For the purpose of this chapter, the following words and/or terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them by this section:
The Warren County Fire and Rescue Advisory Committee.
The Warren County Board of Supervisors.
The County Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company.
The Warren County Department of Fire and Rescue Services.
There is hereby established the Warren County Department of Fire and Rescue Services. The Department will consist of the established volunteer fire and rescue companies located in the county, those that provide emergency services routinely to the county but are not located in the county, their members, the Advisory Committee, the Chief and any such officers and employees approved by the Board and appointed by the Chief.
The Board of Supervisors shall appoint the head of the Department, who shall be known as the "Chief." The Chief shall have general supervision and control over the Department. He/she shall have full authority over the emergency scene in accordance with department rules and regulations. The Chief shall, after consultation with the Advisory Committee, establish rules and regulations for the operation of the Department. Such rules shall be consistent with the provisions of this article. The Chief shall have no jurisdiction over the internal affairs of the companies. The Chief shall develop and administer a program for the career personnel of the Department.