This article is enacted under authority of Section 6109(a)(22) of the Vehicle Code[1] and gives authority to the Township to remove and impound vehicles that are parked on any street within the Township in violation of any provision of this chapter.
Editor's Note: See 75 Pa C.S.A. § 6109(a)(22).
The Township shall have authority to remove and impound or to order the removal and impounding of any vehicle parked overtime or otherwise illegally, provided that no such vehicle shall be removed or impounded except in strict adherence to the provisions of this article.
Removal and impounding of vehicles under this article shall be done only by approved storage garages that shall be designated from time to time by the Board of Supervisors. Every such garage shall submit evidence to the Board of Supervisors that it is bonded or has acquired liability insurance in an amount satisfactory to the Board of Supervisors as sufficient to indemnify owners of impounded vehicles against loss or damage to those vehicles while in the custody of the garagekeeper for the purpose of towing or storage. The approved storage garage shall submit to the Board of Supervisors its schedule of charges for towing and storage of vehicles under this article, and when the schedule is approved by the Board of Supervisors, those charges shall be adhered to by the approved storage garage. No different schedule of charges shall be adopted without approval of the Board of Supervisors, and no different charges shall be demanded of or collected from any person whose vehicle is removed or impounded under this article by any approved storage garage. The Board of Supervisors shall delete from its list of approved storage garages any garage that makes any unapproved charge in connection with any vehicle removed or impounded under this article.
The appropriate law enforcement officer shall give immediate notice by the most expeditious means and by certified mail, return receipt requested, of the impoundment and location of the vehicle or combination to the owner of the vehicle or combination and the owner of the load and any lien holders if the names and addresses of the owner and any lien holder are known or can be ascertained by investigation.
The payment of any towing and storage charges authorized by this article shall, unless payment is made under protest, be final and conclusive and shall constitute a waiver of any right to recover the money so paid. If payment of any towing or storage charges is made under protest, the offender shall be entitled to a hearing before a District Justice. Payment of towing and storage charges shall not relieve the owner or driver of any vehicle from liability for any fine or penalty for the violation of the provision of this chapter for which the vehicle was removed or impounded.
The Township shall cause a record to be kept of all vehicles impounded under this article and shall be able at all reasonable times to furnish the owners or the agents of the owners of those vehicles with information as to the place of storage of the vehicle.
No vehicle shall be removed under the authority of this article if, at the time of the intended removal, the owner or the person for the time being in charge of the vehicle is present and expresses a willingness and intention to remove the vehicle immediately.