[Adopted 7-15-2003]
A service charge is hereby levied and imposed upon the property of the Virginia Port Authority and its instrumentalities located within Warren County. The service charge shall be based on the assessed value of such tax-exempt real estate and the amount of cargo tonnage shipped through such property in the year preceding the year in which such charge is assessed.
Calculation of service charge.
The service charge shall be determined by adding:
The assessed value of the Virginia Port Authority real property in Warren County divided by the total assessed value of real property owned by the Virginia Port Authority in all counties, cities, or towns; and
The Virginia Port Authority cargo tonnage shipped through Warren County divided by the total Virginia Port Authority cargo tonnage shipped through all counties, cities and towns.
Such service charge rate for Warren County shall then be applied to the product of the total Virginia Port Authority cargo tonnage multiplied by $0.25.
In no event shall the service charge rate exceed the real estate tax rate of Warren County.
The Governor and the Virginia Port Authority shall be notified in writing at least 12 months prior to the effective date of such local ordinance.