanding detached accessory framed structure with or without a solid roof with open or screen walls used to provide shelter or for outdoor seating.
[Added 7-24-2023 by Ord. No. 23-30]
A comparatively large, unobstructed acreage involving enough room over which to walk or ride, point to point, over a generally prescribed course and to strive to send a ball long distances with variable accuracy, all without unreasonably endangering other players or intruding upon them.
The lowest point of elevation of the finished surface of the ground, paving or sidewalk within the area between the building and the property line. In cases where the property line is more than five feet from the building, the grade shall be determined between the building and a line five feet from the building.
Any man-made change of the land surface, including removing vegetative cover, excavating, filling and grading, but not including agricultural land uses, such as planting, growing, cultivating and harvesting of crops; growing and tending of gardens; harvesting of trees; and landscaping modifications, including stripping, excavating, filling, stockpiling, or any combination thereof, including the land in its excavated or filled condition.
A retail store selling groceries and household or convenience products which has a gross floor area of 5,000 square feet or more but less than 50,000 square feet.
The total number of residential units or lots divided by the area of the lands within a residential development, excluding public streets and all lands used for business, manufacturing, institutional and park and recreational uses.
The sum of the gross horizontal areas of all floors of a building, measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls or from the center line of walls separating two attached buildings. Without limitation, the gross floor area of a building shall include elevator shafts and stairwells at each floor, floor space used for mechanical equipment (except when located on a roof), penthouses, attic space having a headroom of seven feet 10 inches or more, interior balconies and mezzanines, enclosed porches, and floor area devoted to accessory uses.
A room in a dwelling unit designed to be used for living, sleeping, or dining, excluding bathrooms, laundries, toilet rooms, closets, pantries, halls, storage spaces, kitchens and similar spaces.
The vertical distance from the mean elevation of the finished lot grade along the front of a building to the highest point of the roof.
An area used or to be used for landing or takeoff of helicopters or other steep-gradient aircraft capable of hovering, and may include any or all of the areas or buildings which are appropriate to accomplish these functions.
The area within the right-of-way lines of a public highway, as distinguished from the paved roadway of a highway.
For the purpose of this chapter, any reference to a home occupation shall mean a home-based business under Article VII in this chapter.
[Amended 11-21-2016 by Ord. No. 16-38]
An institution providing health services, primarily for inpatients, and medical or surgical care of the sick or injured, including as an integral part of the institution such related facilities as laboratories, outpatient departments, training facilities, central service facilities, and staff offices.
A building in which overnight lodging facilities and services are provided to the general public for compensation and in which ingress or egress to the individual guest rooms is through a central lobby and internal corridors that are heated and air conditioned and not directly through individual external doors. For purposes of this chapter, "hotel" and "motel" are mutually exclusive.
A hotel with a barroom or bar facilities used in connection with banquet and convention activities, or for hotel guests, which bar is not advertised to the general public and has no signage visible from the exterior of the hotel.
The hours during which the public is invited onto or permitted to remain on the premises of a business, manufacturing, institutional or other nonresidential use.
A structure not more than 20 feet by 20 feet used for the sheltering of not more than two horses.
The cultivation or production of plants and animals (livestock) and/or the by-products thereof.
A use that is not an allowed use.
A short-duration sound which is incapable of being accurately measured on a sound-level meter.
A sound which is no longer than two seconds in duration, followed by no less than a two-second rest.
Any street or public way or court, 30 feet or more in width, which joins another at an angle, whether or not it crosses the other.
Includes, without limitation due to enumeration, scrap metal, bones, rags, used cloth, used rubber, used rope, used tinfoil, used bottles, used machinery, used tools, used appliances, used fixtures, used utensils, used lumber, used boxes or crates, used pipe or pipe fittings, used automobiles, used tires, and other manufactured goods that are so worn, deteriorated or obsolete as to make them unusable in their existing condition.
A place where junk, waste, discarded, or salvaged materials are bought, sold, exchanged, stored, baled, packed, disassembled, wrecked or dismantled, or handled, including automobile wrecking yards, house wrecking, and structural steel materials and equipment, but not including the purchase or storage of used furniture and household equipment, used cars in operable condition, or used or salvaged materials as part of manufacturing operations.
Any lots or premises on which five or more dogs or cats, or both, at least five months of age are kept, boarded, or trained, whether kept in special structures or runways.
[Amended 3-15-2010 by Ord. No. 10-21]
Any room or area used, intended to be used or designed to be used either wholly or partly for cooking and/or the preparation of food.
