[HISTORY: Adopted by the Harford County Council by Bill No. 76-5.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This legislation was included as Ch. 13, Art. I, of the 1978 Code.
The Department of Inspections, Licenses and Permits shall be responsible for the administration and issuance of all county licenses or permits, except:
Permits and inspections of water, sewer and roads, which shall remain in the Department of Public Works.
Those licenses or permits required to be issued by another agency under the law.
[Amended by Bill No. 11-46[1]]
No person shall conduct, engage in, operate, maintain, carry on or manage any business, occupation, thing or device for which a license or permit is required by any provision of this Code without first having obtained the license or permit from the Department of Inspections, Licenses and Permits or other issuing agency, as provided in this Code or other applicable laws, and paying the prescribed fee, which may be waived or refunded as provided herein.
In the event the State of Maryland or the County has declared a state of the County emergency for Harford County pursuant to state law due to any number of outside factors, including but not limited to flood, water, wind, snow, ice, hurricanes, tidal storms, tornadoes or earthquakes, the County Executive or his/her designee is hereby vested with the discretion to waive or refund initial permitting fees that a property owner is subject to due to damage caused by disasters, including those named herein. The fee waiver or refund provided for herein applies only to single-family homes or townhouses and any associated accessory structures.
In order to receive either the waiver or refund provided for herein, an affidavit, as prepared by the Department of Inspections, Licenses and Permits, must be executed by the property owner and received by the Department of Inspections, Licenses and Permits within 30 days of the declared state of the emergency.
Editor's Note: This bill provided that it is to be construed to apply retroactively for all permits applied for in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 157 after 8-25-2011. In addition, it provided that those persons applying retroactively for a refund due to the emergency of 8-25-2011 have 30 days from the effective date of Bill No. 11-46 (10-18-2011) to submit their written affidavit.
[Amended by Bill Nos. 13-49; 24-013]
Every application for a license or permit required under this chapter, except for those licenses or permits specifically excepted, shall be made to the Department of Inspections, Licenses and Permits or other issuing agency, which shall provide forms for that purpose.
Every application for a license or permit shall contain the name of the applicant and the place of business of such applicant. If the applicant is a sole proprietorship, the application shall contain the name and residence address of its owner; if a limited liability company, the application shall contain the names and residence addresses of all its members; if a partnership, general partnership, limited partnership, or limited liability partnership, the names and residence addresses of the partners; and if a corporation, the names and residence addresses of its principal officers. In addition to such statements, there shall be set forth such other material information as the Department of Inspections, Licenses and Permits or other issuing agency prescribes.
Prior to the issuance of any permit or license under this chapter, the applicant shall pay to the County a fee in accordance with the schedule of fees set forth in the Harford County Code. Fees shall be reasonably calculated to sufficient funds proportionate to the cost of administering and enforcing the codes and laws of the County.
Where no work has been done under a permit issued under this chapter, the holder of the permit may deliver the permit to the Department and upon cancellation thereof, shall be refunded 50% of the fee paid therefor, or such other amount as specified herein, provided that application of the refund is made within 6 months of the issuance of the permit.
Application fees paid pursuant to this chapter shall be nonrefundable unless otherwise specified herein.
Upon reviewing the duly filed application, the Director of the Department of Inspections, Licenses and Permits shall refer such application, if required, to the:
Police or law enforcement agency for investigation of the applicant.
Chief Building or Housing Inspector, Health Officer, fire agency or any other designated agency or person for an inspection of the premises or items.
The schedule of license and permit fees for licenses and permits is set out in Article II of this chapter.
Where applicable, an applicant for a license under this Code must furnish proper certificates of workmen's compensation.
After referral as provided in § 157-4 and approval thereof, the investigating agency or its designee shall refer the application with any recommendations to the issuing agency for action.
If the issuing agency approves the application, the license or permit shall be issued upon payment of the prescribed fees under Article II of this chapter to the Department of Inspections, Licenses and Permits, and such fees shall be turned over to the County Treasurer, who shall dispose of them as required by law.
No refunds will be given on application fees where approvals have been granted.
