[Amended 4-28-1997 by Ord. No. 1047-97]
Purpose. The Public Service (PS) District has been established to:
Locate institutional and community facilities where they are accessible to residents and central businesses.
Create a focal point for community interaction and activities.
Provide a transition between the structures and uses in the central business area and the residential neighborhoods.
Provide additional opportunities for limited office uses and retail activity outside of the commercial districts.
Permitted uses and structures.
Uses permitted by right. The following uses and structures are permitted by right within this district, subject to the supplemental use regulations of Article XII, if applicable:
All uses permitted in the RN-4 District.
Government building/facility.
Financial institution. [Refer to § 224-60C(4).]
Office center. [Refer to § 224-60C(8).]
Life-care facility. [Refer to § 224-60B(5).]
Nursing home. [Refer to § 224-60B(6).]
Medical clinic.
Group quarters. [Refer to § 224-60B(4).]
Day-care center. [Refer to § 224-60B(4).]
Commercial/trade school. [Refer to § 224-60B(2).][1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection B(1)(p), which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 11-28-2022 by Ord. No. 1557-2022.
Uses permitted by special exception. The following uses and structures are permitted by special exception within this district, subject to the supplemental use regulations of Article XII, if applicable:
[Amended 11-28-2022 by Ord. No. 1557-2022]
Rooming/boarding house. [Refer to § 224-60B(3).]
Church/religious use. [Refer to § 224-14C(3).]
Accessory uses and structures. Accessory uses and structures are permitted in the PS District in accordance with the provisions of § 224-59, Accessory uses and structures.
Lot area, width and coverage requirements.
Residential uses. Residential uses and structures in the PS District maintain the lot area, width and coverage requirements as the same uses in the RN-4 District.
Nonresidential and institutional uses. Lot area, width and coverage requirements for nonresidential and institutional uses in the PS District are contained in § 224-60 of Article XII, Supplemental Use Regulations.
Church/religious uses.
Lot area shall be 30,000 square feet minimum.
Lot width shall be 70 feet minimum.
Building coverage shall be 30% maximum.
Lot coverage shall be 60% maximum.
Front, rear and side yard setbacks shall be 20 feet minimum.
Yard requirements.
Front yards.
Residential uses and structures in the PS District shall maintain the front yard requirements for the same uses in the RN-4 District.
Nonresidential and institutional uses and structures are required to provide a front yard setback to satisfy the required sidewalk areas specified for such in the Chapter 197, Subdivision and Land Development.
Side yards.
Residential uses and structures in the PS District shall maintain the side yard requirements for the same uses in the RN-4 District.
Any nonresidential or institutional use that contains a dwelling unit or is adjacent to an existing residential property or residential district shall maintain two side yards which shall not be less than 30 feet in the aggregate width, and neither of which shall be less than 10 feet.
Rear yards.
Residential uses and structures in the PS District shall maintain the rear yard requirements for the same uses in the RN-4 District.
Nonresidential and institutional uses in the PS District shall maintain a rear yard of 30 feet in depth.
Building height. Structures in the PS District cannot exceed 80 feet in height unless specifically exempted by provisions in § 224-48D or Article XII.
Purpose. The Public Open Space (POS) District has been established to:
Recognize existing public parks and recreation areas within the City and ensure their future availability.
Offer a variety of parks and recreation activities to residents of all ages and abilities.
Provide opportunities for recreation in close proximity to neighborhoods.
Permitted uses and structures. The following uses and structures are permitted by right within this district:
Active recreation.
Passive recreation.
Accessory uses and structures in accordance with the provisions of § 224-59, Accessory uses and structures.
Lot area and coverage requirements. Lot area and coverage requirements for structures and uses permitted within this district shall comply with the standards set forth in § 224-60 of Article XII, Supplemental Use Regulations.