[Adopted 4-20-1992]
[Amended 5-8-2001; 6-17-2003; 6-15-2004]
Pursuant to § 58.1-3813.1, Code of Virginia, there is hereby imposed a special tax on consumers of telephone service within the County of Warren in the amount of $1.80 per month for each access line.
This levy shall not apply to federal, state or local government agencies.
The levy shall apply to all bills rendered on and after July 1, 1992.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Access by customers to the total telephone network. The levy shall apply to each access line separately.
A telephone service which utilizes a computerized system to automatically route emergency telephone calls placed by dialing the digits "911" to the proper public safety answering point serving the County of Warren. The "E-911 system" includes selective routing of telephone calls, automatic telephone identification and automatic location identification performed by computers and other ancillary control center communications equipment.
A functional division of a public agency which provides fire-fighting, police, medical or other emergency services or a private entity which provides such services on a volunteer basis.
A communications facility operated on a twenty-four-hour basis which first receives E-911 calls from the persons in an E-911 service area and which may, as appropriate, directly dispatch public safety services or extend, transfer or relay E-911 calls to the appropriate public safety agencies.
It shall be the duty of every seller or provider of telephone services to purchasers or consumers of telephone service within the County of Warren to bill and collect this levy on each telephone line rendered by it. The seller shall report and pay over all tax collected in any calendar month to the County Treasurer on or before the last day of the second calendar month thereafter. The seller shall, upon payment of the tax collected hereunder, report to the County Treasurer the name and address of all purchasers or consumers of telephone services who have failed to pay the tax imposed by this article.
The seller shall keep complete records showing all purchases of telephone service to consumers in the County, which records shall show the date of service, the date of billing, the date of payment thereof and the amount of tax imposed hereunder. Such records shall be available for inspection by the duly authorized agents of the County at reasonable times.
As full compensation for its services hereunder, the seller shall be allowed 3% of the amount of tax due and accounted for in the form of a deduction in submitting the return and paying the amount due by it to the County.
The tax collected is to be appropriated solely for the initial capital, installation and maintenance costs of the enhanced 911 system or any other operating expenses permitted under § 58.1-3813, Code of Virginia. The County Treasurer shall deposit all levies collected and remitted from providers of the telephone service into the general fund with a separate accounting by this article.
The area of Warren County served by the Shenandoah Telephone Company shall pay the E-911 service tax as established by the Shenandoah County E-911 Emergency Telephone System Ordinance as prescribed in a joint agreement between the County of Shenandoah and the County of Warren pursuant to § 58.1-3813A, Code of Virginia.
Any purchaser failing, refusing or neglecting to pay the tax herein imposed or levied and any seller violating the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $100. Each failure, refusal, neglect or violation and each day's continuance shall constitute a separate offense.