All licenses or permits shall be issued for a period of one (1) year, commencing on July 1 and ending on June 30 the following year, unless otherwise specified in this Code or specified on the license or permit.
A license or permit issued by the Department of Inspections, Licenses and Permits shall expire on the date specified by law.
Every license issued under the provisions of this Code shall bear the name and address of the licensee, the nature or kind of business, occupation, thing or device licensed, the amount of the fee paid, the period for which such license is issued, the street address where such business, occupation, thing or device is located and such other material information as the Department of Inspections, Licenses and Permits prescribes.
The Department of Inspections, Licenses and Permits or other issuing agency may also issue a decal or other emblem as part of the license, and when so issued, it shall be affixed as provided in this chapter.
No person to whom a license has been issued under any provision of this chapter shall fail to display such license prominently at the street address shown thereon or, if no street address is shown thereon, at the address where such business, occupation, thing or device is located. If the license pertains to a vehicle of any type, such license shall be affixed to the vehicle in a prominent location.
No person to whom a license has been issued under any provision of this chapter and for which license the Department of Inspections, Licenses and Permits or other issuing agency supplies a decal or other emblem shall fail to affix such decal or other emblem to such thing or device for which the license was issued.
An application for renewal of a license or permit shall be filed with the Department of Inspections, Licenses and Permits at least one (1) month prior to its expiration date, unless otherwise specified in this Code.
Unless otherwise provided in this Code, all licenses or permits issued by the Department of Inspections, Licenses and Permits or other issuing agency are nontransferable.
Whenever a license or permit is lost or destroyed, a duplicate license or permit may be issued by the Department of Inspections, Licenses and Permits if the applicant:
Requests the same; and
Pays a replacement fee of one dollar ($1.).
The suspension or revocation of any license or permit or the refusal to issue any license or permit under this Code shall be for just cause, after notice and hearing thereof pursuant to the provisions § 1-22.
[Amended by Bill Nos. 81-37; 81-45; 82-25; 82-30; 84-59; 85-33; 85-44; 85-48; 87-31; 88-69; 90-49; 90-78; 92-23; 92-43; 92-56; 92-71; 92-77; 93-7; 93-44; 93-70; 95-41; 96-57; 97-49; 00-15]
[Amended by Bill Nos. 13-49; 24-013]
The following fees shall be charged for building permits. All fees apply to each unit. However, square foot costs include those usable portions of a structure that are enclosed, including basement or cellars. Attics and top-half storage, where the ceiling is less than 7 1/3 feet (88 inches), are excluded.
Type of Building
New Construction, Additions, Alterations
Residential new construction
Additions, alterations
$0.15 per sq. ft., plus $200 non-refundable application fee
Residential permits without a square footage
Flat fee for permits without a square footage
Pellet/wood stove
Sump pump
Basement gutter
Foundation repair
1- and 2-family dwelling accessory structure
200 sq. ft. and greater
$0.15 per sq. ft., plus $100 non-refundable application fee
Under 200 sq. ft.
$20 (no certificate of occupancy or inspections required)
Commercial new construction
Additions, alterations
$0.15 per sq. ft., plus $200 non-refundable application fee
Commercial fee multiplier
Construction types: 1A; 1B; 2A; 3A; 3B; 5A
Use Groups: A-1; A-2; A-4; A-5; All Group H uses; I-2; I-3; R-1; R-2
Shell building with no declared occupancy (separate permit required for occupancy)
$0.09 per sq. ft. plus $200 non-refundable application fee
Shell tenant space to create a tenant or multiple tenant space (addresses must be created for each space; separate permit required for occupancy of each space)
$0.09 per sq. ft. plus $200 non-refundable application fee
Tenant permit for first occupancy
Base occupancy fee - $0.05 per sq. ft., minimum $75, plus $10 for certificate of occupancy
Tenant occupancy with modification (space must be legally existing)
$0.15 per sq. ft. plus $200 non-refundable application fee
Boat pier
$35, per 100 ft.
$20 plus $0.10 per foot over 250 ft.
