[Adopted 1-10-1991 by L.L. No. 1-1991]
This Article is enacted pursuant to Municipal Home Rule Law § 10 and the Vehicle and Traffic Law §§ 1203-a, 1203-b and 1660, Subdivision (a)25.
Thee purpose of this article is to implement Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1203-a by providing for the issuance and use of parking permits for handicapped persons and by requiring a designated number of parking spaces for handicapped persons.
The following definitions shall be applicable to this article:
Such person or persons within the meaning, intent and usage of such phrase in Vehicle and Traffic Law §§ 1203-a, 1203-b and 1203-c, and shall include a severely disabled person as defined by Vehicle and Traffic Law § 404-a, Subdivision (4).
Any person who does not have a permit issued pursuant to Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1203-a or pursuant to this article or a motor vehicle registered pursuant to Vehicle and Traffic Law § 404-a, but by reason of physical or mental defect or incapacity, is temporarily and significantly restricted in his or her vision or ability to walk, ambulate or move about.
Any motor vehicle, as defined by Vehicle and Traffic Law § 125, or motorcycle, as defined in Vehicle and Traffic Law § 123, or house coach as defined in Vehicle and Traffic Law § 119.
For purposes of this article, those definitions established or guidelines used by the State Advocate for the Disabled shall be applicable to this article and are incorporated herein.
The Town Clerk of the Town of Liberty is herein designated as the authorized issuing agent for special parking permits to handicapped residents of the Town of Liberty.
Upon submission of an application for a handicapped parking permit to the issuing agent and by submission of a statement from a licensed physician setting forth that the applicant is a handicapped person or is temporarily disabled and is in need of special parking privileges, the issuing agent shall issue a handicapped parking permit to the applicant, to be issued in accordance with the provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York and this article. Said permits may be issued on a permanent or temporary basis depending upon the applicants need as indicated by the physician's statement The issuing agent shall have authority to impose any other reasonable conditions upon said permit.
The issuing agent may suspend or revoke any permit or refuse to renew any permit upon finding that:
The applicant has made a material false statement in the application;
The applicant has used or permitted the use of the permit contrary to the conditions set forth in the permit and in this article;
The applicant has failed to comply with or observe any of the conditions of the application and/or of the permit; or
The applicant shall have failed to notify the issuing agent of any change of address or disability within 10 days after such change.
The Town shall designate certain parking spaces to be parking spaces for handicapped persons and/or temporarily disabled persons. These handicapped parking spaces so designated by the Town shall be set forth and maintained in a register in the Town Clerk's office located in the Town Government Center in the Town of Liberty.
The establishment of handicapped parking spaces by the Town of Liberty shall be in addition to any handicapped parking spaces that are established by the owners of real property in the Town of Liberty. It shall not be a defense to the prosecution of a violation of this article that a parking space which has been marked as a handicapped parking space is not designated in the register of handicapped parking spaces.
After establishment of specially marked parking spaces for handicapped persons or temporarily disabled persons by the Town of Liberty or any owner of real property, no person shall park any vehicle in such space or otherwise block or impede parking in such spaces unless a handicapped person or temporarily disabled person is either a passenger, driver or occupant of the vehicle and the vehicle displays a handicapped parking permit issued by the Town of Liberty or the vehicle displays a designation issued by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles pursuant to Vehicle and Traffic Law § 404-a.
The required number of handicapped parking spaces set forth herein shall apply as follows:
Any shopping center or facility with at least five separate retail stores and at least 20 off-street parking spaces which are provided for use by the shopping public must designate as only for the handicapped and clearly mark for use by the handicapped a minimum of 5% of such parking spaces or 10 spaces, whichever is less.
All other new and existing nonresidential sites that are available to the public having a parking area for 10 or more vehicles, including but not limited to stores, shops, restaurants, office buildings, warehouses, storage buildings, professional offices, convalescent homes, schools and public buildings, shall designate the following number of parking spaces:
Total Parking
(number of spaces)
Handicapped Parking
(number of spaces)
10 to 20
21 to 40
41 to 60
61 to 80
81 to 100
For all sites having total parking spaces in excess of 100, the number of handicapped spaces shall be determined by the Code Enforcement Officer.
Parking spaces for handicapped persons shall be located as close as possible to elevators, ramps, walkups and entrances and shall be so located that the handicapped person is not compelled to wheel or walk behind parked vehicles to reach entrances, ramps, walkups and elevators.
The exact location of parking spaces shall be determined by the Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Liberty.
Site plans submitted to the Planning Board and Town Board for proposed facilities shall illustrate compliance with this article. No site plan containing off-street parking shall be approved if not in compliance with this article.
The Town Board shall designate any person or persons on behalf of the Town of Liberty to conduct a survey of existing handicapped parking spaces for new or existing sites affected by this article and to coordinate and ensure compliance of such sites with this article.
Each space designated for handicapped parking shall be not less than 10 feet wide, in addition to an adjacent access aisle, which shall be not less than five feet wide and crosshatched on each side of a handicapped parking space. In the event that two handicapped parking spaces are adjacent, one common five-foot crosshatched area may be used to service the adjacent handicapped parking stalls.
Each space shall be designated by signs and white lettering against a blue background and bear the wording "handicapped parking" and shall display the international symbol of access. Each sign shall be at least 18 inches in height and 12 inches in width. Each sign shall be erected in the center of the handicapped parking stall at a point in the back of the stall so as to be easily visible to the driver of the vehicle when the driver enters the parking stall and the driver's car is in the proposed parking position. The center of each sign shall be at a height of four feet above the parking surface. There shall be one sign for each handicapped parking stall. Such signs shall be erected, installed and maintained by and at the expense of the owner of the real property upon which the handicapped parking stall is located.
Exceptions and variances from these standards must be approved by the Code Enforcement Officer.
[Amended 7-8-1996 by L.L. No. 4-1996]
Any person who violates the provisions of §§ 139-16 and 139-18 shall be guilty of an offense punishable by a fine not to exceed $250.
Any person who knowingly destroys or defaces any handicapped parking space or a sign or pavement marking designating such handicapped parking space shall be guilty of an offense punishable by a fine not to exceed $250.
In addition to any other penalty or cost provided herein, any person who knowingly refuses to provide the required number of handicapped parking spaces established by this article or any state law shall be guilty of an offense punishable by a fine not to exceed $250.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Art. V, Surcharge Pursuant to Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1808-d, which article comprised §§ 139-22 through 139-25, as added 10-18-2004 by L.L. No. 3-2004, was repealed 2-22-2005 by L.L. No. 3-2005.