[Added 3-19-2007 by L.L. No. 4-2007[1]]
Editor's Note: This local law also repealed former Part 3, Access to Town Streets, Highways and Roads.
This Part 3 is adopted for the purpose of regulating:
The location and construction of utility facilities and other structures within the rights-of-way and bounds of streets, highways and roads of the Town of Liberty.
The location, design, construction, maintenance and drainage of access driveways and private roads within the rights-of-way and bounds of streets, highways and roads of the Town of Liberty, for the purpose of ensuring the structural integrity of such driveways or private roads, avoidance of costs to the Town of Liberty for returning Town streets, highways and roads to their original condition, economy of maintenance, preservation of proper drainage and safe and convenient passage of traffic.
As used in this Part 3, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A private road or drive providing vehicular access to any structure or structures, building or buildings, lot or lots or parcel or parcels of land.
The owner of land, or the owner's authorized agent, proposing to obtain access to a Town street, highway or road.
A road or drive which is owned and maintained by anyone other than the Town of Liberty, the County of Sullivan or the State of New York.
The Highway Superintendent of the Town of Liberty or the Highway Superintendent's authorized representative.
No work shall be performed within the right-of-way or bounds of any street, highway and road of the Town of Liberty involving the placing or repair of utility facilities or other structures, opening of the surface for any purpose, laying out or constructing driveways or roads or any other means of ingress or egress or altering of drainage without first obtaining a permit from the Town of Liberty.
Nothing in this Part 3 shall be construed to require a permit in advance for emergency repairs necessary for the safety of the public or restoration of service, but application for such permit and the fees shall be submitted as herein prescribed within five days after the commencement of the work.
Nothing in this Part 3 shall be construed as requiring permits for the installation of utility poles.
The application for a permit required pursuant to this Part 3 shall be on a form prescribed by the Town Highway Superintendent, who shall also specify the number of copies required. The application for permit shall be made to the Town Highway Superintendent and be accompanied by the required number of copies of a plan detailing the location and pertinent dimensions of the opening, the proposed installation and method of construction and related street highway features (width of traveled roadway, right-of-way lines, distance to the lot lines). The plan shall also provide details with respect to culvert or similar drainage devices, ditches, grades and any other features as may be required by the Town Highway Superintendent to determine the adequacy of such means of access.
The application for permit shall be accompanied by such fee as shall be fixed from time to time by resolution of the Town Board. The fee shall cover the cost of processing the application and the first inspection of the work. Fees for additional inspections will be based on the cost of making the inspections. Additional fees may also be imposed for the cost associated with any restoration work performed by the Town as may be required.
Drainage control.
No increase in the flow of water into existing drainage facilities of a Town street, highway or road or onto the property of some other person shall be permitted unless a drainage control plan is submitted to and approved by the Town Highway Superintendent and/or Town Engineer.
If an increase in the flow of water as described in Subsection A(1) above may occur, appropriate releases shall be obtained by the applicant from the owners of land receiving the increased runoff and submitted with the application.
In the event that the existing drainage capacity on the Town street, highway or road would be insufficient to handle the additional runoff brought about by this construction work, it shall constitute sufficient grounds for denial of the permit.
Work standards. All work shall be performed to the standards of the Town Highway Superintendent and/or Town Engineer, which standards the Town Highway Superintendent is hereby authorized to promulgate, and shall also be consistent with the safety needs of the public. Where traffic control is necessary, it shall be accomplished according to the standards as shall be specified by the Town Highway Superintendent. All standards promulgated by the Town Highway Superintendent and pursuant hereto shall be subject to and require approval of the Town Board.
Damage to public facilities. The permittee shall restore all pavement and shoulders to the condition that existed prior to performance of any work at the expense of the permittee. The permittee shall be responsible for repairing any failure of facilities within two years of completion of the work. If the permittee fails to comply herewith, the Town Highway Superintendent shall complete the necessary repairs and/or contract for the same and collect the cost and expense thereof as provided by this Part 3.
Driveway and private road location.
All driveways and private roads shall be located, designed, constructed and maintained so as not to interfere with the design, maintenance and drainage of the Town street, highway or road being intersected.
Driveways shall be permitted only at locations with adequate sight distance and which will not create a traffic hazard. Locations of private roads shall conform to the standards of the Town of Liberty subdivision laws, rules and regulations.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 130, Subdivision of Land.