A building or part of a building devoted to the testing and analysis of any product or animal (including humans) or to the development of and fabrication of preliminary or pilot models. Also includes a laboratory which provides bacteriological, biological, medical, x-ray, pathological and similar analytical or diagnostic services to doctors or dentists. No fabricating is conducted on the premises, except the custom fabrication of dentures. No manufacturing is conducted on the premises, except for experimental or testing purposes.
See "sanitary landfill."
Section lines, half-section lines, quarter-section lines, and other property lines established by metes and bounds outside the boundaries of reported land subdivision plats.
An area that is permanently devoted and maintained to the growing of trees, shrubbery, grass and other plant material.
The improvement of a lot, parcel or tract of land with grass and shrubs and/or trees. Landscaping may include pedestrian walks, flower beds, and ornamental objects such as fountains, statuary, and other similar natural objects designed and arranged to produce an aesthetically pleasing effect.
A business that provides washing, drying and/or ironing machines for hire to be used by customers on the premises.
Agricultural districts are less restrictive than residential districts
Residential districts are less restrictive than business districts
Business districts are less restrictive than manufacturing districts
Manufacturing districts are less restrictive than institutional districts
Conservancy districts shall not be considered less restrictive districts. If any portion of the property is located within the C-1 or C-3 Conservancy District, the property area within the C-1 or C-3 District shall conform to the regulations of that C-1 or C-3 District.
A place in which books, manuscripts, musical scores or other literary and artistic materials are kept for use and only incidentally for sale.
Animals, such as but not limited to cows, llamas, alpaca, buffalo/bison, horses, camels, deer, donkey/mules, reindeer, sheep, water buffalo, yak, fowl or poultry, rabbits and pigs, which are raised for sale, resale, agricultural field production, human consumption or pleasure. (Note: Goats are not considered livestock and are not allowed to be kept or raised for sale, resale, agricultural field production, human consumption or pleasure.)
[Amended 3-15-2010 by Ord. No. 10-21]
A completely off-street space or berth on the same lot for the loading or unloading of freight carriers, having adequate ingress and egress to public street or alley.
Any legally created and described parcel of land. (Note, however, that when "lot" is used in combination with other words in a defined term, e.g., "lot of record," it may be used to describe an existing parcel of land without respect to whether the parcel was legally created. (See separate definitions for "lot of record," "corner lot," "through lot," "nonconforming lot," "front lot line," "rear lot line," "side lot line," "front half of a lot" "rear half of a lot.")
The mean horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines, measured in the general direction of the side lot lines or as measured as the distance between the midpoint of the front lot line and rear lot line.
A lot other than a corner lot.
The property lines bounding a lot.
A parcel of land created and described by an instrument recorded in the office of the Kenosha County Register of Deeds. (Note that a lot of record may or may not be a legally created and described parcel of land.)
A factory-built, single-family structure that is manufactured under the authority of 42 U.S.C. § 5401, the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act, is transportable in one or more sections, is built on a permanent chassis and fitted with wheels, is intended to be hauled to a site and is registered and titled with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.
A parcel of land for the placement of a single mobile home and the exclusive use of its occupants.
A parcel or tract of land under single ownership which has been planned and improved for the placement of mobile homes for dwelling purposes.
That part of an individual mobile home space which has been planned and improved for the placement of the mobile home and additions or attachments thereto.
The processing and converting of raw, unfinished, or finished materials or products, or any of these, into an article or substance of different character, or for use for a different purpose; also industries furnishing labor in the case of manufacturing or the refinishing of manufactured articles.
[Amended 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
A place for docking or storage of pleasure boats or providing services to pleasure boats and the occupants thereof, including minor servicing and repair to boats while in the water, sale of fuel and supplies, or provision of lodging, food, beverages, and entertainment as accessory uses. A yacht club shall be considered a marina, but a hotel, motel, or similar use, where docking of boats and provision of services thereto are incidental to other activities, shall not be considered a marina, nor shall boat docks accessory to a multiple dwelling where no boat-related services are rendered.
A unit of length, equal to 0.001 millimeter.
A transportable, factory-built home designed to be used as a year-round residential dwelling and built prior to the enactment of the Federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, which became effective June 15, 1976.
A factory-fabricated transportable building designed to be used by itself or to be incorporated with units at a building site into a modular structure to be used for residential, commercial, educational or industrial purposes. This is not a manufactured home or a mobile home as defined in this chapter.
A place where the unidentified and derelict dead are at all times received and kept and exposed to public view for the purposes of identification.
A building or buildings in which overnight lodging facilities and services are provided to the general public for compensation and in which ingress or egress to all or some of the individual guest rooms is made directly through individual exterior doors rather than through a central lobby and internal corridors that are heated and air conditioned. For purposes of this chapter, "motel" and "hotel" are mutually exclusive.