$20 per slip, $0.09 per sq. ft., minimum $150
Retaining wall
Retaining wall (building permit required)
Commercial: $2.00 per lineal foot plus 200 non-refundable application fee residential: $2.00 per lineal foot plus $100 non-refundable application fee
Tank, above-ground or underground
Tank, above ground or underground (permit required)
$240, plus $10 for certificate of occupancy
Replacement of certificate of occupancy
Re-roofing of a structure when a building permit is required 1- and 2-family dwelling
$0.15 per sq. ft. plus $200 non-refundable application fee
Re-roofing of a structure when a building permit is required
$0.15 per sq. ft. plus $100 non-refundable application fee
Playground equipment (not associated with a 1- or 2-family dwelling, permit required)
Demolition, except that no fee shall be required if demolition is performed as a training exercise by a Volunteer Fire Company located in Harford County
Residential: $175
Commercial: $275
Without alterations
With alterations
$0.04 per sq. ft., minimum $50
Mobile home park
To establish a park
Each space
Each permanent service building
Fee same as required for use group in new construction
$65 over 300 sq. ft.
Marquee sign
Roof sign
Freestanding sign
Face sign
$30 on structure
Temporary portable sign
Swimming pools
Accessory to 1- and 2-family dwelling
$160 above-ground
$200 in-ground plus fence @ $0.10 per linear foot
Hot tub
Swim spa
$160 plus fence @ $0.10/linear foot
Pools not accessory to a 1- and 2-family dwelling
$360 plus fence @ $0.10/linear foot
Utilities, public or private, each structure (tower, transformer, pole, etc.)
Utility or communication tower
Utility or communication tower, replacement or addition of equipment (tower must be legally existing)
Amendment to permit application
Amendment to issued permit
Residential: $90
Commercial: $210
Permit extension
Transfer permit
Reissue expired permit, with Department approval
Residential: $100
Commercial: $200
Preliminary plan review to be invoiced upon completion; must be paid prior to releasing results to applicant.
$60 per hour charged in 1/2 hour increments
Reinspection or unnecessary trip
Reinspection fee, upon receipt of temporary certificate of occupancy
Investigation fee (in addition to regular permit and license fees)
Written notice of violation, working without a valid license or permit, issuance of a stop work order, in addition to regular fee
$500 first occurrence
$700 second occurrence
$1,000 subsequent occurrence (with administrative hearing)
Penalty charged for proceeding without the prior inspection
Hourly rate
[Amended by Bill Nos. 13-49; 24-013]
The following fees shall be charged for plumbing permits:
A $30 non-refundable application fee shall be assessed to all permit applications in this section.
Commercial water fee: $100
Commercial sewer fee: $100
Permit for new installation:
First fixture: $75
Each additional fixture: $10
Reconstruction or addition to existing plumbing:
First fixture: $75
Each additional fixture: $10
Business, commercial and industrial, new:
First fixture: $200
Each additional fixture: $10
Backflow preventor (each): $250
Sand trap, filter or water conditioner: $125
Interceptor, oil or grease: $125
Sewer ejector only: $125
Sewer and water - residential:
Sewer connection: $60
Water service connection: $60
Sewer and water combined: $120
Abandon sewer line: $60
Abandon water service: $60
Sump pump: $40
On-site utilities:
Storm sewer: $225
Water: $225
Sewer: $225
First fixture, 2" or smaller: $100
Each fixture thereafter: $10.
First fixture, over 2" and under 3": $150
Each fixture thereafter: $10.
First fixture, 3" and under 6": $200
Each fixture thereafter: $10.
First fixture, 6" and over: $500
Each fixture thereafter: $10.
Water-cooled air conditioner: $40
Solar installation: $75
Private water system (wells): $75
Reinspection or unnecessary trips: $50
Investigation fee (in addition to regular permit and license fees): $100
Written notice of violation, working without a valid license or permit, issuance of a stop work order, in addition to regular fee:
First occurrence: $500
Second occurrence: $750
Subsequent occurrence (with administrative hearing): $1,000
Fee for fixtures installed but not listed on permit:
First fixture: $60
Each fixture thereafter: $10
Plan review -- to be added to permit fee: $60 per hour charged in 1/2 hour increments.
