[Adopted 6-4-1996]
A partial exemption of real estate taxes for a period of 10 years shall be provided for the substantial rehabilitation of any structure 50 years or older within any area designated as an historic zoning district by the Town of Front Royal or the County of Warren or to a structure which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places or the Virginia Landmarks Register. For the purposes herein, substantial rehabilitation shall involve an investment of at least 40% of the prerehabilitated assessed value of the structure.
The partial exemption shall be equal to the increase in assessed value resulting from the rehabilitation. Rehabilitations cannot replace the original structure. Increases in total square footage may be permitted up to a maximum of 15% of the original structure.
The exemption shall commence on January 1 of the year following completion of the rehabilitation and shall run with the real estate for a period of 10 years. An increase in an assessment occurring after the first year of the exemption shall not result in an increase in the exemption.
No property shall be eligible for such exemption unless the appropriate certificate of appropriateness and building and occupancy permits have been acquired and the Commissioner of Revenue has verified that the rehabilitation indicated on the application has been completed. Such rehabilitation shall be completed within two years of issuance of the building permit for the work. The Board of Supervisors, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Revenue, may extend the deadline for completion of the rehabilitation for up to two additional years if the Board determines reasonable progress has been made toward completion of the project.
An application for such a partial exemption must be made to the Commissioner of Revenue on such forms as may be designated by the Commissioner of Revenue. An application fee of $25 shall be required to be paid to the County prior to the processing of such application.