Videotapes, films, discs, slide shows, or other recordings of visual images from which motion pictures or a series of still pictures can be projected or reproduced and viewed, with or without audio accompaniment.
Three or more attached dwelling units.
See § 281.31(2)(d), Wis. Stats.
A component plan of the Village's Comprehensive Plan focusing on a particular neighborhood specified in the Comprehensive Plan (or on a portion of such a neighborhood) which provides guidelines for the development and use of the real property within such neighborhood, taking into account the compatibility of land uses, how future land divisions could occur, and how street access to the land divisions could be provided and examining the practicability of providing certain lot layouts, street layouts, parkways, open space areas, park areas, preservation areas, public community facilities, infrastructure improvements and municipal services to service the particular neighborhood or portion thereof.
The total number of units or lots divided by the lands within the neighborhood, excluding floodplains, wetlands, lands with primary environmental corridors, lands with slope greater than 20%, public roadway rights-of-way and all lands proposed for business, manufacturing, institutional and public park and recreational uses.
[Amended 12-21-2009 by Ord. No. 09-61]
See definition in § 420-140B.
[Amended 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
See definition in § 420-140B.
[Added 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
See definition in § 420-140B.
[Amended 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
Material which is capable of causing injury to living organisms by chemical reaction or is capable of causing detrimental effects upon the physical or economic well-being of individuals.
Any land used to raise trees, shrubs, flowers, and other plants for sale or for transplanting.
A fully supervised living facility wherein skilled professionals provide continuous care or treatment of any person. A nursing home is not a hospital and is not a community living arrangement.
A prescribed interval of sound frequencies which permits classifying sound according to its pitch.
Any matter or material that yields an odor which is offensive in any way or any matter or material that produces a response in the normal human nose.
The lowest concentration of odorous matter in the air that will produce a response in the normal human nose.
Village Board-approved means of ingress or egress to a structure or lot.
Includes a state-approved septic or mound system for collection of sanitary waste and eventual absorption of such waste into the surrounding soils.
The parts of a lot or approved site that are not covered by buildings or structures or by paved, graveled or artificial surfaces. Water surfaces of improvements such as ponds, detention basins and retention basins will be deemed to be open space.
Directly across the street or highway from the subject lot or site, but only to the extent of frontage on such street or highway and real property contiguous to such frontage which is situated between the side lot lines of the subject lot or site extended across such street or highway.
As defined by § NR 115.03(6), Wis. Adm. Code.
A parcel of land, other than a buildable lot or a block, which is designated as such on a plat or certified survey map.[5]
Dust, smoke, or any other form of airborne pollution in the form of minute separate particles.
In the context of a public hearing on an application for a permit or approval under or contemplated by this chapter, the applicant(s), the owner(s) of the subject lot or site, the owner(s) of any real property that abuts the subject lot or site, the owner(s) of any real property that is opposite the subject lot or site, and the owner(s) of any other real property located within 300 feet of the subject lot or site.
A terrace extending not more than six inches above the average level of the ground at its margins, provided that no fixed walls or roof shall be erected on or over any patio or similar structure that is located in a required yard.
A criterion established for the purposes of assigning proposed industrial uses to proper districts and making judgments in the control of noise, odor, smoke, toxic matter, vibration, fire and explosive hazards, or glare generated by, or inherent in, uses of land or buildings.
See "gazebo."
[Added 7-24-2023 by Ord. No. 23-30]
A foundation as constructed per the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code to include a full basement or crawl space; if the soil-bearing capacity does not allow for such a basement, a temporary foundation may be allowed by the Village Zoning Administrator.
A foundation with a minimum eight-foot basement constructed per the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code.
[Added 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-16]
See "certificate of occupancy."
A principal use that has been legislatively approved in this chapter for a particular zoning district, without a conditional use permit, but which may require other Village permits, licenses or approvals.
An individual or group of individuals, corporation, partnership, association, municipality, state agency or any other legal entity.
Animals commonly found in residences as pets, such as dogs, cats, songbirds, rabbits, and other small animals, providing that they are not raised or reared for commercial resale or as a source of staple supplement. Household pets shall not include livestock, except for rabbits. In addition, household pets shall not include fowl or poultry, goats, pot belly pigs, exotic snakes, large reptiles and exotic animals not commonly found in residences as determined by the Village Zoning Administrator.
[Amended 3-15-2010 by Ord. No. 10-21; 3-2-2015 by Ord. No. 15-08; 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
That area of a principal building or of a unit of a principal building occupied by one or more specified uses, which area is defined in an approved site and operational plan, conditional use permit or special Village license and is physically separated from other portions of the building or other portions of a particular unit of the building by walls, doorways, floor stripes, signs and/or other approved means which individually or collectively make it readily apparent that one is entering or leaving the defined area.
