Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meanings of terms used in this chapter shall be as follows:
The Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the "Clean Water Act," as amended, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq.
The Town of Liberty Chief Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator, or said person's duly authorized deputy, agent or representative.
[Amended 7-8-1996 by L.L. No. 4-1996]
BOD (denoting "biochemical oxygen demand")
The quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five days at 20° C. (68° F.) expressed in parts per million (ppm) or milligrams per liter (mg/l).
That part of the lowest horizontal piping of a building sanitary drainage system which receives the discharge from soil, waste and other sanitary drainage pipes inside the walls of any building and conveys such discharge to the building sewers, beginning four feet outside the inner face of the building wall.
That part of the horizontal piping of a sanitary drainage system which extends from the end of the building drain and which receives the discharge of the building drain and conveys it to a public sewer or other point of disposal.
A sewer designed to receive and transport both surface runoff and sewage.
A manhole with such necessary meters and other appurtenances in the building sewer to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement of the wastes.
The water discharge from any system of condensation, air conditioning, cooling, refrigeration or other sources.
The New York State Department of Health.
The Town of Liberty Briscoe Road Sewer District, Infirmary Road Sewer District, Loomis Sewer District, Loomis Extension Sewer District, Swan Lake Sewer District No. 1, Swan Lake Sewer District No. 2 and Youngs Hill Sewer District as applicable.
The septic tanks, lateral sewers, collector sewers, interceptor sewers, force mains, pumping stations, sewage regulators and other appurtenant structures owned and operated by the Town of Liberty Briscoe Road Sewer District, Loomis Sewer District and Loomis Extension Sewer District.
The trunk sewers and lateral sewers and other appurtenant structures owned and operated by the Town of Liberty Infirmary Road Sewer District, Swan Lake Sewer District No. 1, Swan Lake Sewer District No. 2 and Youngs Hill Sewer District.
An acquired legal right for the specific use of land owned by others.
Solid wastes from the domestic or commercial preparation, cooking and dispensing of food, or from handling, storage and sale of produce.
Any individual or commercial establishment with a classification as designated in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972 Edition, or any amendments thereto, as published by the Executive Office of the President and who utilizes the services of the Town of Liberty Briscoe Road Sewer District, Infirmary Road Sewer District, Loomis Sewer District, Loomis Extension Sewer District, Swan Lake Sewer District No. 1, Swan Lake Sewer District No. 2 and Youngs Hill Sewer District sanitary sewer systems.
[Amended 7-8-1996 by L.L. No. 4-1996]
The fluid wastes from industrial manufacturing processes, trade or business as distinct from sanitary sewage.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation or other duly authorized official of said Department.
Garbage (shredded or unshredded) refuse, woods, coffee grounds, sawdust, shavings, eggshells, bark, sand lime, cinder, ashes and all other discarded matter not normally present in sewage or industrial wastes.
Any person who obtains a permit for sewer connection.
Any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation or group.
The intensity of the acid or alkaline reaction of a solution in terms of hydrogen concentration (but is not a measure of the total concentration of acid or alkali present). The "pH" is expressed as the common logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen concentration in moles per liter:
pH = log
The Town of Liberty Swan Lake wastewater treatment facilities, Town of Liberty Loomis wastewater treatment facilities or the Town of Liberty Infirmary Road wastewater treatment facilities as appropriate for each sewer district.
Any dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, sewage, garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discharged equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt and industrial, municipal and agricultural waste discharged into water.
The man-made or man-induced alteration of the chemical, physical, biological and radiological integrity of water.
The reduction of the amount of pollutant properties in wastewater to a less harmful state prior to or in lieu of discharging or otherwise introducing such pollutants into a wastewater treatment facility. The reduction or alteration can be obtained by physical, chemical or biological processes, process changes or by other means, except as prohibited by 40 CFR 403.6, General Pretreatment Regulations for Existing and New Sources of Pollution.
Any privy, septic tank, cesspool or other sewage disposal facility owned and operated by a person other than a municipal sewage system.
The wastes from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of food that has been shredded to such a degree that all particles will be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers, with no particle having a dimension greater than 1/2 inch in any dimension.
A sewer controlled by public authority.
A natural watercourse or any other body of surface or groundwater into which treated or untreated sewage is discharged.
A sewer which carries sewage, and to which storm-, surface and groundwaters are not intentionally admitted.
The conditioned human waste matter collected from privies, septic tanks, cesspools and chemical toilets.
A combination of the water-carried wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions and industrial establishments, together with such ground-, surface and stormwater as may be inadvertently present. The admixture of "sewage," as above defined, with industrial wastes or other wastes also shall be considered "sewage" within the meaning of this definition.
The demand payment for the use of a public sewer and/or sewage treatment plant for handling any sewage, industrial wastes or other wastes accepted for admission thereto, in which the quantity or characteristics thereof exceed the maximum values as defined herein.
All facilities within the Town of Liberty Briscoe Road Sewer District, Swan Lake Sewer District No. 1 or Swan Lake Sewer District No. 2 for collecting, regulating, pumping and transporting sewage to the Town of Liberty Swan Lake wastewater treatment facilities; all facilities within the Town of Liberty Loomis Sewer District and Loomis Extension Sewer District for collecting, regulating and transporting sewage to the Town of Liberty Loomis wastewater treatment facilities; all facilities within the Town of Liberty Infirmary Road Sewer District for collecting, regulating and transporting sewage to the Town of Liberty Infirmary Road wastewater treatment facilities; and all facilities within the Town of Liberty Youngs Hill Sewer District for collecting, regulating and transporting sewage.
SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT (wastewater treatment facilities)
Any arrangement of devices and structures used for treating sewage at the Town of Liberty Swan Lake wastewater treatment facility, Loomis wastewater treatment facility and Infirmary Road wastewater treatment facility.
A pipe or conduit for carrying sewage.
Any user who:
Has a flow of 25,000 gallons or more per average workday;
Has a flow greater than 5% of the flow in the Town of Liberty Briscoe Road Sewer District, Infirmary Road Sewer District, Loomis Sewer District, Loomis Extension Sewer District, Swan Lake Sewer District No. 1, Swan Lake Sewer District No. 2 and Youngs Hill Sewer District wastewater systems;
Has in the user's wastes toxic pollutants as defined pursuant to Section 307 of the Act;
Has been identified as one of the 21 industrial categories pursuant to Section 307 of the Act; or
Is found by the Town of Liberty to have significant impact, either singly or in combination with other contributing industries, on the wastewater treatment or collection system.
Any discharge of water or wastewater which in concentration of any given constituent or in quantity of flow, for any period of duration longer than 15 minutes, exceeds more than five times the average twenty-four-hour concentration of flows during normal operation and which shall adversely affect the collection system and/or performance of the wastewater treatment works.
The State Pollution Discharge Elimination System established by Article 17 of the Environmental Conservation Law of the State of New York for issuances of permits authorizing discharges to the waters of the state.
STORM SEWER (storm drain)
A sewer which carries storm- and surface waters and drainage, but excludes sewage and industrial wastes other than cooling waters and other unpolluted waters.
Solids that either float on the surface of, or are in suspension in, water, sewage or other liquids and which are removable by laboratory filtering.
The Town of Liberty.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency or, where appropriate, a designation for the Administrator or other duly authorized official of said agency.
"Shall" is mandatory; "may" is permissive.