[Adm. Code §§ A103.1-A103.3]
The names of the streets hereinafter set out shall be changed as follows:
Former Name
New Name
Effective Date
Ada Street, between Cobb Avenue and Staples Avenue
Nola Street
Adams Street (Sec. 34)
Albany Street
Alcott Court
West Alcott Street
Bronson Court
Sally's Court
Buena Vista Street (Sec. 29), from Parkview Avenue to its northern terminus
Burrell Place
Lawrence Street
Cambridge Road
Dover Road
Carlton Court
Cadillac Street
Cherry Avenue
Redwood Avenue
Colon Farm Road and 12th Street, along the west boundary of the City, from Parkview Avenue northward to the north City limits
Drake Road
Crawford Court
Hickory Court
Crest Street (Sec. 17)
Lawn Drive
Edgewood Place
Westchester Lane
Elm Place (Sec. 16, only that portion of Elm Place lying west of Kalamazoo-Michigan Avenue connector)
Creek Street
Emerald Drive (Sec. 35 and 36, 3 noncontinuous loop streets from Cork Street to its southern terminus)
Pennway Street
Field Court
Fenwick Place
Fisher Court
Federal Court
Fletcher Place
Skinner Drive
Franklin Circle
Franklin Street
Fredrick Place
Evergreen Drive
Garfield Court
Vandersalm Court
Gibson Street
Cameron Street
Glen Road
Peake Road
Glenwood Avenue
Knollwood Avenue
Grand Prairie Street
Alamo Avenue
Hillandale Drive South (Sec. 33, extending from Hallandale Drive East to Lakeside Drive)
White Oak Drive
Hawley Court
Hawley Street
King Avenue
Kent Avenue
Lookout Street
LaRue Street
Madison Avenue
Sutherland Avenue
Melrose Street
Lay Boulevard
Michigan Avenue (Lovell to South)
Oakland Drive
Morgan Avenue
Farrell Avenue
Nelson Court
Stetson Court
Norwood Avenue (Sec. 29 from Parkway Avenue to its northern terminus)
Broadway Street
Parker Street
Pioneer Street
Penndel Street (Sec. 36 from Cork Street to its southern terminus)
Emerald Drive
Stearns Avenue
Buckingham Avenue
Sunnydale Avenue (Hill'N'Brook Plat)
Edgecliff Lane
Thomas Avenue
Centerridge Road
Upjohn Court
Patterson Court
Vande Giessen Road (South of U.S. 12)
Waite Avenue
Unnamed (U.S. 12-Lovell to South)
Michigan Avenue
Unnamed access street to Milwood Jr. High (Miller Road south to Cambridge Drive)
Balkema Street
Unnamed street providing access from Michigan Avenue to Elm Street
Elm Crossover
Unnamed street extending from Intersection of Kalamazoo Avenue and Westnedge Avenue to intersection of West Main Street and Michigan Avenue
Michikal Road
Unnamed (Section P-2, an east-west street located between Portage Road and the airport parking area)
Airport Drive
[P&L Code § PL813]
It shall be unlawful for any person to place, or suffer to be placed, any sign, structure, wire, encumbrance, encroachment, merchandise or obstruction upon, in or over any street or alley, or upon or over any sidewalk or crosswalk in the City, which shall in any manner impede, obstruct or prevent full, clear and free passage over the entire width of such street, alley, sidewalk or crosswalk. This section shall not apply to the use of any street, sidewalk, crosswalk or alley in accord with the provisions of any license or permit issued by the City for such use.
[P&L Code § PL714; amended 11-3-2003 by Ord. No. 1761]
It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, place, build or maintain, or cause to be constructed, placed, built or maintained, any fence, railing, wire or barrier of any name or nature, on any portion of any street or alley of the City, without having first obtained the written approval of the City Manager or his/her designee.
[P&L Code § PL718]
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to make any public address, beat drums, blow horns or assemble or gather for speaking, shouting, singing or playing of instruments in such a manner as to cause interference with the free passage of persons and vehicles on any public street in the City. This section shall not apply to parades and gatherings conducted in accord with a permit issued under § 33-5.