The establishment of a building or structure in a particular location, whether by original construction or erection or by moving a building or structure to a particular location, provided that the required setbacks are met.
A covered entrance to a building, excluding the steps, supported by columns or wall sections.
Any fowl, including but not limited to roosters, chickens, pigeons, ducks, geese, turkeys and pheasants, that are kept or raised for sale, resale, agricultural field production, human consumption or pleasure.
[Amended 3-15-2010 by Ord. No. 10-21]
The two forwardmost outward-facing corners of the foundation of a principal building, relative to the right-of-way line of the public street on which the building fronts or which controls the address of such building, ignoring corners of the foundation that support minor building protrusions, such as steps, stoops, vestibules, chimneys, etc. (Note: If the foundation of such a minor building protrusion is located at what would otherwise be an actual outward-facing front corner of the building foundation, the primary front corner of the building foundation will be the hypothetical corner that would result if the minor protrusion were removed, rather than the actual corner.)
The two rearmost outward-facing corners of the foundation of a principal building, relative to the right-of-way line of the public street on which the building fronts or which controls the address of such building, ignoring corners of the foundation that support minor building protrusions, such as steps, stoops, vestibules, chimneys, etc. (Note: If the foundation of such a minor building protrusion is located at what would otherwise be an actual outward-facing rear corner of the building foundation, the primary rear corner of the building foundation will be the hypothetical corner that would result if the minor protrusion were removed, rather than the actual corner.)
A building occupied by or used for one or more principal uses [and, if applicable, occupied by or used for one or more accessory uses related to such principal use(s)].
A structure occupied by, used for or constituting one or more principal uses [and, if applicable, occupied by or used for one or more accessory uses related to such principal use(s)].
A primary use of real property, including any use that is not an accessory use to a principal use conducted on the same lot or approved site.
Books, magazines, newspapers, periodicals, calendars, posters, cards, photographs, pictures, drawings or other similar printed or graphic materials.
A use that cannot currently be lawfully commenced in a particular zoning district or at a particular location.
PROPOSED (use, development, structure, alteration, modification, etc.)
Any use, development, structure, alteration, modification, etc., for which a permit or approval is required by this chapter, which has not yet been issued or granted, regardless of whether or not the permit or approval has been requested, and regardless of whether or not the use, development, structure, alteration, modification, etc., has been commenced, constructed, installed or completed.
A place, cavern, or pit where stone is taken from the rock or ledge, or dug from the earth, for building or other purposes; a stone pit.
The digging out of stone or slate from an open excavation.
A strip of land with tracks and auxiliary facilities for railway track operation, but not including freight depots or stations, loading platforms, train sheds, warehouses, car or locomotive shops, or car yards.
The line(s), as seen from directly above, formed by the intersection with the ground of the outer edge of those portions of the foundation of a principal building that are situated between the primary rear corners of such foundation.
From the perspective of the front lot line, that portion of a lot lying behind a line that is parallel to the straight line connecting the two points of intersection between the front lot line of such lot and the side lot lines of such lot (the "connecting line") and that also passes through the midpoint of the longest possible straight line across such lot which intersects the connecting line at a right angle.
The property line of one or more sides of a lot that do not intersect the front lot line. (Note: In the case of a triangular lot having a side that abuts a public street, the rear lot line consists of a point; in the case of a lot having five or more sides, the property line of any side situated entirely in the rear half of the lot will be deemed to be part of the rear lot line; in the case of a through lot, the right-of-way line of the public street on which the rear portion of the lot abuts.)
A required setback from the rear lot line, except in the situation of a through lot. (Note: In the situation of a through lot, there is a required street setback from the street right-of-way line on which the rear portion of the lot abuts.)
The portion of a through lot bounded by the rear lot line (the street right-of-way line on which the rear portion of the lot abuts), the rear foundation line(s) of the principal building on such lot, the extension of each such rear foundation line forming a part of a primary rear corner of the foundation of such building (respectively) to the nearest side lot line, and that portion of each side lot line (respectively) lying between its point of intersection with the rear lot line and its point of intersection with a rear foundation line of the building so extended to such side lot line; provided, however, that in the situation of a through lot that is also a corner lot, the rear street yard does not include the area included within the side street yard. See Appendix A, Illustrations 4-A and 4-B, within Attachment 1 of Chapter 420.[6]
[Amended 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
The portion of a lot bounded by the rear lot line, the rear foundation line(s) of the principal building on such lot, the extension of each such rear foundation line forming a part of a primary rear corner of the foundation of such building (respectively) to the nearest side lot line, and that portion of each side lot line (respectively) lying between its point of intersection with the rear lot line and its point of intersection with a rear foundation line of the building so extended to such side lot line; provided, however, that in the situation of a corner lot, the rear yard does not include the area included within the side street yard. (Note: In the case of a through lot, there is no rear yard, but see the definition of "rear street yard.") See Appendix A, Illustrations 4-A and 4-B, within Attachment 1 of Chapter 420.[7],[8]
[Amended 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
A shopping center located near an interstate highway interchange and consisting of a minimum of 50,000 square feet of gross floor area.
