[Amended 5-14-2008 by Ord. No. 959-08]
There is hereby established a Department of Recreation and Parks the head of which shall be a Recreation Director who shall be an employee of the Township.
Purpose and Duties. Department of Recreation and Parks: The Department of Recreation and Parks shall implement, regulate and supervise recreational programs; shall operate and, in coordination with the Department of Public Works, maintain all Township parks and recreational areas; and shall establish rules, regulations, and fees for the use of parks and recreational areas.
[Amended 5-14-2008 by Ord. No. 959-08]
Creation, members, alternate members and organization. There is hereby established a Recreation Advisory Committee composed of five members and two alternate members who shall be residents of the Township and who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council. The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council, shall annually select from its members a Chairperson. The Recreation Advisory Committee shall select from its members a Vice Chairperson, Secretary, and such other officers as it may deem advisable.
Term of appointments. Initial appointments made of regular members shall consist of one member to serve for the remainder of the calendar year in which the appointment is made, two members to serve for the remainder of the calendar year in which the appointment is made and one additional calendar year, and two members to serve for the remainder of the calendar year in which the appointment is made and two additional calendar years. Initial appointments of alternate members shall be for the remainder of the calendar year in which the appointment is made and two additional calendar years. All appointments of regular and alternate members made after the initial appointments shall be for three years. Except for the initial appointments, all terms shall begin as of January 1.
Powers and duties. The powers and duties of the Recreation Advisory Committee shall be as follows:
Provide advice to the Mayor and Council regarding ordinances which affect recreation in the Township.
Provide advice to the Mayor and Council regarding the Township's recreational needs, including program, facility and equipment needs.
Provide advice to the Mayor and Council concerning fees for the various programs operated by the Department.
Confer with the Recreation Director concerning planning, coordination and implementation of balanced recreation programs for the Township.
Promote the advantages of recreational opportunities in the Township.
Survey the community regarding recreational needs and, in conjunction with the Recreation Director, provide advice to the Planning Board in its preparation of the recreation plan element to the master plan adopted pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-28.
Perform such other tasks as may, from time to time, be assigned by the Mayor and Council.
The advice required pursuant to Subsection C(1), (2) and (3) above shall be provided at least quarterly in the form of written recommendations containing cost and benefit analyses, potential schedules for implementation, together with justification for the demand for new services if any are being recommended. The Mayor and Council, or a subcommittee thereof, shall schedule meetings with the Recreation Advisory Committee to review and consider such advice.
[Amended 5-14-2008 by Ord. No. 959-08]
The Recreation Director will supervise the Department under the direct guidance and supervision of the Administrator and shall be an employee of the Township.
Bachelor's degree in recreation or related field from accredited college or university.
Two years recreation management experience, including training and planning, development, maintenance and management of recreational programs and facilities or equivalent.
Certification from the New Jersey Board of Recreation Examiners is recommended though not required. A candidate appointed without such certification should make every effort to obtain same within a period of two years from date of appointment.
If a candidate does not possess a Bachelor's degree, additional experience may be substituted on a year-for-year basis.
Duties. In addition to the powers and duties of department heads, pursuant to § 4-14, the Recreation Director shall:
Attend all meetings of the Recreation Advisory Committee and shall participate in discussions, but shall not have a vote. He/she shall also arrange for preparation of Recreation Advisory Committee meeting agenda and minutes.
Organize, oversee, manage, direct and operate all functions and activities of recreational programs.
Maintain an inventory of property and equipment and recommend, as needed, the acquisition of additional property and/or equipment for furtherance of the Township's recreational programs.
Inform the Recreation Advisory Committee and the Mayor and Council of grants available under state and federal programs and any other grant programs; prepare, process and complete applications as authorized by the Mayor and Council.
Review and, in consultation with the Recreation Advisory Committee, recommend to the Mayor and Council, fees for the various programs operated under the control of the Department.
Prepare the annual operating and capital budgets of the Department.
Discharge such additional duties as may from time to time be assigned either by ordinance or by direction of the Administrator or the Mayor and Council.
Receive communications, recommendations and reports pertaining to the Department and the implementation of recreational programs.
Oversee a survey and study of land areas, ordinances and existing recreational facilities in the Township and determine the suitability thereof for recreational purposes.
Recommend to the Mayor and Council programs, activities, functions and improvements which will economically but effectively promote the objectives and goals of recreation in the Township.
Recommend annually to the Mayor and Council a recreation program reasonably designed to serve all age groups, areas and recreational interests of the Township.
Appointment. The Recreation Director shall be appointed by the Mayor with advice and consent of the Council.
Compensation. Salary shall be in accordance with the salaries established and fixed by the Salary Ordinance. All other compensation and benefits shall be in accordance with the current personnel manual for all employees.
The Mayor and Council may, in its discretion, provide for and authorize the hiring of personnel to conduct, supervise, instruct and otherwise implement recreational programs established by the Township and hire such other personnel as it shall deem fit to maintain, repair and oversee various recreational facilities in the Township.
The governing body shall annually fix, determine and appropriate a sum in the general budget sufficient for the administration, operation, care, custody, policing and maintenance of all recreational and park facilities within the Township of Clinton.
[Amended 5-14-2008 by Ord. No. 959-08]
All monies received for the purpose of conducting recreational programs and activities shall be maintained by the Township Chief Financial Officer in a special trust fund and shall be used pursuant to the municipal budget duly adopted by the Mayor and Council for the purpose of defraying expenses of improving, maintaining or policing recreational and park facilities and for other expenses of the Department.
Rules and regulations for the use of recreational facilities are set forth in Chapter 198, Parks and Recreational Facilities.