[P&L Code § PL717; amended 11-3-2003 by Ord. No. 1761]
No person or group of persons shall use any of the streets, alleys or public grounds in the City for the purpose of a special event, including special events at which food, drink, or merchandise is sold; or for a parade, march or gathering without first obtaining a permit so to do from the City. Application for an event shall be filed with the City Clerk, in writing, stating the time when and place where it is proposed to march or parade, or the public grounds intended to be occupied. Upon the filing of such application, a permit may be granted by the City Manager, or his/her designee; provided that, in the event that the place where it is proposed to march or parade includes any portion of a U.S. highway or state trunk line highway, the person or persons desiring the use of such highway must also obtain a permit from the state highway department, and without such permit from the state highway department, they shall be refused the use of any portion of such U.S. highway or state trunk line highway for the purpose of a parade, march or gathering. Any person who shall hold any parade or gathering without complying with this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
Any applicant for a permit for an event which has been denied by the City Manager, or his/her designee, may appeal the denial to the City Commission, provided that such appeal is filed in writing with the City Clerk's Office within 10 days of notification of the denial, and provided further that said appeal is filed no later than 21 days before the requested date of the event. The City Commission may adopt a resolution governing rules for such appeals.
[Added 3-28-1988 by Ord. No. 1437]
The City Manager may approve temporary closings of portions of streets, designated as local streets, for the purpose of neighborhood gatherings or block parties under such conditions as the City Commission may from time to time require. Permission to hold such block parties shall be requested by making written application to the City Clerk.
[P.S. Code § PS301.3417]
No open iron gratings or sidewalk lights shall be placed in any sidewalk or crosswalk on any street, alley or other public place.
[P.S. Code § PS301.3417]
No space under the surface of any sidewalk, street, alley or other public place may be occupied by any person; provided, however, that the City Commission may grant permission, by resolution, to occupy such space, under those specifications and regulations prescribed in such resolution. This section shall not apply to the occupancy and use of such space specifically authorized by other provisions of this article or other ordinance.
[P.S. Code § PS301.3417]
No coal hole, manhole cover, doorway or other opening shall be placed in any sidewalk on any street, alley or other public place in the City, without having first obtained permission to do so from the Department of Public Works.
[P. & L. Code § PL722]
It shall be unlawful for any person to use any elevator opening upon any sidewalk, alley, street or other public place in the City, unless a person is stationed at the opening of such elevator to warn and give notice of such use to other persons using the sidewalk, alley, street or public place.
[P. & L. Code § PL701]
It shall be unlawful for any person to pour or spill or permit to drip, upon any pavement laid on any street, alley or public place in the City, any kerosene, benzine or other similar oil or oily substance or liquid.
[P. & L. Code § PL704]
It shall be unlawful for any person to burn or cause to be burned, on any of the paved streets of the City, any leaves, dead grass or other substances, or to build or cause to be built any bonfires on any such street.
Editor's Note: See § 15-41 for provisions related to open burning.
[P. & L. Code §§ PL711, PL712]
It shall be unlawful for any person to move, propel, or cause to be moved or propelled, any steam boiler, traction engine or other heavy object into, along or over any paved street or alley, without written permission first being obtained from the City Engineer, designating the route to be used. No steam boiler, traction engine or other heavy object shall be moved or propelled into, along or across any paved street or alley, unless the wheels under the same are so guarded as to prevent such wheels from cutting, breaking or injuring the pavement. In the event such traction engine or other heavy object is propelled on corrugated wheels, equipped with lugs or studs, the City Engineer shall designate the method to be used to protect the pavement.
[P. & L. Code § PL707]
It shall be unlawful for any person to drain, from any building or premises owned or occupied by him, by means of pipes or any other device whatever, water or any other fluids to and upon any portion of the public streets of the City.
[P. & L. Code § PL710]
It shall be unlawful for any person to place, distribute or deposit, or cause to be placed, distributed or deposited, in or upon any public street, alley, sidewalk or public place within the City limits, or in or upon any public or private driveway therein, any tacks, nails, glass or other substance or material whatsoever, having a necessary or direct tendency to injure the tires of any automobile, bicycle or other vehicle.
