[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Warren County 2-6-1989. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Building construction — See Ch. 76.
This chapter may be known and referred to as the "Warren County Tradesmen Certification Standards."
[Amended 7-15-2008]
The Building Inspection Department is hereby designated to act as the enforcing agency for the enforcement of this chapter and of the Virginia Tradesmen Certification Standards (hereinafter referred to as "Standards"), duly adopted by the Virginia Board of Housing and Community Development under authority of §§ 36-99 and 36-105, Code of Virginia, which Standards are incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof. Enforcement shall be according to the terms of this chapter.
The enforcement of the Tradesmen Certification Standards shall be instituted by the Building Inspection Department in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Tradesmen Certification Standards.
Every person making application for examination pursuant to this chapter shall pay a fee of $10. Application paid pursuant to this chapter shall not be refunded to either successful or unsuccessful applicants.
The Warren County Board of Building Code Appeals is hereby designated as the appeals board to hear appeals arising from the application or interpretation of the Tradesmen Certification Standards.
The Building Inspection Department shall establish such procedures or requirements as may be necessary for administration and enforcement of this chapter. The procedures are to be approved by the Board of Supervisors.
In addition to the exception contained in the Standards, any person who has maintained a business license in Warren County continuously since January 1, 1987, or any tradesman who can establish by satisfactory proof that he has been employed on a full-time basis in his trade continuously since January 1, 1984, shall be eligible for a journeyman certificate without further examination or certification. Those persons so eligible for a journeyman certificate under this section may work in their trade as a master for a period of one year from the effective date of this chapter without being required to possess a master's certification.
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to any person who engages in or offers to engage in, for the general public, for compensation, plumbing, building-related mechanical or electrical work in Warren County.
No helper or laborer shall be employed to assist with any electrical, plumbing or building-related mechanical work that requires a building permit unless he is under the supervision of a properly certified plumber, electrician or building related mechanical worker.
The Building Official is hereby appointed as the agent for the purpose of examining and determining applicants' qualifications for certification in their trade. The agent shall receive applications for certification of plumbers and building-related mechanical or electrical workers, shall examine all such applicants, shall grant certificates in accordance with the standards established pursuant to Title 54.1, Chapter 11, §§ 54.1-1106 and 54.1-1108, Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, and pursuant to the Virginia Tradesman Certification Standards promulgated and issued by the Virginia Board of Housing and Community Development, and shall deny certification to those applicants who cannot successfully meet these standards. The agent shall enforce all the provisions of this chapter and shall utilize the procedures for certification as prescribed herein.
Every person who engages in or offers to engage in, for the general public, for compensation, plumbing, building-related mechanical or electrical work in Warren County shall first make a written application to the agent for certification and shall be certified or exempted from certification as set forth in this chapter. An application form as is prescribed by the agent shall be used. Such application form shall be accompanied by a fee established by the governing body.
The Warren County Board of Building Code Appeals shall hear appeals concerning the application of this chapter or from a decision of the agent. Applications for appeals must be in writing and made within 90 days of receipt of the decision of the agent or the certification board. The Board of Building Code Appeals must meet within 20 working days of the filing of an appeal and hear said appeal. All hearings shall be public and conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Administration Process Act, § 9-6.14, Code of Virginia. The agent shall take immediate action in accordance with the decision of the Board of Building Code Appeals. Appeals from the Warren County Board of Building Code Appeals shall be made to the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Housing and Community Development, within 15 days of receipt of the decision of the Warren County Board of Building Code Appeals. Appeals from a decision of the Department shall be to the court of the original jurisdiction in accordance with the Administration Process Act.