A plant for reduction of dead animals, or slaughtered animals not suitable for human consumption, to by-products, such as hide, skin, grease, bones, glue and soap for the storage of such by-products.
A place where five or more adults reside that consists of independent apartments, each of which has an individual lockable entrance and exit, a kitchen, including a stove, and individual bathroom, sleeping and living areas, and that provides, to a person who resides in the place, not more than 28 hours per week of services that are supportive, personal and nursing services. RCAC facilities do not include a nursing home or a community-based residential facility (CBRF) but may be physically part of a structure that is a nursing home or a CBRF. In this subsection, "stove" means a cooking appliance that is a microwave oven of at least 1,000 watts or that consist of burners and an oven.
Residential transmission, receiving or relay towers, and/or antennas, including without limitation amateur "ham" radio and satellite and/or digital dishes.
An establishment in which providing meals for compensation is the primary activity and where alcoholic beverages may be served, but only incidental to the serving of meals for consumption on the premises and not in an automobile; "restaurant" does not include a boardinghouse, or a hotel providing room service, or a tavern, cabaret, dry cabaret, adult dry cabaret, coffeehouse or similar use that incidentally sells or serves food. (See "restaurant with a dedicated bar," "restaurant with a drive-through facility" and "drive-in restaurant.")
[Amended 6-26-2023 by Ord. No. 23-28]
A restaurant with a bar where customers are served alcoholic beverages only while waiting to be seated for a meal, which bar is not advertised to the general public and has no signage visible from the exterior of the restaurant.
A restaurant designed and operated so that customers can order and receive a meal, typically to be eaten off site, while driving an automobile through the restaurant site.
A facility used for professional, business, educational or religious retreats, meetings, seminars or conferences, where meals, lodging and recreation may be provided for participants in the retreat or other program, but where neither meals nor overnight accommodations are provided to the general public.
A building or premises used for the rental or lease of horses or other livestock for riding.
[Amended 3-15-2010 by Ord. No. 10-21]
The boundary of a public highway or street.
One which is described in the United States Bureau of Mines Information Circular 6888, or its successor, and on which are illustrated graduated shades of grey for use in estimating the light-obscuring capacity of smoke.
The number appearing in the Ringelmann Chart ascribed by the observer to the density of the smoke emission. Where the density or light-obstructing capacity of the smoke as observed falls between two consecutive Ringelmann Numbers, the lowest Ringelmann Number shall be considered the density of the smoke observed.
A health station or retreat; an institution for the recuperation and treatment of persons suffering from physical or mental disorders.
A type of land disposal operation involving the disposal of solid waste on land without creating nuisances or hazards to public health or safety by utilizing the principals of engineering to confine the solid waste to the smallest practical area, to reduce it to the smallest practical volume, and to cover it with a layer of earth at the conclusion of each day's operation or at such more frequent intervals as may be necessary.
A building where persons regularly assemble for the purpose of educational classes and instruction, together with the playgrounds, athletic fields, stadiums and other structures or grounds used in conjunction therewith; provided, however, that the definition of "school" is limited to public or private schools used for primary or secondary education in which classes for students in kindergarten and/or all or some of grades one through 12 are regularly taught, or special education facilities in which students with physical or learning disabilities regularly receive specialized education in lieu of attending kindergarten or any of grades one through 12.
As defined in § 282-3 of the Village Municipal Code. Some secondhand article dealers are considered a cash convenient business, as defined in this chapter.
[Added 5-17-2010 by Ord. No. 10-31; amended 10-24-2011 by Ord. No. 11-32]
As defined in § 282-3 of the Village Municipal Code. Some secondhand jewelry dealers are considered a cash convenient business, as defined in this chapter.
[Added 5-17-2010 by Ord. No. 10-31; amended 10-24-2011 by Ord. No. 11-32]
Soils or other surficial materials transported by winds or surface waters as a product of erosion.
When any portion of human genitals, pubic region, buttocks or anus, or any portion of the human female breast below the top of the areola, is not completely and opaquely covered.