[P.S. Code § 301.3416]
No person shall injure or destroy any sidewalk, crosswalk or driveway on any street, alley or other public place in the City, in any way or by any means. No person shall remove any sidewalk, crosswalk or driveway on any street, alley or other public place in the City, without first having obtained permission to do so from the Department of Public Works.
[P. & L. Code § PL715]
It shall be unlawful for any person to take down or remove any fence, barrier or signal, extinguish any light or remove or deface any sign used as a signal, where such fence, barrier, signal, light or sign has been placed in or adjacent to any public street or alley to warn persons of a place of danger or to protect them from injury until work lawfully being done is completed.
[P.S. Code § PS301.5]
For the purposes of this section, a "parkway" is that portion of a City street consisting of a strip of land lying either in the middle of the street between the travel lanes or along the side of the street between the travel lane (gutter, if present) and the sidewalk, or the property line, if there is no sidewalk, intended to be kept as a park-like space.
It shall be the duty of the Director of Parks and Recreation to maintain parkways located in the middle of streets.
It shall be the duty of all owners or occupants of premises to maintain any parkway located along the street in front of or adjacent to such premises in a good and park-like condition which shall, in all instances, be at least equal to the standard maintained throughout the neighborhood.[1]
Editor's Note: Former § 33-18, Owners or occupants of adjacent property not to permit snow, ice or rubbish to remain on sidewalks or alleys, P. & L. Code § PL707, as amended 4-6-1994 by Ord. No. 1573 and 5-7-2018 by Ord. No. 1964, which immediately followed, was repealed 8-19-2024 by Ord. No. 2092.
[Added 8-19-2024 by Ord. No. 2093]
Removing snow and ice from sidewalks. The owner of any property within the City shall be responsible for removing any accumulation or deposit of snow and ice from the public sidewalk adjacent, abutting, or adjoining the owner's property and maintaining the sidewalk in a safe condition.
Requirements for removal of snow and ice, and maintenance of sidewalk. The following requirements apply to the removal of any accumulation or deposit of snow and ice, and the maintenance of public sidewalks by property owners in the City:
The removal of any accumulation or deposit of snow and ice from a public sidewalk must occur within 48 hours of its accumulation or deposit.
Snow and ice shall be removed from the full width of the public sidewalk to expose the bare pavement of the sidewalk.
The public sidewalk shall be maintained in a safe and clear condition and treated to prevent ice buildup and slippery conditions by using sand, salt, or similar material, in addition to the clearing of snow and ice.
Depositing snow and ice on public sidewalks, streets, alleys, and crosswalks. The owner of any property within the City shall not deposit or cause to be deposited snow and ice from roofs of buildings, publicly or privately owned parking lots, driveways, and other off-street areas, upon any public street, alley, sidewalk, or crosswalk adjacent, adjoining or abutting the owner's property.
Upon failure of a property owner to remove accumulated or deposited snow and ice from a public sidewalk within the time specified, or to treat a public sidewalk to prevent ice buildup and slippery conditions by using sand, salt, or similar material, the City Manager or the designee of the City Manager, through City employees or contractors with the City, may cause the snow and ice to be removed, and the sidewalk to be treated to prevent ice buildup and slippery conditions by using sand, salt, or similar material.
The cost of removal of accumulated or deposited snow and ice from a public sidewalk when done by City employees or contractors with the City, and the cost to treat a public sidewalk to prevent ice buildup and slippery conditions by using sand, salt, or similar material, plus an administrative fee, shall become a debt owed to the City from the owner(s) of the property adjacent to, abutting, or adjoining the public sidewalk and shall be collected as any other debt to the City. If the debt is not paid after billing, the debt shall become a lien in favor of the City against the owner's property and shall be assessed the same as real property taxes are assessed and levied.
Depositing or causing to be deposited by any property owner in the City of snow and ice on any public street, alley, or crosswalk adjacent to, abutting, or adjoining their property, shall be a municipal civil infraction subject to a $100 fine and court-imposed costs.
