Editor's Note: See also Art. I of the Charter which is included at the beginning of this volume.
This code, together with any and all amendments hereto, if any, shall be known and may be cited as the "Rockland County Administrative Code." The purpose of this code is to set forth the details of administration of the Rockland County government consistent and in harmony with the purposes, intent and provisions of the Rockland County Charter.[1]
Editor's Note: The County Charter is included at the beginning of this volume.
Rockland County, upon adoption of this code as hereinafter provided, shall be and remain a municipal corporation under its then name and shall exercise all the rights, privileges, functions and powers conferred upon it by the Charter, this code or any other applicable statute not inconsistent with the Charter or this code, including all powers necessarily incidental to or which may be fairly implied from the powers specifically conferred upon such County.
The Charter and code provide a form and structure of County government in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of the Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York, and all special laws relating to Rockland County[1] and all general laws of the State of New York and all prior existing laws, acts and resolutions heretofore adopted by the Legislature of Rockland County shall continue in full force and effect to the extent that such laws have not been repealed, amended, modified or superseded in their application to Rockland County by enactment and adoption of the Charter and this code. Within the limitations prescribed in said Article 4 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, wherever and whenever any state law, general, special or local in effect, conflicts with the Charter or this code or is inconsistent therewith, such law shall be deemed, to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency, to be superseded by the Charter and this code insofar as the County of Rockland and its government are affected.
Editor's Note: A list of the Special Acts applicable to Rockland County can be found in the Appendix of this Code as Ch. A601.
All laws, including resolutions, ordinances and local laws, proceedings, legalizing acts, rules and regulations heretofore adopted which are contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of the Charter are hereby repealed. All of the laws of the state relating to the towns, villages or districts of the County of Rockland shall continue in full force and effect except to the extent that such laws have been repealed, amended, modified or superseded in their application to Rockland County by the enactment and adoption of the Charter and this code.
Wherever used in this code, unless otherwise expressly stated or unless the context or subject matter otherwise requires; the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The head of any administrative unit.
Any department, executive division, institution, office or other agency of County government except a bureau, division, section or other subordinate part of any of the foregoing.
Any agency authorized by the Charter, this code or applicable law, including but not limited to those authorized by § 224 of the County Law, to receive and expend funds for a County purpose.
The Rockland County Charter and all amendments thereto.
The Rockland County Administrative Code and all amendments thereto.
The County of Rockland.
A person elected from a legislative district to represent it on the Rockland County Legislature.
The elected legislative body of the County of Rockland.
Includes the Department of Purchasing, as specified in § C3.02, Subsection (w), of the Charter and such other units of County government under jurisdiction of the County Executive as may hereafter be authorized by the County Legislature.
A geographical area of Rockland County which is entitled to elect a County Legislator or County Legislators.
A majority of the whole number of members of the County Legislature and a majority of the whole number of the membership of the commission, committees, body or other group of persons or officers charged with any County public power, authority or duty to be performed or exercised by them jointly, and not less than a majority as required herein may perform and exercise such power, authority or duty.
The following design is hereby adopted as the official and standard design of the Seal of the County of Rockland:
Such Seal shall be used for all authorized and requisite purposes.