Driveway design standards. All driveways must be constructed according to the standards promulgated by the Town Highway Superintendent and approved by the Town Board. These standards may be revised from time to time by the Town Highway Superintendent and shall be first approved by the Town Board, but such revision shall not affect pending applications under preexisting standards or driveways constructed prior to the enactment of this Part 3 unless an opening to the Town street, highway or road is to be changed or added.
Work schedule. All work involving cuts in the traveled portion of a Town street, highway or road must be started within 15 days of permit issuance. All such work must be completed with five days of work commencement.
Indemnification. The permittee shall fully indemnify and save harmless and defend the Town, its agents and employees of and from all liability for damages or injury occurring to any person or persons or property through or in consequence of any act or omission of the permittee and any contractor, agent, servant, employee or person engaged or employed in, about or upon the work but at the instance or with the approval or consent of the permittee, from any failure of the permittee or any such person to comply with the permit or this Part 3 and, for a period of two years after completion of the permitted work, from the failure of the highway in the immediate area of the work performed under the permit where there is no similar failure of the highway beyond the area adjacent to the area of the permitted work.
Revocation. The Town Highway Superintendent shall have the right to revoke or annul any permit issued pursuant to this Part 3 at any time should the permittee fail to comply with the terms and conditions upon which it is granted.
Assignment. No permit shall be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the Town Highway Superintendent.
Upon completion of the work authorized by permit, the Town Highway Superintendent shall cause the work to be inspected and, when necessary, enforce compliance with conditions prescribed by the permit and this Part 3. If the permittee shall fail to rectify any defect within 60 days of written notice from the Town Highway Superintendent to do so, the Town Highway Superintendent may cause the work to be performed and impose upon the applicant the cost thereof, together with an additional 20% of such cost to offset administrative costs.
All property owners whose property has an access driveway connecting with any street, highway or road of the Town of Liberty shall be required to maintain, at such property owner's sole cost and expense, the access driveway and all drainage facilities related thereto, including but not limited to any and all sluice pipes, culverts and/or conduits running underneath such access driveway and within drainage ditches or channels maintained by the Town along or within the bounds and/or rights-of-way of its streets, highways and roads. Maintenance shall include but not be limited to removal of snow and ice, garbage, brush, leaves, debris and any other materials that may interfere with the flow of water through the drainage facilities of any Town street, highway or road, as well as the repair and/or replacement of any such sluice pipe, culvert and/or conduit running underneath such access driveway and within drainage ditches or channels maintained by the Town along or within the bounds and/or rights-of-way of its streets, highways and roads. Notices of violations of this section may be issued by the Town's Code Enforcement Officer, at the direction of the Town Highway Superintendent. In the event a property owner fails to cure the violation within the time provided in such notice of violation, the Town Highway Superintendent may cause the required work to be performed and the necessary materials to be installed and impose upon the property owner the actual cost thereof together with an additional 20% of such cost to offset administrative costs.
Any person who shall commit or assist in the commission of any violation of this Part 3 or who shall build, erect, construct or attempt the same contrary to the plans or specifications submitted to the Town Highway Superintendent and by the Town Highway Superintendent certified and approved as complying with this Part 3, and any person who shall omit, neglect or refuse to do any act required by this Part 3 shall be subject to a fine of not more than $500, to be recovered by the Town Board in any court of competent jurisdiction. Every such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each day that such violation, disobedience, omission, neglect or refusal shall continue. Where the person committing such violation is a partnership, association or corporation, the principal executive officer, partner, agent or manager may be considered to be the person for the purpose of this Part 3.
This Part 3 is not intended to interfere with, abrogate or annul any other ordinance, law, rule, regulations, statute or provision of law. Where any of the provisions of this Part 3 impose restrictions different than any other ordinance, law, rule, regulation or other provision of law, whichever provisions are more restrictive or impose higher standards shall control.
The standards imposed by this Part 3 may be modified or waived in individual circumstances where health, safety or welfare concerns merit the same or where the occupancy would be temporary in nature, such as logging roads. Permits in such cases shall be issued with the exceptions deemed appropriate by the Town Highway Superintendent, provided that public health, safety and welfare will not be endangered. These standards also may be revised from time to time, but such revisions shall not affect applications pending under preexisting standards nor shall they have any bearing on private roads and driveways which were legally constructed prior to the original enactment of this Part 3, unless the same are proposed to be structurally modified so as to change or result in a new opening to a Town street, highway or road.