Notice. Notice of the obligation of a property owner to remove snow and ice from public sidewalks, to maintain public sidewalks in a safe condition, and the prohibition against depositing snow and ice on public streets, alleys, sidewalks, and crosswalks, as well as the obligation to remove snow and ice so deposited, will be given annually each fall through a posting in a public newspaper in general circulation in the City of Kalamazoo and on the City's website. The notice, at a minimum, shall include:
The responsibility of the owner of any property in the City to remove the accumulation or deposit of any snow, or ice, from an adjacent, abutting, or adjoining public sidewalk the full width of the sidewalk to expose the bare pavement of the sidewalk within 48 hours of its accumulation on the public sidewalk.
The responsibility of the owner of any property adjacent to, abutting, or adjoining a public sidewalk to maintain a safe and clear sidewalk, and to treat the sidewalk to prevent ice buildup and slippery conditions by using sand, salt, or similar material.
The failure to remove the accumulation or deposit of snow and ice from a public sidewalk within the time specified will result in the City removing the accumulation or deposit of snow and ice with the cost of removal plus an administrative fee assessed against the owner(s) of the property.
The responsibility of the owner of property in the City not to deposit or cause to be deposited snow and ice on any adjacent, abutting or adjoining public street, alley, sidewalk, or crosswalk adjacent to, abutting, or adjoining their property.
Editor's Note: Former § 33-19, Deposit of snow on streets and sidewalks, P. & L. Code § PL708, as amended 5-7-2018 by Ord. No. 1964, was repealed 8-19-2024 by Ord. No. 2092.
Editor's Note: Former § 33-20, Removal of snow and other obstructions by City at expense of owner or occupant of adjacent property, P&L Code § PL709, as amended 5-7-2018 by Ord. No. 1964, was repealed 8-19-2024 by Ord. No. 2092.
[Added 9-7-1982 by Ord. No. 1268]
All references in this chapter to the "Department of Public Works" shall mean the "Department of Public Services." All references to the "Director of Public Works" shall mean the "Director of Public Services or his or her designee."
[Added 9-19-1988 by Ord. No. 1446; amended 4-16-2001 by Ord. No. 1720]
No person shall use any skateboard, roller skates, scooter, or similar contrivance for any purpose:
On any state trunk line highway or designated major street within the City, as established or designated pursuant to Public Act 51 of 1951, being MCLA § 247.651 et seq. (Map is available for inspection in the office of the City Clerk).
In any publicly owned or operated parking lot or ramp within the City.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, no person shall use any skateboard, rollerblades, roller skates, scooters, ride bicycles or any other similar contrivance at any time in Bronson Park, or any sidewalks adjacent to Bronson Park, except that sworn personnel of the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety may ride bicycles in Bronson Park in the course of their job duties. All other citizens must walk bicycles through Bronson Park and on adjacent sidewalks.
On any walkway, street, plaza, sidewalk, park or other publicly owned or leased property within the area bounded on the north by the north right-of-way line of Water Street; on the west by the west right-of-way line of Park Street; on the south by the south right-of-way line of Lovell Street; and on the east by the east right-of-way line of Pitcher Street, except such uses shall be permitted between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, and between the hours of 12:00 noon and 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, Sunday and holidays. (See map in the office of the City Clerk).
Any person who shall use a skateboard, roller skates, scooter or other similar contrivance on any street where permitted within the City shall not hinder or impede the passage of pedestrians or vehicles.
Any person who shall use a skateboard, roller skates, or scooter or other similar contrivance on a sidewalk, walkway or other pedestrian facility where permitted within the City shall yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians upon said sidewalk, walkway or other pedestrian facility.
No person shall ride on or in any manner use any skateboard, roller skates, scooter or similar contrivance which is being towed by any vehicle, bicycle or pedal-powered contrivance within the City.
Any person who shall violate this section shall be responsible for a civil infraction, as defined by RJA § 113, being MCLA § 600.113, for which a civil fine not to exceed $100 may be imposed, except that a fine of not less than $50 shall be imposed for a first finding of responsibility under Subsection A(3) of this section. For any violation of Subsection A(3) of this section occurring within one year of a previous finding of responsibility of that section, the fine imposed responsibility shall be at least twice the amount of the fine imposed for the previous finding of responsibility, except that no fine shall exceed $500.