Hourly rate: $60
Change of master plumber on permit: $60
Amendment of permit: $30
[Amended by Bill No. 24-013]
For the purposes of this section, the following words shall be defined as indicated below:
HIGH PRIORITY FACILITY — Shall have the same meaning as specified in COMAR
MODERATE PRIORITY FACILITY — Shall have the same meaning as specified in COMAR
LOW PRIORITY FACILITY — Shall have the same meaning as specified in COMAR
Onsite sewage disposal:
Conventional soil percolation test:
Per lot with up to 5 evaluations: $250
Each additional evaluation thereafter: $50
Non-conventional/single ring soil percolation test:
Per lot with up to 5 evaluations: $300
Each additional evaluation thereafter: $60
Onsite sewage disposal system permits:
New sanitary construction: $210
New sanitary disposal: $190
Upgrade to septic system: $210
(To include septic tank and sewage disposal area associated with a building permit.)
Correction to septic tank/disposal area: $100
Correction to sewer line/distribution box: $50
Environmental health inspections and permits with related field work and/or review:
Well permit: $160
Water quality sample collection: $50
(Laboratory costs determined by parameters being analyzed.)
Certificate of potability: $50
(Does not apply to replacement wells.)
Mobile home park annual permit:
1 - 10 lots. $50
11 - 100 lots: $100
101 or more lots: $200
Environmental health reviews involving wells and/or onsite sewage disposal:
Perc test update: $25
Septic sizing: $25
Subdivision review:
3 or less lots: $100
4 or more lots: $100 plus $25 per lot over 3
Subdivision waiver review: $50
Abbreviated process review: $50
Commercial site plan review:
Properties serviced by either well or septic: $100
Public water and sewer subdivision and/or site plan review: $50
Record plat review and approvals: $50
Building permit, zoning certificate, event permit and music festivals:
Pre-permit plan reviews: $25
Properties serviced by either well or septic:
Residential building permit review:
Residential accessory structures less than 400 square feet: $50
All other residential structures requiring a building permit: $100
Zoning certificate for residential accessory structure less than 200 square feet: $50
Commercial building permit review (except permits to alter an existing nonhabitable structure):
Commercial structure less than 400 square feet: $50
All other commercial structures that require a building permit: $200
Commercial properties serviced by public water and sewage: $50
Public event and music festivals: $75
Foster and adoptive inspection: $50
Campground permit: $100
Youth camp inspection: $25
Burning permit review: $25
Exotic bird permit review: $75
Food service facility licenses. [this section does not apply to bonafide nonprofit establishments as set forth in 26 U.S.C.A. § 501(C)(3) to (6).)]:
High priority facilities: $300
Moderate priority facilities: $200
Low priority facilities: $100
Seasonal open-air markets and snowball stands: $50
Temporary event applications:
Received 10 business days or greater prior to the event: $25
Received 6-9 business days prior to the event: $50
Received 3-5 business days prior to the event: $100
Received less than 3 business days prior to the event: $150
Mobile unit reciprocity: $150
Late fee - applications received or postmarked after date of expiration:
High priority facilities: $150
Moderate priority facilities: $100
Low priority facilities: $50
Reinspection fees:
Second reinspection for non-compliance: $100
Third and subsequent reinspection for non-compliance: $200
Food service facility plan review and change of ownership:
High priority facilities: $200
Moderate priority facilities: $150
Low priority facilities: $100
New HACCP review: $75
Annual operating license:
Public swimming pool (each): $200
Public SPA (each): $200
Pool operators certification card: $10
Reinspection fees:
Second reinspection for non-compliance: $100
Third and subsequent reinspection for non-compliance: $200
[Amended by Bill No. 24-013]
Cable television: $100
Each reinspection or unnecessary trip: $50
Telephone lines: $100
Each reinspection or unnecessary trip: $50
Gas and electric: $100
Each reinspection or unnecessary trip: $50
Driveway permits: $75
Includes one initial site inspection, one pre-paving inspection and one final inspection.
A $50 fee will be assessed for additional inspections.
Written notice of violation, working without a valid license or permit, issuance of a stop work order, in addition to regular fee:
First occurrence: $500
Second occurrence: $750
Subsequent occurrence (with administrative hearing): $1,000
Underground facilities marking.
