[Adopted 8-1-2005 by Ord. No. 6054]
All propane tanks that are 100 pounds (25 gallons) or larger and the use thereof are prohibited within the corporate limits of the City of Parsons unless they are located on a cement pad, not located within a floodplain area, meet all building codes adopted by the City of Parsons, and are not within 20 feet of a residence or commercial building nor within 10 feet of a property line. Propane tanks located in residential areas shall be located in the rear of the residence away from the street. All plumbing pertaining to the propane tank installation must be inspected by the Building Inspector or his designee, with no connections to unvented and improperly vented heaters or heaters that do not have a gas regulator. In addition, residences with a basement using propane tanks shall have some type of leak detection system installed inside the residence. This restriction shall not apply to uses such as grills (not to include indoor cook stoves and ovens), recreational vehicles, or propane-powered vehicles and equipment, such as forklifts. This restriction shall not prevent the sale of propane tanks used in grills or a commercial business which derives the majority of its revenue from the sale of propane and propane tanks, in accordance with state and federal law. This shall not prohibit the use of standard-size heating tanks for temporary heating and for the use by construction companies and contractors for temporary installation on a building site. This temporary installation shall in no case exceed 45 days and must be approved by the Building Inspector.
All propane tanks prohibited in § 316-1 that are in use at the time of the adoption of this article and all propane tanks in use at the time property is annexed into the City shall be allowed to remain in use and not be considered in violation of this article.
It shall be unlawful for any property owner to be in violation of this article. Should the property owner fail to comply with the written notice to cease to use said propane tank, the public officer may file a complaint in the Municipal Court against such property owner, and upon conviction of violation of this article the property owner shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $100 or be imprisoned not to exceed 30 days or be both fined and imprisoned. Each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues after notice has been served shall constitute an additional or separate offense.
It shall be the duty of all individuals, companies or corporations desiring to sell propane within the City limits of Parsons for residential propane tanks of 100 pounds (25 gallons) or larger to register and obtain a license from the City. Propane providers covered by this section shall pay an annual license fee of $25 and provide the City Clerk with twenty-four-hour contact information for said providers. Upon obtaining the license fee and contact information, the City Clerk shall issue a nontransferable license to said provider. Each provider must check all appliances for new customers to ensure that the appliances are plumbed properly for propane.
It shall be a violation of this article to deny a public officer the right of access and entry upon private property at any reasonable time for the purpose of making inquiry and inspection to determine if a prohibited propane tank is in use. "Public officer" shall mean the City Building Inspector and Director of Utilities or their designees.