A person, firm, corporation or partnership submitting a replat, conceptual layout for the allotment system, preliminary plat, final plat, preliminary certified survey map, final certified survey map or any other division covered by this chapter, or any amendments of any of the foregoing, in which in the discretion of the Town requires rendition of services by the Town Engineer, Town Attorney, Town Planner, Town employees and agents or any other Town independent expert, shall reimburse the Town for the costs of the foregoing service. Payments shall be made to the Town within 30 days from the date of the billing by the Town to the person liable for the services. Failure to pay the Town for these charges shall result in charges being levied against all lots in the subdivision as a special charge, pursuant to § 66.0627, Wis. Stats.
For any inspections made by Town employees or designees, the developer or person liable shall reimburse the Town at a rate established per hour by the Town Board in an adopted Town of Vernon Fee Schedule as amended from time to time by the Town Board by separate resolution for said fees.
For any redivision of any previously approved minor land division, an additional fee as established by the Fee Schedule adopted from time to time by the Town Board by separate resolution for each lot shall be paid to the Town. Said fee shall be paid prior to the signature by the Town Clerk on the final document.
The property owner of any parcel proposed to be divided shall sign the Town of Vernon professional service and reimbursement notice along with the application for the Town Plan Commission agenda stating that he is responsible for any fees, costs or charges in accordance with the Town of Vernon Fee Schedule.
The Town shall require the developer to deposit sufficient funds in an escrow account with the Town.
In addition to the rights of the Town to collect unpaid charges under § 66.0627, Wis. Stats., the Town may also, if it chooses, proceed against the landowners for the cost of services herein by legal action in the Circuit Court, withholding any approvals required under this chapter, or by virtue of any lien authority contained in Ch. 779, Wis. Stats.