Housing for persons over 55 years of age.
The minimum distance that must separate a specified building or structure from a specified property line or site feature. The setback distance is measured from the foundation of a building or structure, except to the extent that encroachments into the setback by building elements, such as chimneys, porches or exterior stairs, may be allowed by this chapter. (See "setback line," "street setback," "rear setback," "side setback," "wetland setback" and "shore setback." Note that dimensional yard requirements in this chapter shall be interpreted as setback requirements, and dimensional restrictions on encroachments into yards shall be interpreted as exceptions to setback requirements.)
The actual or hypothetical line on the surface of a lot, typically depicted on a survey, plat, site plan or other scale map, that shows a required setback distance from a particular property line or site feature.
As defined in § 59.692(1)(b), Wis. Stats.
A required setback from the ordinary high-water mark of a body of navigable water.
The area of a lot between the ordinary high-water mark of a body of navigable water and the shore setback line.
The line(s), as seen from directly above, formed by the intersection with the ground of the outer edge of those portions of the foundation of a principal building that are situated between the primary front and rear corners on either side of such foundation.
A property line of one or more sides of a lot that intersects both the front lot line and the rear lot line. (Note: In the case of a lot having five or more sides, with at least one side located entirely within the rear half of the lot, the property line of a side located both in the front and rear halves of the lot and not itself intersecting the front lot line will be deemed to be part of the side lot line; in the case of a corner lot, one side lot line will be a portion of the abutting public street right-of-way line.)
A required setback from the side lot line of a lot, except that in the case of a corner lot there is no side setback from the side lot line consisting of a street right-of-way line. (Note: In the case of a corner lot, there is a required street setback from the side lot line consisting of a street right-of-way line.)
The portion of a corner lot bounded by the side foundation line(s) of the principal building on such lot that is (are) closest to the right-of-way line of a street other than the one on which the principal building fronts or which controls the address of the principal building, the front foundation line of such building forming a part of the primary front corner of the foundation of such building closest to such side street right-of-way line extended to such right-of-way line, the side foundation line forming a part of the primary rear corner of such building closest to such side street right-of-way line extended to the rear lot line, the portion of such rear lot line between its point of intersection with such side foundation line extended and its point of intersection with such side street right-of-way line, and the portion of such side street right-of-way line between its point of intersection with the rear lot line and its point of intersection with the front foundation line extended to such side street right-of-way line. See Appendix A, Illustrations 4-A and 4-B, within Attachment 1 of Chapter 420.[9]
[Amended 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
The portion(s) of a lot abutting the side foundation line(s) of the principal building on such lot that is (are) not included within the street yard, the side street yard, the rear yard or the rear street yard of such lot. See Appendix A, Illustrations 4-A and 4-B, within Attachment 1 of Chapter 420.[10]
[Amended 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
Soil particles, intermediate in size between sand and clay, which are readily transported by inflowing streams or surface waters into a body of water.
The real property proposed to be developed or rezoned, or which is the subject of a requested site and operational plan approval, conditional use permit, special license or other permit or approval pursuant to this chapter or other applicable Village ordinances, or which has been developed or rezoned, or with respect to which a permit or approval has been granted, including any development or improvements thereon. [Note that a site containing more than a single lot must be unified, integrated and approved. See § 420-57B(22).]
Small gas-borne particles other than water that form a visible plume in the air.
The number obtained when the smoke density in Ringelmann Number is multiplied by the time of emission in minutes. For the purpose of this calculation, a Ringelmann density reading shall be made at least once a minute during the period of observation; each reading is then multiplied by the time in minutes during which it was observed. The various products are then added together to give the total number of smoke units observed during the entire observation period.
Any earth, sand, gravel, rock or any similar material.
Garbage, refuse and all other discarded or salvageable solid materials, including solid waste materials resulting from industrial, commercial, and agricultural operations and from domestic use and public service activities, but does not include solids or dissolved material and wastewater effluent or other common water pollutants.
For an operation or use is the intensity of sound, measured in decibels, produced by such operation or use.
An instrument standardized by the American National Standards Association for measurement of intensity of sound.
[Amended 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
Same as "conditional use."
Any use requiring a special Village license, e.g., an adult-oriented-use license, a business license, or a liquor license. A special licensed use can only be conducted pursuant to and in accordance with a required Village license, and the granting of such a license is not assured either by permitted use status or by the granting of a conditional use permit or of any other permit or approval under this chapter. A special licensed use may require other Village permits or approvals.
[Amended 6-26-2023 by Ord. No. 23-28]
Less than completely covered human genitals, pubic region, anus, buttocks and female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola, and human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered.