For the purposes' of this subsection, underground facilities shall have the same meaning as specified in Public Facilities Article § 12-101(B)(B), Annotated Code of Maryland.
One-time initial marking: $35
Re-marking request: $15
[Amended by Bill Nos 13-49; 24-013]
The following fees shall be charged for electrical permits:
A $30 non-refundable application fee shall be applied to all permits in this section.
Flat rates.
One- and two-family dwellings, townhomes, condominium units, condominium shell building, apartment units and apartment shell building (includes all wiring, equipment, and appliances within the structure):
Up to 400 amp: $210
Over 400 amp: $310
Retrofit: same as addition.
Manufactured housing, modular homes and commercial modular structures.
200 amp and under: $100
Over 200 amp and up to 600 amp: $165
Over 600 amp and up to 1,000 amp: $200
Over 1,000 amp and up to 2,000 amp: $250
Over 2,000 amp: $450
Service entrance and feeders only:
200 amp and under: $100
Over 200 amp and up to 600 amp: $165
Over 600 amp and up to 1,000 amp: $200
Over 1,000 amp and up to 2,000 amp: $250
Over 2,000 amp: $450
Service for temporary wiring (for not more than 90 calendar days).
100 amp service with up to 30 outlets: $125, additional outlets charged as fixture outlets
100 amp up to 200 amp service with up to 50 outlets: $150, additional outlets charged as fixture outlets
Over 200 amp service or over 50 outlets: service plus outlet fees for new installations apply
Rough wiring or fixture outlets.
First 40 outlets: $105
Each additional outlet: $0.50
Swimming pool, spa, hot tub.
Circulating pump, fixtures, and receptacles: $125
Bonding only: $75 per trip
Wiring only: $75 per trip
Area lighting, isolated pole.
First unit: $50
Each additional pole: $13
Electric signs.
Branch circuit, maximum 7,000 VA: $70
Transformers and generators: $70
Motors and heaters: $50
Transformers, vaults or substations: $210
Air conditioners and heat pumps: $100
Low voltage wiring less than 50 volts:
Control panel, each: $75
First 20 devices: $75
Each additional device: $0.75
Plan review – to be added to permit fee (except for 1- and 2-family dwellings): $60 per hour charged in 1/2-hour. increments
Assumption agreement: original fee.
Hourly rate: $60
Minimum fee, wiring systems over 60 volts: $75
Reinspection, each: $50
Investigation fee (in addition to regular permit and license fees): $100
Written notice of violation, working without a valid license or permit, issuance of a stop work order, in addition to regular fee:
First occurrence: $500
Second occurrence: $750
Subsequent occurrence (with administrative hearing): $1,000
Ditches, each inspection: $60
Amendment of permit: $30
[Amended by Bill No. 24-013]
Except as provided for in Subsection E herein, the Department of Public Works shall charge a per-hour fee for the following:
Technical and engineering review of plats, concept plans, preliminary plans, site plans, sediment control plans, and extensions of erosion and sediment permits: $70 per hour
Inspections of sediment and control practices: $65 per hour
Enforcement of rules and regulations: $65 per hour
Fees shall be charged in 15 minute increments and invoiced monthly. Monthly invoices shall be delivered to applicant/customer for payment.
Grading and control permits shall be issued provided that the owner/applicant has not incurred an arrearage from any unpaid invoice exceeding 45 days past due.
Forest harvest permit.
Acres of Harvest Area
Fees for Permit
0 to 5
6 and above
Standard grading permits and standard stormwater plan permits. A flat fee of $175 each shall be charged for plan review and for all necessary inspections related to a standard grading permit and standard stormwater plan permit as provided in Chapter 214 of the Harford County Code, as amended. The fee shall accompany the application and request. In the event that no disturbance occurs pursuant to the permit, upon the written request of the applicant a refund of 50% shall be provided.
[Amended by Bill No. 24-013]
The Department of Public Works shall charge a per-hour fee for the following:
Technical and engineering review of plats, concept plans, preliminary plans, site plans, stormwater management requirements, and stormwater management computations associated with application of stormwater management requirements: $70 per hour
Inspections of stormwater management facilities: $65 per hour
Enforcement of rules and regulations: $65 per hour.
