The following regulations shall apply in all R-1 Districts.
The purpose of the R-1 District is:
To delineate those areas where residential development has occurred or will be likely to occur in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Lockport.
To upgrade the character of all residential areas in the City by requiring standards of land use and building bulk and size which more accurately reflect existing development.
To protect the integrity of residential areas by prohibiting the incursion of incompatible nonresidential uses.
Permitted principal uses in the R-1 District shall be as follows:
Single-family detached dwellings.
Public park and playgrounds.
Public schools.
Permitted accessory uses in the R-1 District shall be as follows:
Private garages.
Home occupations.
Auxiliary housing units.
[Amended 5-4-1988]
An auxiliary housing unit may be included within a single-family detached dwelling to accommodate a domestic employee or to accommodate not more than two members of the family otherwise occupying the dwelling who are about 60 years of age or handicapped or otherwise incapacitated to the extent that independent housing is not practical.
The auxiliary housing unit shall not exceed 500 square feet of space within the principal dwelling unit. Free and open access must be maintained between the dwelling and the auxiliary unit.
The permit for the auxiliary housing unit shall be valid for a period not exceeding two years or until the unit is no longer necessary, whichever comes first. Thereafter, it can be renewed, from time to time, for additional two-year periods upon proof satisfactory to the Planning Board that the circumstances warranting the original permit continue to exist.
Other accessory uses customarily incidental to the principal use.
Off-street yard parking space.
Special uses in the R-1 District shall be as follows:
Essential services and public utility structures.
Cluster development.
Planned unit development.
Private schools.
Municipal buildings.
Institutions of higher education.
Bed-and-breakfast residences.
[Added 5-4-1988]
Other permitted uses and restrictions are as follows:
Other customary accessory uses and buildings, provided that such are incidental to the principal use and do not include any activity commonly conducted as a business. Any accessory building or use shall be located on the same lot with the principal building. Such permitted accessory uses shall include the following:
Living quarters in an accessory garage for domestic employees of the resident of the principal building.
Garage space or parking space for not more than two motor vehicles. For each 2,000 square feet that the area of the lot exceeds 5,000 square feet, one additional motor vehicle may be garaged or parked; provided, however, that no commercial vehicles may be so garaged or parked, except one vehicle, 3/4 ton or less. Space for one motor vehicle, but not including a commercial vehicle, may be rented to a person not residing on the same premises.
On all occupied lots, at least one automobile off-street parking space or garage must be located on the same lot as the dwelling unit for each car to be domiciled. No required front or side yard except designated driveway space shall be used for the open-air parking or storage of motor vehicles, boats, trailers, campers, recreation vehicles, or parts thereof.
No more than one unlicensed vehicle that is not in any state of disrepair shall be parked or stored on a lot in a residential area.
[Amended 3-15-1995]
Customary agricultural operations. Existing farming and agricultural operations shall be permitted as outlined in Article XIX, Nonconforming Uses. In any residential or business district, no lot may be used or occupied, and no structure, accessory building or structure may be erected, altered or used for the breeding or harboring of poultry, bees, pigeons, horses, livestock, wild animals or farm animals.
No building in which farm animals are kept shall be closer than 100 feet to any adjoining lot lines.
No storage of manure or odor- or dust-producing substance or use shall be permitted within 100 feet of any adjoining lot line.
No greenhouse heating plant shall be operated within 50 feet of any adjoining lot line.
No products shall be publicly displayed or offered for sale from the roadside.
Garage or lawn sales. Products displayed or offered for sale from yards or garages of any property in an R Zone, are limited to two sales a year and a maximum of three consecutive days each. Permission must be obtained from the Building Inspector to hold these sales 10 days in advance of the sale.
Building height limit. The building height limit shall be 2 1/2 stories, but not exceeding 35 feet.
Percentage of lot coverage. All buildings, including accessory buildings, shall not cover more than 20% of the area of the lot.
Required lot area and width. The required lot area shall be not less than 10,000 square feet and a lot width of not less than 70 feet.
Yards required.
Except as noted below, each lot shall have front, side and rear yards not less than the depths or widths following:
Front yard depth: 40 feet.
Each side yard width: 10 feet.
Rear yard depth: 25 feet.
A detached garage, barn, toolhouse, shed, workshop or playhouse, for uses incidental to the use of the main building, may be located on the same lot, provided that it is a minimum of five feet from the rear of the foundation wall or any projection of the main building and may be located not less than five feet from the side and rear property lines.
Front yard depth on Davison Road from Akron Road to Walnut Street shall be 70 feet from the center line of said street.