Simulated or actual acts of human sexual intercourse, fellatio, cunnilingus, sodomy, masturbation, sadomasochistic abuse, bestiality or necrophilia; or simulated or actual physical contact, in an act of apparent sexual stimulation or gratification, with a person's clothed or unclothed genitals, pubic area, anus or buttocks or with a female person's breast; or a person's simulated or actual use of an inanimate object in an act of apparent sexual stimulation or gratification.
A court located on a hard surface where its primary purpose is to play basketball, tennis, shuffleboard or other such sport or activity. A residential driveway shall not be considered a sport court.
A slope over twelve-percent grade, which is characterized by increased runoff, erosion and sediment hazards.
A use devoted exclusively to the retail sale or rental of a goods or products.
That portion of a building included between a floor and the floor or roof next above it. A basement is not to be counted as a story unless the ceiling height exceeds four feet above the grade or unless more than 40% of the basement is for living purposes.
The area within the right-of-way lines of a public street, as distinguished from the paved roadway of a street. "Street" typically includes "highway."
A required setback from the nearest right-of-way line of any public street on which the lot abuts. (Note: In the case of a corner lot or a through lot, there will be required setbacks from the nearest right-of-way line of two streets; in the case of a lot which is both a corner lot and a through lot, there will be required setbacks from the nearest right-of-way line of three streets.)
The portion of a lot bounded by the front lot line, the front foundation line(s) of the principal building on such lot, the extension of each such front foundation line forming a part of a primary front corner of the foundation of such building (respectively) to the nearest side lot line, and that portion of each side lot line (respectively) lying between its point of intersection with the front lot line and its point of intersection with a front foundation line of the building so extended to such side lot line. See Appendix A, Illustrations 4-A and 4-B, within Attachment 1 of Chapter 420.[11]
[Amended 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
Any activity which removes the vegetated surface cover, including tree removal, clearing, grubbing and storage or removal of topsoil.
Any change in or modification of the supporting members of a structure, such as foundations, bearing walls, columns, beams or girders, or any work on or improvements to a structure that would convert an existing structure into a new or substantially different structure, or that would affect the structural quality of the structure, or that would contribute to the longevity or permanence of the structure.
Anything that is constructed, built or erected, using any material or combination of materials, which is supported by or attached to the ground, or which is supported by or attached to something that is supported by or attached to the ground, which is at least relatively stationary, and which is not entirely enclosed within a building (unless it is designed to be viewed from outside the building, e.g., an outward-facing lighted sign in a window). Without limitation, "structure" includes buildings, signs, fences, walls, driveways, decks, towers, swimming pools, tree houses, drawbridges, berms, patios, exterior stairs, parking lots, etc.
SUBJECT (lot, site or property)
The lot, site or real property being referred to, typically in the context of an application for a rezoning, a conditional use permit, a site and operation plan approval, a special Village license, a variance, or other Village permit or approval.
A retail store selling groceries and household or convenience products which has a gross floor area of 50,000 square feet or more.
Any structure, including a hot tub, that is intended to hold a minimum of 36 inches of water for recreational or therapeutic purposes, that has electrical service or utilizes a pump and/or a filter, or any structure for recreational or therapeutic purposes that is intended to hold water with a water depth of 42 inches or greater. A hot tub is defined as a fabricated hydromassage unit for recreational or therapeutic use which is designed for immersion of users and at a minimum has a filter, heater and motor-driven blower that is integral to the unit.
[Amended 10-17-2005 by Ord. No. 05-49]
An establishment used primarily for the serving of alcoholic beverages by the drink to the public and where food or packaged alcoholic beverages may be served or sold only as an accessory use to the primary use.
A type of career academy that should focus on the resources, studies and lab areas in which students/participants would have hands-on learning on high technology equipment to help prepare them for their future education or the workplace of today or tomorrow and/or provide training for employers in area businesses and industrial development.
A foundation as constructed per the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code, excluding a full basement or crawl space.
A structure used for dramatic, operatic, motion-picture, or other performances, for admission to which entrance money is received and no audience participation or meal service allowed.
A lot that abuts a public street at the rear end of the lot as well as at the front end of the lot.
Those materials which are capable of causing injury to living organisms by chemical means when present in relatively small amounts.
A facility that provides services to the trucking industry, including but not limited to any of the following activities: the fueling, servicing, repairing, or parking of semitrucks or tractor trucks with or without trailers or other similar heavy commercial vehicles; the sale of accessories and equipment for such semitrucks, tractor trucks or other similar heavy commercial vehicles; and/or truck washes. A truck stop may also include overnight or extended time truck parking, sleeping accommodations, showers, weight scales, or restaurant facilities for the use by truck crews.