Fees shall be charged in 15 minute increments and invoiced monthly. Monthly invoices shall be delivered to applicants/customers for payment.
Stormwater management permits shall be issued provided that the owner/applicant has not incurred an arrearage from any unpaid invoice exceeding 45 days past due.
[Amended by Bill No. 12-12[1]]
As authorized by Chapter 256, Article VIII, of this Code, the following charges and fees are charged by the county for the purposes delineated:
Annual industrial waste discharge permit fee:
Category A: $250
Category B: $500
C categories.
Category C: $1,000
Category C-C: $1,500
Category D: $100
Annual septage hauler fee: $325
Industrial user/commercial user fee for treatment of BOD (TA): $73.00 per 1,000 pounds.
Industrial user/commercial user fee for treatment of suspended solids (TB): $86.00 per 1,000 pounds.
Industrial user/commercial user fee for treatment of phosphorus (TC): $810.00 per 1,000 pounds.
Industrial user/commercial user fee for treatment of nitrogen (TE): $427.00 per 1,000 pounds.
Septage and commercial waste user charge:
Thirty dollar per 1,000 gallons for septage and commercial waste discharged during fiscal year 2013; and
Thirty five dollar per 1,000 gallons for septage and commercial waste discharged during fiscal year 2014; and
Forty dollar per 1,000 gallons for septage and commercial waste discharged during fiscal year 2015; and
$45.00 per 1,000 gallons for septage and commercial waste discharged on and after July 1, 2015.
Editor's Note: This bill provided that "the rates enacted under Harford County Bill No. 95-41 shall remain in effect until July 1, 2012, and the special sewer use fees set by this Act shall be applied to sewer and septage usage during and after the first full billing period after July 1, 2012, unless otherwise changed by law."
[Amended by Bill Nos. 09-41; 13-49; 24-013]
The following annual fees shall be charged for the specified licenses and certificates of registration:
Electric certificate of registration (fees are per year, issued for a 2-year period).
[Amended by Bill No. 21-018]
Master electrician: $70
Limited electrician: $70
Restricted electrician: $70
Examination for any license: $60
Special examination (conducted at other than regularly specified times), in addition to regular fee: $80
Restoration fee: $40
Inactive master or limited: $60
Change of license information: $40
Plumbing certificate of registration (fees are per year, issued for a 2-year period).
Master plumber: $70
Journeyman plumber: $30
Master gas fitter: $70
Journeyman gas fitter: $30
LP gas fitter: $70
Fee for testing exams: $50
Mechanical certificate of registration (fees are per year, issued for a 2-year period).
Master: $70
Master restricted: $20 for each category, maximum $70
Master restricted heating
Master restricted forced air
Master restricted heating-hydronic
Master restricted ventilation
Master restricted air-conditioning
Master restricted refrigeration
Limited mechanical: $70
Journeyman: $30
Apprentice: $10
Licenses of operators.
Refuse and septic truck, each: $50
Solicitor: $40
County resident: $100
Non-county resident: $200
Itinerant dealer: $40
Pawnbroker: $175
Taxicab permits and licenses.
Taxicab driver's permit: $35
Taxicab owner's license: $125
Owner-operator permit: $35 (in addition to owner's license)
Replacement for lost or destroyed permit: $30
Medallion: $10
Mobile home park licenses.
For each approved lot: $10
Excise tax, each unit, per month: $10
Pet shop: $125
Pet shop and grooming: $175
Grooming business: $125
6 through 9 dogs: $150
10 through 25 dogs: $200
Over 25 dogs: $250
Dog licenses.
Annual fees.
Sterilized dogs: $8
Unsterilized dogs: $15
Senior citizens over 60 years of age, on the tag fees only, shall pay:
For sterilized dogs: $5
For unsterilized dogs: $8
Replacement of lost tags: $2
Dog licenses purchased after 45 calendar days from due date will be charged a late fee: $3
(Note: Fees for Subsections A, B and C below shall not exceed $5,000 in combination, if applied as 1 case, or in any 1 category, if applied separately. For a multiple request, the publication and posting fee shall be paid, plus the filing fee for each individual request.)
