[HISTORY: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Hudson by Ord. No. 1-81 as Ch. 13, Secs. 13.10 and 13.11 of the 1981 Code; amended by Ord. No. 26-88. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes all motor vehicles regularly engaged in the business of carrying passengers for hire for which public patronage is solicited, excepting such vehicles as operate on established routes and are regulated by the State Public Service Commission and excepting such vehicles commonly known as "rent-a-cars" and excepting vehicles operated as car pools.
No person shall transport passengers for hire by taxicab within the city, nor shall any person solicit passengers to be transported for hire by taxicab, without first having obtained a license therefor as herein provided.
Application for a taxicab license to convey passengers for hire, commonly known as "taxi service," shall be made, in writing, to the City Clerk, and said application shall be verified under oath and shall furnish the following information:
The name and address of the applicant. If the owner is a partnership, the form shall state the name of the company and the names and addresses of the partners, and the application shall be signed by one of the partners. If the owner is a corporation, the names and addresses of the principal officers must be given, and the application must be signed by one of the duly elected officers of the corporation.
The experience of the applicant in the transportation of passengers. The number of vehicles to be operated or controlled by the applicant and the location of proposed depots and terminals.
The make, model and year of the manufacture, the engine number, factory number and capacity for passengers and the state certificate of title number and license plate number for the current year of each motor vehicle to be used in the business.
The color scheme or insignia to be used to designate the vehicle and vehicles of the applicant.
Such further information as the City of Hudson may require. No license shall be issued until the applicant presents a policy or certificate of insurance herein required to the City Clerk.
Editor's Note: Former § 220-4, Public hearing; approval of application, as amended, was repealed 5-6-2024 by Ord. No. 5-24.
[Amended 8-3-2009 by Ord. No. 11-09]
The fee for a taxicab license shall be $100 per year for the first vehicle operated in such business and $25 per year for each additional vehicle so operated. The fee shall not be prorated or refundable.
No license issued under this chapter shall be transferable from the owner described in the original license to another person.
[Amended 8-3-2009 by Ord. No. 11-09; 5-6-2024 by Ord. No. 5-24]
Upon filing with the City Clerk proof of all fees, the policy or certificate of insurance and a certificate of inspection as provided herein, the Clerk shall issue a license for the operation of such vehicle or vehicles, and each license granted shall be given a number and shall give the number and an adequate description of the taxicab licensed thereunder, and such license shall be carried in the taxicab for which it has been issued. The license period shall be from July 1 through June 30 yearly.
No license shall be issued for any vehicle until it has been thoroughly inspected and found to be in safe condition for the transportation of passengers. In addition to being mechanically safe, such vehicle shall be clean and free of body damage and shall be well painted and maintained. The safety inspection provided herein shall be done by an automobile repair center, which shall certify that the inspected vehicle meets the provision of this chapter. No vehicle shall be placed in service until such time as it has been inspected, and each vehicle licensed shall be subject to reinspection and recertification every six months.
No taxicab license shall be issued for any vehicle under this chapter until the applicant deposits a policy or certificate of liability insurance covering each vehicle for which a license is sought with the City Clerk. Such policy of insurance shall be issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Wisconsin and shall contain the vehicle identification number and the number of the state license plate for each vehicle covered by the policy, and such policies shall indemnify the applicant in the amount of $500,000 single limit liability coverage for the injury or death of one or more persons and damage to the property of others for any one accident due to the negligent operation of any vehicle covered by such policy.
[Amended by Ord. No. 25-95; 5-2-2011 by Ord. No. 8-11]
Form approval and expiration notice. The policy shall contain a provision that the same may not be canceled before the expiration of its term, except upon 30 days' written notice to the city. Further, the licensee shall assure that the insurance carrier provides the city with copies of all insurance expiration and cancellation notices and copies of all notifications of reinstatement of insurance coverage.
Automatic revocation of license. The cancellation or other termination of any insurance policy issued in compliance with this chapter shall automatically revoke and terminate all licenses issued for any vehicle covered by such policy unless another policy complying with this chapter is provided and in effect at the time of such cancellation or termination.
Responsibility of licensee and surety. In any event, the licensee and the surety will be held responsible for and shall save the city, its employees and agents harmless from all liability for injury and damages occasioned by the taxi operation or which may result therefrom or which may result in any way from the negligence or carelessness of the licensee, his agents, employees or workers or by reason of the elements, unforeseen or unusual difficulties, obstructions or obstacles encountered in the service delivery, and they shall indemnify the city, its employees and agents for and save it harmless from all claims and liabilities, actions and causes of action and liens for materials furnished or labor performed in service delivery and from all costs, charges and expenses incurred in defending such suits or actions and from and against all claims and liabilities for injury or damage to persons or property emanating from defective or careless work methods or accidents.
[Amended 3-28-2011 by Ord. No. 6-11]
No person shall operate a taxicab for hire upon the streets of the City of Hudson, and no person who owns or controls a taxicab shall permit it to be so driven, and no taxicab licensed by the City of Hudson shall be so driven at any time for hire, unless the driver of said taxicab shall have first obtained and shall have in force a taxicab driver's license issued under the provisions of this chapter. No license shall be issued if the applicant is delinquent in payment of any taxes, assessments, forfeitures for violations of City ordinances, utility bills, or any other claims owed to the City. Each applicant for a taxicab driver's license shall be at least 18 years old, and the application shall show the following:
The experience of the applicant in the transportation of passengers.
The educational background of the applicant.
A concise history of the applicant's prior employment.
Payment of the ten-dollar annual taxicab driver license fee.
A driver's license may be suspended or revoked at any time for violation of any provisions of this section or of Chapter 235, Vehicles and Traffic, Article I, Traffic Code, or any other ordinance of the city pertaining to traffic or public safety. Such revocation may be by the City Council or by the judge of any court before which such driver may appear for any offense relating to the driver's fitness for the activity such license has been issued for. Any driver whose license has been revoked under this section may again be licensed as a driver in the city, provided that a new license is granted him by the City Council. No driver shall again be licensed whose license has been revoked by a judge unless such judge has given approval for the issuance of a new license.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Sec. 13.10(4), Taxicab quota, which immediately followed this section, was deleted by Ord. No. 33-94.
Except as otherwise provided, any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall be subject to a penalty as provided in Chapter 1, § 1-18, of this Municipal Code.