[Added 4-17-2017 by Ord. No. 17-15]
See definition of "dwelling, duplex."
[Amended 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-16]
See definition of "dwelling, twin house."
[Added 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-16]
The specified area of a building in which a tenant or other person has a right of use and occupancy for nonresidential purposes, e.g., a store space in a shopping center building or a suite of offices in an office building.
The employment and/or occupancy of particular real property for a particular purpose or purposes, or a particular use of real property that is specifically recognized by this chapter. (Note: "Use" is intended to be sufficiently elastic to refer simultaneously to the most limited possible hypothetical use, e.g., the retail sale of books, and to an actual use of which such hypothetical use is a component, e.g., a combined bookstore-coffeehouse.) (See "uses conducted together in the same principal building," "uses located together in the same principal building," "uses not conducted together," "uses not located together," "allowed use," "permitted use," "auxiliary permitted use," "conditional use," "special licensed use," "nonconforming use," "prohibited use," "principal use" and "accessory use.")
Uses conducted in the same principal building by the same owner or operator as part of the same business, company, firm or organization.
Two or more principal uses located in the same principal building, if there are no units of such building, or two or more principal uses located in the same unit of a principal building; provided, however, that uses located in different, physically separate defined areas approved pursuant to this chapter will be deemed not to be located together.
Uses not conducted together in the same principal building, as defined herein.
Uses not located together in the same principal building, as defined herein.
Public or private electric power substation or gas-metering substation not enclosed in a building.
[Amended 7-20-2009 by Ord. No. 09-44; 3-15-2010 by Ord. No. 10-21]
Public or private utilities and associated equipment located within a building, including lift stations.
[Amended 3-15-2010 by Ord. No. 10-21]
An office or clinic that provides examinations, diagnosis and treatment, including surgical care, for animals available 24 hours per day. A veterinarian emergency services office excludes facilities for boarding animals or facilities for the cremating of animals.
[Added 12-17-2007 by Ord. No. 07-58]
An office or clinic that provides examinations, diagnosis and treatment, including surgical care, for animals. A veterinarian office excludes facilities for boarding animals or facilities for the cremating of animals.
[Added 12-17-2007 by Ord. No. 07-58]
A structure or part of a structure for storing goods, wares, and merchandise, whether for the owner or for others, and whether it is a public or private warehouse.
A required setback from a staked wetland area.
See "junkyard."
The portion of a lot generally located between the principal building and a specified property line or feature of the lot. (See "front street yard," "street yard," "side street yard," "side yard," "rear yard," "rear street yard" and "shore yard." Also see Appendix A, Illustrations 4-A and 4-B, within Attachment 1 of Chapter 420.[12] Note that dimensional yard requirements in this chapter shall be interpreted as setback requirements, and dimensional restrictions on encroachments into yards shall be interpreted as exceptions to setback requirements.)
[Amended 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26]
ZONED RESIDENTIAL (or variations thereof)
Zoned to a residential zoning district classification; provided, however, that any portion of a planned development zoning district where residential uses are permitted will be deemed to be zoned residential, and any C-2 Upland Resource Conservancy District directly abutting an area zoned residential will be deemed to be zoned residential.
The Village Zoning Administrator or an individual duly authorized to perform the duties and functions of the Village Zoning Administrator.
The official Village map delineating the boundaries of zoning districts. The Zoning Map, along with the zoning text, comprises the Village Zoning Ordinance.
Editor's Note: The former definition of “commercial communication structures,” as amended, which immediately followed this definition, was repealed 4-7-2014 by Ord. No. 14-08.
Editor's Note: The definition of "dwelling, attached," which immediately followed this definition, was repealed 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-16.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed the definition of "dwelling, group" which immediately followed.
Editor's Note: The former definition of "earns a substantial part of his or her livelihood from the farm operation," which immediately followed this definition, was repealed 3-15-2010 by Ord. No. 10-21.
Editor's Note: The former definition of "park, amusement," which immediately followed this definition, was repealed 5-4-2009 by Ord. No. 09-25.
Editor's Note: Appendix A is an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: Appendix A is an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: The former definition of "recreational vehicle (RV)", which immediately followed this definition, was repealed 12-11-2023 by Ord. No. 23-52.
Editor's Note: Appendix A is an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: Appendix A is an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: Appendix A is an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: Appendix A is an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: Former § 420-153, Planned Development Zoning Districts, which comprised Art. XXII, Planned Development Zoning District, added 4-2-2007 by Ord. No. 07-08, as amended, and which immediately followed, was renumbered as § 420-137.1 7-20-2020 by Ord. No. 20-26.