Appeal cases:
Publication and posting fee (all applications, including amended applications, except minor area variance): $200
Filing fee:
Variance from design requirements $250
Minor variances from design requirements (less than 20% of area affected): $50
Interpretation or appeal of a decision of the Zoning Administrator: $200
Expansion of nonconforming use and variance: $250
Variances from other requirements of the Zoning Code and modification of previous approvals by the Board of Appeals: $250
Special review cases (developments or projects requiring Board approval, i.e., special exception or special development):
Publication and posting fee: $200
Filing fee, residential projects: per application $550 plus $5 per dwelling unit
Integrated community shopping center: $600 plus $50 per acre
Miscellaneous special exceptions or special developments (not otherwise defined): $200
Cottage housing and day care centers: $100
Zoning certificates:
Untagged vehicle: $35
Temporary use: $50
All others: $50
Zoning reclassification cases:
Publication and posting fee (all applications): $200
Filing fee: $600 plus $10 per acre for each acre over 20 acres.
Forest stand delineation review: $100 plus $10 per acre.
Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Program amendments to management area boundaries: $500 plus $15 per acre.
Concept plan review (under special development regulation) $1,000 plus $20 per gross acre.
Forest Conservation Plan review $200 for all plans plus $20 per gross acre for plans greater than 5 lots.
Comprehensive rezoning review fee: $700 per application. This is in addition to the posting fee of $100 set forth in Harford County Code § 267-13D(2).
[Added by Bill No. 08-17]
Type of Subdivision
Subdivision Fee
Revision Fee
Residential lots (including mobile homes)
$100.00 filing fee, plus $50.00 per lot
$30.00 filing fee, plus $10.00 per lot
Multifamily and mobile home park
$100.00 filing fee, plus $30.00 per unit
$30.00 filing fee, plus $10.00 per unit
Commercial (subdivision or individual site plan)
$200.00 filing fee, plus $50.00 per acre
$75.00 filing fee, plus $10.00 per acre
Industrial (subdivision or individual site plan)
$200.00 filing fee, plus $50.00 per acre
$75.00 filing fee, plus $10.00 per acre
Extensions of preliminary plans for developments of:
More than 5 lots
1 to 5 lots
Final plats
$150.00 per plat, plus $10.00 per lot
Editor's Note: Former § 157-27, Food service facility fees, was repealed 5-31-2024 by Bill No. 24-013.
[Amended by Bill Nos. 04-13; 10-38; 12-09; 13-41]
Any van normally intended to haul cargo, materials, supplies and equipment with no side windows behind the driver and front passenger area.
Any disposal facility, as that term is defined in § 109-1 of the Harford County Code, operated by or under contract for or on behalf of the County, including any facility constructed at the cost of the County by another governmental entity.
Solid waste generated outside of the County to be disposed of at a County disposal facility when authorized by the Director of Public Works.
Any van normally intended for passenger use, containing side windows behind the driver and front passenger area, with an overall chassis length not exceeding 20 feet.
Solid waste shall be defined as that term is defined in § 109-1 of the Harford County Code.
Solid waste disposal fee. The following vehicles shall be charged the specified solid waste disposal fee and shall not be required to be weighed in at the weigh scales:
[Amended by Bill No. 23-009]
Automobiles and sports utility vehicles - $8.
Pickup truck with a bed up to 8 feet in length and a bed height no greater than 3 feet or passenger van - $11.
Single axle trailers with a bed up to 8 feet in length and a bed height no greater than 3 feet pulled behind private vehicles - $11. All other types of trailers and commercial trailers will be weighed on the scales.
Fees for all other vehicles. All vehicles which cross the weigh scales shall pay the following per ton tipping fee for all solid waste deposited at the County disposal facility, including out-of-County waste authorized pursuant to § 109-7.1.I, with a minimum tipping fee of $11: $117 per ton commencing in FY2024. Additionally, vehicles hauling contaminated materials or rejected recycled materials will be charged the tipping fee in effect at the time of delivery plus an additional unauthorized load fee equivalent to the tipping fee times the amount of contaminated materials or rejected recycled materials. In the event that the weigh scales at a County disposal facility are inoperable or because of a power loss cannot be utilized, vehicles shall pay the following fees:
[Amended by Bill No. 23-009]
Cargo van - $80.
Two-axle dump truck - $240.
Three-axle dump truck - $480.
Two-axle stake/open body/trailer dump - $240.
Three-axle stake/open body/trailer dump - $650.
Under 16 cubic yard front/rear/side compactor - $620.
Sixteen to 24 cubic yard front/rear/side compactor - $770
Over 24 cubic yard front/rear/side compactor - $900.
Semi-trailer - $2,040.
Roll-off bed under 25 cubic yards - $540.
Roll-off bed 25 to 35 cubic yards - $620.
Roll-off bed 35 cubic yards or larger - $690.
Reloading rejected waste - $260.
Fees for compost and mulch and yard trim.
[Amended by Bill No. 23-009]
The following fees will be charged for the sale of:
Mulch (per each cubic yard) - $10.
Compost (per each cubic yard) - $10.
Harford County citizens will be allowed three 30-gallon containers or bags of compost or mulch free of charge.
Customers who receive compensation to remove yard trim material will pay a fee of $20 per visit.
Fees for tire disposal. The following fees will be charged for the disposal of tires (private vehicles):
[Amended by Bill No. 23-009]
Automobile, sports utility vehicle or pickup tires off the rim - $4.00 each.
Automobile, sports utility vehicle or pickup tires on the rim - $8.00 each.
Heavy-duty truck equipment or trailer tires (must be cut into quarters) - $20 each.
Fees for freon-containing devices - $10 per device.
[Added by Bill No. 23-009[1]]
Editor's Note: This bill also redesignated former Subsection F as Subsection G.
Interest fees. Delinquent invoices shall bear interest at the same rate as established by the County Council and maintained at a rate consistent with § 123-27 of the Harford County Code. The rate of interest shall be assessed on bills that are past due by 30 days.
Editor's Note: Former § 157-29, Public swimming pool and spa permit, was repealed 5-31-2024 by Bill No. 24-013.
[Added by Bill No. 09-41; amended by Bill No. 24-013]
The following fees shall be charged for mechanical permits:
A $30 non-refundable application fee shall be applied to all permits and their corresponding fees in this section.
Residential uses to include one- and two-family dwelling units, multi-family dwelling units and apartments. Fees are to be charged per system installed per dwelling unit:
Heating and air-conditioning: $140
Heating system: $110
Air-conditioning: $110
Ductwork only: $110
Replacement system: $60
Nonresidential installations. The permit fee shall be based upon the estimated cost of the work which shall include the cost of the equipment, labor and materials. (Equipment cost shall also include the cost of any owner or third party mechanical equipment that will not be supplied by the mechanical contractor.)
$0 – 2,000: $60
$2,001 – 5,000: $80
$5,001 – 7,000: $100
$7,001 – 9,000: $130
$9,001 – 11,000: $150
Over $11,001, the fee shall be $150 plus $0.006 times the amount in excess of $11,000.
Reinspection or unnecessary trips: $50
Investigation fee (in addition to regular permit and license fees): $100
Written notice of violation, working without a valid license or permit, issuance of a stop work order, in addition to regular fee:
First occurrence: $500
Second occurrence: $750
Subsequent occurrence (with administrative hearing): $1,000
Plan review – to be added to permit fee: $60 per hour, charged in 1/2-hour increments
Hourly rate: $60
Amendment of permit: $30
Amend master plumber on permit: $60
[Added by Bill No. 24-013]
The Department of Public Works shall charge a per-hour fee for the following:
Technical and engineering review of plats, concept plans, preliminary plans, site plans and road/storm drain plans: $70 per hour
Inspections of construction practices: $65 per hour
Enforcement of rules and regulations: $65 per hour
Fees shall be charged in 15 minute increments and invoiced monthly. Monthly invoices shall be delivered to the applicant/customer for payment.
Road/storm drain and sidewalk public works agreements, along with road/storm drain plans, shall be issued, when appropriate, provided that the owner/applicant has not incurred an arrearage from an unpaid invoice exceeding 45 days past due.